Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Brief Summary up to the present story:
We find ourselves in John chapter 6 with a group of people following the Lord.
His Fame had started to increase through every miracle he performed.
As the news began to spread more and more people we're attracted to him.
As Jesus performed miracles he would then go on to explain the significance of what he was doing.
After the explanation, many people simply walked away.
The Interesting Conclusion made by the men in verse 14
In verse 14 we see an interesting conclusion made by some of those that had been satisfied by the lunch Jesus just provided.
The lack of understanding in the timeline of events
We must remember that this group of people in the first century did not have a full understanding of the Kingdom that was promised in the Old Testament.
God's people at this time were sorely oppressed by the Roman government.
Israel had, for the previous five hundred years, rejected the council of God.
Due to this wholesale rejection of the statutes of God, various Gentile powers we're allowed to expand and control great regions of the world.
Daniel's Dream Interpretation
In Daniel chapter 2 we find an interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar's dream that summarizes this period in history.
The interpretation culminates in a kingdom set up by God.
It is a Kingdom that will destroy the previous Gentile kingdoms.
It is a kingdom that will be brought down by God and one that will have no end!
Isaiah's Prophecy concerning the Kingdom
Quote: Thus, Christ’s kingdom will come, not by evolution, not by a gradual leavening of mankind by the gospel, but by divine intervention.
It will be imposed sovereignly on the world by God.
The returning Christ of God, the "stone cut out ... without hands," will crush all of His foes.
He will raise up a kingdom that will embrace the whole world: the glorious millennial kingdom heralded by Isaiah and other Old Testament prophets.
-John Phillips
Isaiah 62:1-4
So in summary these men and the whole of Israel were looking for a deliverer and a king.
However, they wanted to define what that looked like on their own terms.
They wanted to "take Jesus by force".
In many ways we are no different today.
We want to mold Jesus into what we want him to be.
We don't want to be conformed to the image of Christ we want Christ to be conformed to the image we have made for Him.
I want us to see two contrasting responses to Jesus Christ found in John chapter 6.
I.By Forcefully Restraining
A. A Contemporary Jesus
The contemporary Christian movement is on every corner of every city and town in our country.
We have churches filled with people that are being served the world on a "Christian platter".
* Contemporary Music
* Contemporary - Non Confrontational - Non Judgmental Preaching
"for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine"
* Complete lack of substance - its just religious mush!
B. A Culturally Relevant Jesus
Our culture is constantly changing and there is an ever increasing cry to make the church more relevant.
To make the church more palatable.
Homosexuality is becoming increasingly popular in America, but it is still disgusting to God.
Illustration: Andy Stanley sermon entitled "When Gracie meets Truthy"
Illustration: Commercials - television shows - movies - all geared around the wholesale societal acceptance of an "alternative lifestyle"
Differentiate between a man and a woman but God has made them different.
Illustration: Can you believe that in America we are telling people that we cannot have separate bathrooms?
The whole of our society is hyper concerned with offending someone and its crept into Christianity.
What about offending God?
Well, we don't have to worry about that if we can take Jesus by force and make him "Culturally relevant"!
C. A Convenient Jesus
Illustration: Using leftover food at the restaurant I worked at during a banquet the following day.
It was convenient but it was what was left over!
Jesus is not looking for your leftovers!
Its not convenient to
Make Church attendance a Priority
Make Bible Study and Prayer a Priority
Get involved in church outreach
D. A Complementary Jesus
Many times we want to write the story and put Jesus' name at the bottom.
We are going to do things our way and just #Jesus!
Illustration: Going to "Charming Charlies" with Amanda - they have every accessory for every color - for every outfit
The Jesus Christ of the Bible is not an accessory!
The Jesus Christ of the Bible is not a Christmas Tree ornament!
By Freely Receiving
A. For the Saint
We have received him as our Saviour - lets not reject him as our Sovereign Lord
B. For the Sinner
i. Recognize your Need
Repent of your Sin
Illustration: Repentance is emptying your hands of all your self righteousness and whatever you are trusting!
Receive the Gift of Eternal Life
Jesus is better than anything you could ever imagine.
The problem with these men in John chapter six and frankly our problem as well at times, is we think we know better than God.
I can promise you that Jesus does not need our assistance!
We are not conforming Jesus - He is conforming us to His image by His Spirit!
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9