Wednesday, January 18th, 2017 - PM - Returning to the Place of God's Blessings (Mal. 3:7-12)
And God's word matters matters very much. I appreciate the songs that brother Mike had for us tonight. And if I didn't know better, I'd say pilfered my nose, but I know he couldn't do that because well, I don't even have my notes yet. Just kidding. I've got kind of a general idea where we're going, but I don't have a hand out for you tonight. But there's no way he could have known what I've been studying and what I've been reading and what I've been preparing.
But the second song We sang make me a blessing. The Bible verse to that song that's included in our hymnals Zechariah Chapter 8 verse number 13 listen to it because this is the truth that everything I'm going to tell you to unite hinges on.
Zacharias prophesying and he says and it shall come to pass that as ye Israel were a curse among the Heathen o house of Judah in particular and the house of Israel. So will I save you and you shall be a blessing who's going to be a blessing Judah and Israel are not but let your hands be strong. So as we think about us being a blessing to others one day. God's going to fulfill all his promises to Israel. Now, I take you over to our study tonight join me. If you would in the scriptures in the Book of Malachi the last book of the Old Testament or closing down our studies of the Old Testament Malachi. We have come to chapter number three. So we are just on the brink of a 400 years silence that is going to be first open wide by these words. Prepare ye the way of the Lord repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand John. The Baptist will break that silence leading up to that silence here. We have Malachi's prophesy again, and I believe we would put him in the time frame of Nehemiah and Sonia Maya if you want that historical book that closes the Old Testament Nehemiah is the last thing that we read is real doing before that silence and before Matthew in the New Testament Malachi would be the prophet that prophesied alongside Nehemiah the governor. So you had people like Zechariah And Hagee, I that prophesied along Governor such as zerubbabel in the high priest Joshua that was when they first returned after the Captivity now at the close of the return after the Captivity you have me Amaya picking up the working and encouraging God's people along with Ezra The Scribe and you have prophets like Malachi who comes with a burden a burden of the word of the Lord now if there's anybody who would have showed up to preach one day and said boy, could I just preach something else? I think could be Malachi. Lord are you sure this is the message that you want me to deliver? Can I tell you sometimes as preachers the message can be a burden? No, I don't mean that in a negative way because it's a burden I gladly bear anytime the Lord calls on that and if we're going to be faithful to preach the whole counsel of God, eventually, we're going to to come to some areas That's Heavy. That is a burdensome message. But it is a message that we must hear if we're going to have God's whole truth. And so Malachi really is a truth that is of that nature he comes and he has this burden. It's a burden of the word of the Lord and he is to deliver this to God's people and boy some of the some of the things he talks about in here. I I don't know. I think you'd be hard-pressed just come and see a series on on some of the things that he deals with in a very very eloquent manner. I think I mean you see some sarcasm some humor throughout the book, but he deals with things not making any bones about stepping on people's toes and calling send what it is and telling them they're backslidden and this is his message. And it is for God's people Israel. Where in Chapter number three we studied last time about the messenger that would come we said that was a two-fold prophecy of the messenger of one being John the Baptist who would be that first 4Runner the first messenger that's mentioned there. And then Jesus Christ being the Fulfillment of the messenger that would come into His Temple and he certainly did and we talked about semi and taking the baby Jesus up in his arms and blessing God. We talked about Anna being faithful and watching for the coming of Messiah. And so now as we have seen that Israel is backslidden and they have tried to offer God putrefying sacrifices that have made him sick in her Abomination to him and they think they're spiritual but God says they're far from him after God has dealt with there since about how they treated their marriage relationships in their Ministries and how they become complacent in the ministry and how that it's just become another job to them and how he's corrected them on there. They're their Outlook of just serving in God's house. I mentioned to you. What else would you expect that mean? They let people the priests of the day let people get away with with bringing whatever and then the priests complain because they have nothing to work with. Hello, you weren't being faithful to tell them what God expected of them. And you were allowing them to bring these things and letting them think they were okay with God and Malachi stands up and says, God has something to say about that. So he continues with this burden of the word of the Lord and throughout all of the toe stepping that happens. You cannot miss God's grace and his mercy and his favor and boy I look at that and I see what God did my own life and there was a time when I had backslidden when I was far away from God and I was offering him things that would putrefy him. That would make him sick. I know I know it was but he put up with me. Didn't strike me down. He was gracious to me. He was patient with me and then he called out to me and he pleaded with me and he reached down into my life. Until I got to the place where I was ready to come and say Lord It's Your Way not my way. I had you all wrong. I am so sorry and I had to come to that time. That's when it's like the floodgates opened and my life was full of joy and happiness in and I felt God's blessing and I'm not talking about Prosperity Gospel. I wasn't rolling and in Riches of this world know it was blessings that come from Heaven on high blessings that just thrilled to Soul all that Thrills. My soul is Jesus, but that didn't come until I got everything else right? That's what we're seeing here that God wants to do through Israel and Judah in Malachi chapter 3 we left off inverse number 6 talking about how the Lord changes not thank God for that his immune ability the immutability of Christ character we talked about that. That was our last time together that I was trying to make it too as we closed our session last time together. First number 7, we pick it up and Malachi says even from the days of your father's you're going away from mine ordinances. This is the Lord's ordinances the law of Moses in particular and have not kept them and what preacher wants to stand up in somebody's face and tell him you are guilty because this is what you have done you are being called out right now. That's not an easy thing to do. But Malachi has that job and thank God he makes no bones about it. He delivers God's message faithfully and you know, sometimes we don't like to hear those things, but we need them and if there's ever been anybody that in your life that with love and compassion, I'm not saying somebody that comes hateful and just in in a mean Spirit comes and beat you over the head with the Bible. We are not do that. Okay, but if anybody has ever loved you enough to come and tell you where you have stepped out of line with what God's word says you need to thank God. because that person was the a better friend to you than anybody could ever be I Like the Way Pastor Randall used to say it he would always say, you know a good friend will always stab you in the front.
That's what Malachi's trying to be here. He's trying to be a good friend of them if they'll let him. So he says you've not kept him. Now. This is where God's grace comes because he says return unto me and I will return unto you saith the Lord of hosts. That sounds a lot like what James said, you know.
draw nigh to God And He will draw night. We take that step back God never moves. He never leaves. He's not the one that abandons us. We're the ones they go away from his work. We're the ones at the park and so he is always there waiting and he says just returned. That's all you have to do just returned to me. And guess what? I'll return to draw nigh unto God and He will draw nigh unto you cleanse your hands you Sinners purify your hearts you double-minded. That was the message. That was the message of James sounds a lot like what Malachi sing. He says return unto me and I will return unto you saith the Lord of hosts.
But you said we're in shall we return we didn't go anywhere. Oh really? Where in shall we return verse number? 8 will a man rob God. That's a rhetorical question that God has an answer for by the way. Yet you have robbed me. You think anybody can get away with robbing God? Yet you brought me, but she say we're in if we rub Z. God says very plainly in tithes and offerings are cursed with a curse.
For you have robbed me. Even this whole nation bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse that there may be meat or food. If you will in my house provisions and prove me now herewith saith the Lord of hosts. If I will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it and I will rebuke the Devourer for your sakes and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground. Neither shall your Vine cast her fruit before the time and field say at the Lord of hosts and All Nations shall call you blessed for ye shall be a delight some land saith the Lord of hosts. Hey, this is the Lord of armies. He has a message for Israel is a message for us today. And so let's ask for him to open our hearts and our understandings. As we seek his word Lord we come before you humbly and I plead with you Lord. I pray that you would just blessed and you would take your word and as its expounded as it is opened up. I pray that you would do what only you can accomplish. I really have nothing that can benefit tonight of my own Lord anything that I have that would help anybody has come from you and I acknowledge that Lord. I Thank you for Jesus Christ and that he has come and that he has. Provided a way for us to return to you and that we can have our sins washed and forgiven. He has accomplished everything. For our Salvation And yet there is more because the Devourer still continues to devour in the land of Israel and there is such wonderful promises and blessings that we have yet to behold with her eyes and hear with our ears. And one day we'll be able to say is John said which our eyes have seen which our ears have heard which our hands have handled of the word of life? Oh Lord. I pray that you would help us to have the foresight of Faith tonight. For we walk not by sight but by faith and made that stir a hope within us. To help us push along and a serve you Faithfully. Giving ourselves to the Lord first and to each other. For the sake in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. amen So Malachi is informing Israel and Judah Messiah is on the way. He is coming and he is encouraging them to prepare for messiah's coming. plain and simple behold My Messenger shall come I think that was me thinking back here. I'm going to turn this thing off. That's my dad. He's telling me he loves me. That's a good message to get. I love you Dad. Praise the Lord. Sorry now it won't ding anymore.
prepare for messiah He's coming when Messiah comes he will bring righteousness. That is verses 1 through 6. And he's going to fix some things. He's going to make some things right now. He's done that his first Advent. He brought righteousness. He brought the Fulfillment of God's law the Fulfillment that Israel failed to fulfill the Fulfillment that you and I have failed to fulfill. I don't know if you like to watch watch a wrong Comforts documentaries, but he usually does something along the lines of showing people God's law and how they broke in it and he's a masterful at that. You know, we ask all these questions to get people thinking about, you know, the conclusions that they make of themselves by the end of it. They're lying adultery and murder saving murderers, you know, and then hatred in their heart and he and then he tells them, you know about Jesus Christ and how he did everything that we couldn't do. That is what the law does for us when we encounter books like Leviticus and numbers and Deuteronomy and all those parts of the Bible that you know, you start out reading in Genesis and everything is going well. By the time you get to Exodus everything's exciting. We're coming out of out of Egypt into Canaan and and then you get to Leviticus and your Bible reading just kind of tapers off because you're going I don't know what this means and what is all this over here in and if you make it through Leviticus, you're fortunate to get to Chronicles where you have to read so and so big and so and so and you can't even pronounce half the names and their you don't even know who these people are and you put your Bible down and you never really make it any further than that. Maybe you've had that experience. I have had that experience in my own personal Bible reading in days gone by but if you discipline yourself and make it through those passages paying attention to what's there it'll a line upon line precept upon precept and eventually things will begin to solidify a little better but you've got it you've got to get out of out of the thick of it all you can't get bogged. Calling miss the forest for sake of the trees and that's what happens sometimes. Was Jesus Christ comes as we encounter the law and what God has revealed we find out that we are nothing but sinners in need of God's grace every day of Our Lives. We can't measure up. There's not a single person that can and if anybody ever tells you they can and you just tell him what you just violated, you know, law number 6. Shall not lie or law number 9. Shall not bear false witness.
Because none of us the Bible is clear. There is none that doeth good. No, not one Israel's no exception to that. They think though they think they are okay with God, where where in do you know where we going to return we never went anywhere? Oh, is that right? How quick we can deceive ourselves. And it is the word of God the engrafted word, which is able to save our souls. He know that that part that speaks to us that says hey, you're going to give an account one day you need some something outside of yourself to help you get through this time of judgment that awaits you for it is appointed unto man once to die and after this the judgement friend you need Jesus. There's no other way to make it through God's judgment but through him because he took all that rap on the law is showing very clearly through Malachi to Israel that they are guilty and they will stand before God but it's okay messiah's coming and he's going to bring righteousness. He's going to make everything. Okay, and this is how everybody in the Old Testament saved by by looking forward to Messiah by looking forward to what Jesus would do. We look back and face to Calvary. They look forward in faith, but it's all by faith believing in what God has done. But there's more because that was just the first part. You know what I think I drew this out. The last time we were together. He says behold, I will send my messenger verse number one of chapter 3 he shall prepare the way before me and the Lord whom you seek shall suddenly come to his Temple, even the messenger of the Covenant whom you Delight in behold. He shall come say the Lord of hosts verse number one. I I told you I think that was fulfilled when Jesus Christ came born as a as a just the infant child lowly humble and he came without sin and he came through the Virgin birth conceived of the Holy goes any came that first time and live and he came to die on Calvary. Verse number two though. This is the second part of it. See the the bookends that I mentioned to you before the first part was him coming to save us that Israel couldn't understand because they didn't see that part II part is him coming to judge and this is still yet for word to us. This is still yet in the future. This is not come but first number to he says, but who may abide the day of his coming and who shall stand when he appeared when Malachi gave these words there was absolutely no one that could stand before God. In the day of his coming in rap Onsen, but thank God the messenger that came into his Temple Jesus Christ made the way of righteousness for his he brought righteous and threw him John writes that we can not be ashamed that is coming. We can have confidence before him at his coming why not through anything we've done but through Jesus Christ
if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Soma size coming you need to get prepared.
When he comes he's going to bring righteousness. The first time you got righteousness unto salvation the next time he's bringing righteousness unto the Fulfillment of all the promises to Israel in. and this old Earth is going to be renewed this old Earth is going to be In a reign of righteousness and peace for a thousand years. That's the righteousness. He's bringing at his second Advent. What do we do in the meantime then? You know, this is the question that they had a Verde. Well Malachi that all sounds wonderful and great and messiah's coming and he's on his way. What do I do until he gets here? And that's the same question that faces you and I as Believers today looking at his second Advent. As they were looking at his first. Well, you know, I mean the millennial rain sounds wonderful when Jesus Christ comes back in this old Earth is purged and it's judged in Revelation is over and everything is done and everything is final in the world enters into this Eden like State and everything's like the garden was in the beginning in the fruit and and the streets of gold in the gates of Pearl and then all these wonderful things and family and friends in Jesus and all of that sounds wonderful, but What about now? What do I do here? Until that day comes well, the answer is as simple as it was for them and it really is a simple thing to think about. It's nothing new. and this isn't something that I'm going to tell you and you're going to be like I never thought that you're going to be going only I knew that. But I need to be reminded of it. Israel was told as they waited for messiah. Just serve him Faithfully serve Jehovah the way he has showed you in his word and that's the same thing for us today. What do you know about Jesus Christ? What do you know about about your lord? Have you learned of him? Because he's meek and lowly. He invites you to learn of him and he invites you to follow him. What do you know about Jesus what she's told us to do in his word if we're going to be his disciples indeed. We must continue in his word if we're going to be his followers. We have to forsake all and follow him. That was an acronym I learn from my preacher back in Georgia forsaking all I take him Faith. Have you forsaken all and taken Jesus as your own and said I will follow him. Have you left all to follow Christ? Are you demonstrating love for those around you the way Jesus would want you to no man? No, man, give his life for his friends, except there's a lot there. Jesus laid his life down for us and we too are called to follow in his likeness to be conformed to his image. To be faithful it's required of stewards that a man be found faithful and there's plenty of things through the New Testament that we find we need to be diligent in so they were to be diligent in the Mosaic law. They were to be diligent to show God to a lost and Dying World by his Blessing raining down on them as they fulfill the Covenant Covenant agreement. That means they kept their tithes. That means they supported God's work in his house. That means that they were a beacon that said come and see the blessings of God and that he has put his hand on this nation and if you'll humble yourself before him, he'll do the same thing in your life and you can be a part of God's blessings. That was her witness supposed to be their Witness. But boy, they just became a canker and a disease because they found the need to bail and they went after all these other gods and they left the true God who would bless them. So mightily God says it's time to wake up come back. return
You know as followers of the Lord that can happen to us, too. Was he able to follow Jesus and we start out everything's you know going well and we're starting out strong and and then we get bogged down with the cares of life. And then he Almighty dollar comes along and we ballin' needed a door or if it's not that it's something else and we begin to give our heart told these things and and we're just as guilty of idolatry as they were. And they found the nail in the need of bail and we bow the knee to whatever ball team. You want a name?
Almost said one that begins with the B. But trying to stay a little late is Broncos and I'm having too much. I drink too much coffee today. You have to put up with me. No there I okay. Nothing wrong with sports. Okay, nothing wrong with that letics, but when it takes the place of God, it's just as bad as anything else that does the big thing for me growing up wasn't necessarily Sports. You know what it was it was music. And so whether it's the Broncos or the Beatles he is okay. I'm really digging myself in a hole here which by the way, I mean you might be surprised to know some things about John Lennon that you didn't know me.
What people got his song wrong, I think. Imagine imagine if there's no Heaven imagine if that song was not so much about atheism as it was about imagine the day when Jesus Christ comes back in all of these. Problems are gone. You know that whole ideas about a Utopia that sounds really good doesn't I just told you about a Utopia the millennial reign of Christ is our Utopia. We believe in our Utopia just like the Communists do but our Utopia is different. Because it does impact how we live. Well, I don't want to get derailed too much here. I need it to stick with the scripture. So what do we do? What do we do in the meantime waiting for Utopia? Waiting for the millennial reign of Christ waiting for his second Advent serve him Faithfully don't get sidetracked don't get derailed and all of this mess and garbage in the world. Don't bow your need of those things and that's why John closed his letter of love. With these words little children flee from idolatry.
Every time I take somebody through 1st John. We get to that last verse chapter 5 verse 21 I say. Does that fit here? Because if you're not careful, you'll think it's disjointed. It doesn't belong in the book and it's just so some say I thought that maybe a scribe at it in later or you know, John didn't say this was somebody just trying to be Pious and they said flee from I don't know because that verse closes the book and it is tied to everything else in the book because it's tied to everything else that takes her heart away from God. So it fits right where it belongs and it's given by God for inspiration. Well as we think about serving the lord Faithfully while we're waiting for his Advent, let's look at the scriptures and see how this is backed up first off notice with me and verses 7 through 9. Israel's backsliding is found out it won't be long that you're backslidden before you will be found out whether that's 10 minutes or a hundred years that's on God's timetable, but Market down you will be found out. God gives a call for them to return to their ways and verse number 7 he gets a complaint of their robbery inverse number eight and he pronounces the curse upon their simple regressions inverse number 9 verse number 7 again. This is God's call for them to return to his ways not their ways his way. We see the age-old Dilemma. What is it? Say, he says from the days of your father's this is been the case. Hey, what you're going through friend is nothing new the same problems that you face are the same father as problems that your father send your mother's faced the same battles that we're engaged in are the same battles that have been fought Through the Ages And the contentions may take on a little bit of a different surface and a different features about them. But Market down the devil has not changed his ways. He's only changed his tools.
Yay has God said He's a liar.
see the devil calls God a liar in What Jesus said when he came is that the devil is the father of lies? He's a murderer from the beginning. From the beginning in the garden. He was a murderer.
And he called God a liar. And so Jesus set the record straight. He says I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the father, but by me, so this is the age-old Dilemma. What is this dilemma departing from God's revealed truth. Where is God's revealed truth? I am just thrilled to stand before you night and tell you with all the confidence I have in me with every breath. I have that I have a message from Heaven. I have God's truth for you. If you are looking for God you can find him right here. He will show himself to you. He has written an entire letter with your name on it and he is showed you who he is.
There's a lot here. 66 books. Do you know I'm all I mean, sometimes we can't even name all the books of the Bible let alone what's in them. There's a lot here to try to keep up with. Are you sure you got it all are you sure you've walked every path and cross all your t's and dotted all your eyes. Well know none of us half. We've all fallen short. The God has Grace and this book is a book of God's grace, but we walk away from it. Even a safe people the tendency is as the old hymn goes prone to wander Lord. I feel it prone to leave the God. I love. And so that's our call to take her heart and seal asked the Lord to seal our heart. Keep it for his courts above it's it's constant renewal of that dedication. It's constant giving yourself to the Lord because I mean it only takes one day and and you go down and the world just creeps in sogod. Reminds them of the age-old Dilemma that plagued mankind for us to depart from God's revealed truth. And then he tells him about the appropriate decision that they need to make the age-old Dilemma leads to the appropriate position. What is that decision really simple return to God's truth is revealed Truth The Dilemma is we depart from it. The remedy is that we return to it. And so when the Holy Spirit comes and steps on your toes a little bit or in your devotion time when you open up your Bible in the morning and you remember yesterday and the Holy Spirit says you got some things here you need to do you need to count your blessings. And deal with that right then and there make a little altar keep a short account of sin between you and God. And the floodgates will open in your heart can find that refreshment that blessing from the Lord.
That's the answer. But you know, it's kind of hard to get back to somewhere. You don't know where it is. So the age-old Dilemma LED them to consider the appropriate decision to return to God's revealed truth. but This the last part of our summer seven reminds us of the awful depravity. That we have within us that even causes us to doubt our own wrongdoing.
We're our own worst critic. Sometimes at other times where our best excuse. and boy, we can rationalize and we can figure out a way to say that everything we're doing is okay and the send that we're condoning in our life is is alright and
I watch the interaction between a person that didn't believe in Heaven and didn't believe in God and thought they were a good person and end in someone else trying to to witness to them and show them that they weren't a good person and they needed Jesus and I watch this person just look up to heaven and in just in an outburst say if you're there then just strike me now for that's bold. nothing happened, by the way, lightning didn't come down from heaven and cook her right there on the spot and I kind of figured it wouldn't And I was thankful for the for the person that was there witnessing to or that just reached out to her and loving the reason nothing's happened is because God's being long-suffering and he doesn't want you to perish.
But she had rationalize something in her mind and her heart to think that what she was doing was she wasn't going to have to give an account for it. That's where Israel is right here. God says you need to come back you need to return and they say to what we never went anywhere. Oh you didn't?
oh, I'm okay o u r
how many animals did Moses take into the ark?
Some of you just woke up.
But how many of you thought to?
Moses didn't take any animals into the ark And you're going to trust your own ability to rationalize the send that you've allowed in your life and think you're going to be okay. They made that mistake. I made that mistake. No, see we can't trust ourselves. We trust in our own selves like they're doing and it's going to lead to do but there is one that you can trust in just take that trust that you were trusting in your factories in your mind and your ability. Right just take that and put that in Jesus just lean on him because he'll never fail you will never let you down. That's the awful depravity we'd out and we deny our own wrongdoing. And I've seen this time after time knocking on people's doors. I can't tell you. They think they're good people. They think that they're okay. They think they're going to go to heaven God's going to weigh the good and the bad and the kids going to outweigh the bad and they're going to be okay they hope they hope There's a more sure way. You don't have to hope so you can know so these things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the son of God that you may know that you have eternal life.
And that you may believe on the name of the son of God. So that is how God called them to return to his ways and verse number 7 in the first number 8. He points out the complaint over there robbery of him. Notice first off God's allowance of the robbery in his long-suffering I point out that lady that was asking, you know to be struck down. Why not? Well God's long-suffering, how could they how could they get away with doing this and God didn't do anything about it.
think about that phrase
I want to read it word for word again, so I don't mess it up.
will oh, man. Rob God
Yes, or no, it's a yes or no question will a man rob God?
You mean man is stronger than somebody who controls the universe.
You're not taking anything from God. You're not I mean he is there's no way will a man rob God. That's the question. The answer is no you will not Rob God and get away with it. There is no way that you are going to make it through this unscathed. If you try to Rob him will a man rob God will yes, I mean men will exert their will so I will give you that. It's kind of a trick question, but it's a rhetorical question with it with a net expecting. No. No.
But God says you have robbed me. So how does this happen? If God can't be wrong. How did they rob him?
Because he let him.
How come God hasn't dealt with you yet for all the things that you've done against his word. Are you going to get away with it? Did he I mean, did he not see it? Could he not know why hasn't anything happened yet? Because he let you.
Paul said it this way when he was on Mars Hill. He says in the times of this ignorance. God winked at
when he says God winked at it doesn't mean
means godwink like Wentz God winked at it. What's anthropomorphism remember that from dinner? Yeah, he winked at.
But now Paul made it clear. He says but now God calls on everyone in every place to what? Repent turn turn. That's what this whole thing revolves around to me. God says will a man rob God. Yet ye have robbed me. But you say okay to date before they denied their wickedness and they said no, you know, we haven't left anything. We haven't gone away. Why should we come back friend? We have left God's word. There's no question about it. And he say we're in half. We're up to thee. We never took anything from you got. Oh you didn't. Well, let's do a little inventory here and see how far we fall short. I never did anything that I wasn't supposed to do. Oh, yeah. Wherein have you robbed me? This is what he tells them. Where did they steal from God and he let them. Get away with it up to this point. And yeah, I mean even now he's letting his real get away with it for them. It was in Ty's tithes and offerings. You've got to see this and that's why I wanted to see the first and Zechariah and that God said he would change it all and he turn around and they would be a blessing in the whole earth. That's what Malachi saying here. And remember this is under the law of Moses. And in the law of Moses. The tide was commanded no questions about it. You know what we have a similar thing today in America and if you don't pay your tithes guess who's going to come after you because you broke the law.
That acronym everyone fears to get a letter from their mailbox the IRS. A tithe is a Hebrew word that means 1/10 and 1/10. Really the best way I can tell you to think about that as a tax. It was the tax because remember where I know we're in a theocracy. It's not a republic like we have today it's a theocracy. And so these are the taxes that God had instituted to make sure that the nation. Look what Malachi says about the nation in verse number nine year curse with a curse for you have robbed me even what this whole let me hear the word. Nation the tide was a national tax on Israel that said God chose them and God put his finger on them. God hasn't done that the Lord didn't do that for the church. You can scour the New Testament all you want and you won't fine. We're Believers under grace are commanded by God's law to tithe a tenth of everything they bring in. No, we are commanded to submit ourselves to the powers-that-be Romans 13th. And so as good upstanding Christian citizens, we are called on to pay our taxes and Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's because we're not in a theocracy. We render under Caesar. What is Caesar's but on the god. What is God's but he didn't stop at the ties. So this is where we can make a direct application to us. I mean if you want to give to God I would tell anybody a good place to starts with a tenth of everything you bring in. I mean that's just a good place to start but you pick a number and just start giving okay, but it's all giving everything in the New Testament that you give to God is a free-will offering in those are in the Old Testament by the way, and it's included under this of the offerings. So not only were they not paying their taxes to their National obligation and under the law of Moses. They were guilty of that and what happens if we were guilty of not doing that as American citizens, we wind up with our wages garnished. We wind up losing everything sometimes depending on how much we owe we wind up in big trouble because we are lawbreakers. God says you've broken the law and yet boy got his just so gracious to them. They also robbed him and offerings.
You go back and read the first portion of Malachi, you'll see what was going on here. The priests were kind of in a turning turning a blind eye to some of these things were going on, you know Farmer Joe over here. He's got this he's got this nice big fat heifer that that is, you know, he's getting ready to send it to the stocks with low and behold the servant comes to him one day. And since you know Bessie out there, she's not doing too hot. She looks real good on the outside, but I'm telling she's got a disease in her and it ain't going to be long before I'll bet he's gone. And so then this, you know Savvy businessman is sitting there going. Okay. I know what to do. Here are the priests overhead, you know, we've already found out this Cavs got a disease, but it looks really good. I mean nobody will ever know we'll take it down will offer it.
and the priest said
bring her on down and the priests were accomplished and they're breaking of the law because they were not to offer any of that. They were guilty not only of sins of omission. They were guilty of sins of commission. They knew full well with hair do you think that this is okay? You've robbed me in tithes and offerings.
Now we have to consider the answer. So we see the complaint of the robbery God's allowance of their robbery in is long suffering as the first part of that verse. Their arrogance to play the part of ignorance where it if we robbed you. And then God's Affidavit of their thievery thievery ties and offerings. That's where you've robbed me. That's the nation of Israel. God says you're cursed. because of that
you have to get this. Okay. God did not curse them because he's like Zeus ready to strike them with lightning bolt. They cursed themselves. It's not God's fault that Israel is cursed here. And friend whatever has happened in your life. It is not God's fault. If it's something that has happened that is not what you would consider to be Prosperity or blessing. Don't blame God. Because everything that God created was very good. And when those things occur, there is one easy answer. I can give you without having to go through, you know weeks and weeks of biblical counseling to get to some of the other things that we have two to deal with easy answer is sin.
And it's not just taking it easy out. That's the bottom line of it. Sin is where we get disease from sin is where we get death from sin is where we get all the problems that we deal with in life. But God has given us everything in his word that pertains to life not death and godliness not destruction
it was not God's fault that they were cursed. They were cursed because they walked away from the Covenant that God had made. They did.
And now they're reaping the consequences of it, which I hasten on here to the remedy for the curse noticed the consequence of their thievery inverse number 9. What's the consequence the first part of it? He says you are cursed with a curse.
I'd like to get that diagnosis from the doctor.
The great physician tells him here's your diagnosis. It's bad. In fact, if you don't do something about it, you're going to die because you're cursed you going to be destroyed you going to be devoured. Those are the words Malachi uses. The cause of their curses again is not God. He says you have robbed me.
Even this whole nation the completeness. It was everybody the whole nation and this is why men like Daniel would stand up even though Daniel was the man who prayed three times a day and an old camel knees, you know, they called him cuz he prayed so much and and Daniel that faithful witness for the Lord Daniel in his prayers would even say forgive me because I've sent Nehemiah forgive me forgive us we have sent together. And so we understand collectively as applying it to the church today. Would to God we had more people like Daniel in Nehemiah that would stand up and say we as a church as send. Boy, I can imagine the prayer meeting that happened in Ephesus, you know going back to our Sunday morning message the prayer meeting that happened in Ephesus after they read that letter you left your first love in the pastor leaves them in prayer and says we're coming back God. We're coming back to you forgive us Lord forgive us for we have sinned beginning top down. we need that in our country to we need humility from the top down to say we have sinned grievously as a nation and all of us collectively are guilty of that. The whole nation is guilty the completeness. Of their guilt now at my second main thought for you tonight the first all of thing all of what we've said so far has been under this thought of Israel's backsliding being found out. God found them out. Now secondly consider with me that his Blessing up to this point on their Nation have been forfeited. They've been found out and his Blessing on them was forfeited because of what they done he gives him the remedy for the curse and verse 10. He shows them the restoration that can happen to their communities in verse 11, and he helps them recognize. He helps them see that the world excuse me will recognize their being chosen by God and verse number 12. So again the remedy for the curse first to let pretend the restoration of their communities and verse 11 and the recognition of their being chosen by God in verse 12. The remedy for the curse. What is it? Hey get right pay your taxes maintain God's house do what you're supposed to do and all this stuff goes away. Just get right. That's the remedy for you tonight to friend. Get right. Oh, Bob Jones senior is attributed to having said time and time again. Just do right and Factor the whole song that's written by him just do right till the stars fall do right because it's right to do right do right. I do write Christian you call me to do right Christian if you want, that's fine because I want to please God, it's not that I want to make sure my hair is come to certain way or better wear the right clothes or that, you know, I shave properly or you know that I I look present. I mean, I hope I would do that for the sake of everybody else around me, but it's not so that I can earn some favor with God that I do those things. It's so that I can say Lord. I love you. Florida love you. You did so much for me. I don't want to bring shame to your name in any way. I'm going to hold myself to a little bit higher higher of a standard and everybody else because I am an ambassador of Jesus Christ. And I don't I don't want to bring my savior any shame. I want to be a good representative for him to a lost a Dying World. And so I Love You Lord Do Right sis pay your taxes and maintain God's house looking first number 10 the first part of it. He says bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse that there may be meat in my house.
Let's get back to doing what we're supposed to do. Now. We got to be careful because this you know again the tides does not apply to a New Testament Christian believer. But hey, the New Testament is filled with promises about giving we're not talking about tithing. We're talking about Free Will offering giving just giving and this is what our faith promise missions is all about and seeking the Lord we see consequences when we withhold offerings from the Lord and Acts chapter 5 with ananias and Sapphira. So if you're going to withhold and and think that you know, you can lie to God you're not going to get away with doing that God's going to make sure that that everything's accountable. But also we see that you know, if we so little we're going to reap little if we so much we're going to reap much. And that applies to to the church here that applies to what we're doing in Broomfield that applies to missions that applies to everything. Let's not be stingy with what God has blessed us with let's support one another. Let's have all things, You know, that's how the the early church was. They had all things, They had all things together. If somebody has a need we try to speak to it. That's the way that works. It's not saying everything so, you know some communistic society and that you know, people are I better not okay getting back to this year. I'm going to say something I'll regret. Pay the taxes maintain God's house and then prove the truth of God's promises in his word. He says if you'll do this if you'll come back and get where you're supposed to be under the law of Moses. Hey Christian, if you'll get back where you're supposed to be in following the Lord and forsaking the world in putting the world behind you in the cross before you if you get back to those things and giving your whole heart to God and in following hard after him and if you get back to him and loving him first with everything you have and loving your neighbor as yourself, if you get back to him in all of these things that the world takes us away in the devil takes us when the flash takes us away. If you'll get back to those things, then you can prove God you can test him and you'll have blessing in your life to That's how God works. Psych the old fellow that invented all the caterpillars, right? You've heard me say that before about his his own testimony. He was a Christian he was a Believer and nobody can understand that every year his his net worth continue to grow and yet he gave away more to charity than his company brought in. He just gave it all the way. And they couldn't add it up. Mathematically. It does not make sense how you can give away more than you make and still grow.
In a Solomon talked about the closed fist. And can't get anything in there. You have an open hand Lord. I'm just a channel. Where do you want this to go? We're just stewards. We're just managers. We don't own anything. But if you hold on to it, you you're not getting any do you hold on to what you have but you're not getting anything else in there and you know that fellow that invented all those big tractors the caterpillars in the Earth moving machines because his net worth kept growing and kept giving away more than he was bringing in and all this and didn't make sense. They asked him. I don't understand how can you do this? And he said it will simply said well, it's really easy. I shovel it out there that got shovels it back to shovels bigger. Just keep shoveling it out. That's what he's telling him here. Get back to doing what you're supposed to do. Let me meet my house prove the truth of God's promises. What are these promises? I don't have time to go there because I am out of time here tonight, but you go back and you read Deuteronomy, you will find all those promises that equate to this window being open for them. And it's summarize for you in the next verse where it talks about the land being restored. The Greenery in a Zeki, I think it's Ezekiel. Told about the curse that would come on Israel and the world would know it because the area would be desolate it would be there would be no. No Greenery there. What is the Middle East look like today? Can I tell you that one time it didn't look like that? It was as green as you could imagine. And one day it's going to be green again. And that's when you know Israel has fully returned. See all this is still yet future, isn't it? They're not there yet. They're still waiting for that Postman fulfillment. But this Earth is going to return to that state and that's when the world's going to know. That's the first number 12, by the way about the world recognized and God's blessing on them. But here in verse number 10. He says prove the truth of my promises. I made a covenant with you see if I'm going to keep my word or not. I told you I would do this that I would bless you that that you would be a blessing all the Earth and everything. I mean all of those promises in Deuteronomy prove me see if I'm true or not. See if I am a god of my work. Can I tell you he is a copy of his word? He keeps his promises. And then they would prosper from the total overabundance of God's provisional blessings on them. That's the last part of verse number 10. He says see if I will not open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it and in the New Testament that would equate to give and it shall be given unto you pressed down shaken together and good measure running. You want a life that is running over Crest down shaken together ever done that with a maybe your coffee grounds to fit more in you know, you pour the coffee grounds into the Container you have and it doesn't fit in the number for pores all over the counter use kind of shake it and have it down to take it and then before you know it, you know, you've got about that much more room in the top before the rest in their hair pressed down shaken.
running over You want that in your life to get back to where you need to be really that easy? The restoration of their communities so we've seen the remedy for the curse get back where you need to be test me. See if I will not do what my word says. I'll do. The restoration comes when God intervenes against the Devourer now, I got to tell you I I have some ideas about the Devourer here. I think there's some play on words. We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against Powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world.
And it had yeah, you know, they were told what you feel like you're working to put your money in bag with holes in it. And Dave Ramsey says it this way, you know, you have more month at the end of the money.
Work you work and got nothing to show for it to last called toil by the way and toil is the result of sin and the curse. God says I'll intervene and I will you know, I thought of Jesus when he stood up on that boat after they woke him and the disciples they were in this massive storm and Jesus rebuked the wind because the Devourer here is a power over nature and that was a power over when it when Mark uses the word review. I think that's a demonic Force causing a storm to try to kill Jesus and his disciples to keep them from getting to fulfill the mission. That's just my take on that but he stands up and he rebukes and so this is God saying hey if you'll do this master carest thou not that we perish you have that kind of hard attitude. You come to him and he says I will stand forth and say peace be still I will stand for it and rebuke the Devourer. I will stand forth and say come out.
whether it's the devil directly or not, I I can't prove that to you. But that's what I feel the devourers inability then to destroy them. Look how he takes up there cause he he goes to bat for him. And then there's nothing that the Devourer can do he is powerless against almighty God. I love that truth the devourers inability to the strong anymore. He can't continue to destroy him and in the lands issues of untimely harvests are resolved no more, you know having to worry how they're going to feed their family because he when you just do it the way God said to do it it all works out and he provides the world's going to see it witness the blessings of God on Israel. And the land will return to this wonderful pleasantness the promised land rejuvenated. Seeing verse number 12. He says all nations shall call you blessed. Not curse blessed.
For you shall be a delightsome. You look that word up in Webster's Dictionary delightsome means Pleasant pleasing. Right now it's harsh to look out over those deserts. And to see all of the things are there you come into, you know, as a kid growing up in Georgia. We used to go Creek walking all the time and boy we come into some opening sometimes and it be Lush and green or be a waterfall there something and I love hanging light going up there. No shift Pleasant to look at something like that. You don't hang anyway.
Bland's going to be like that again. It's going to be delightful delightsome is the word. Say the Lord of armies. He's got having at his disposal he can do this is so as we apply this. Hey Israel was getting ready for messiah to come. He has come the first Advent just as they were promised. He would come he completed that first Advent and now we has his church await his second Advent and Glory when he came the first time Jesus came to provide righteousness to loss centers through his atoning death on the cross when he comes again, he will do so to provide righteousness across the Earth with Worldwide peace and prosperity.
Like Israel was to wait for him and serve Jehovah with faithfulness. We 2 similarly awaiting. The return of Christ were called to serve him Faithfully till he comes to catch his bride away. God's covenant, no promises were true for Israel and Jesus's promises are just as true for his disciples and his followers today. The world was to come to know God through Israel and God's blessing on her, but they failed. The world today can know Jesus Christ as we continue in his word as faithful disciples go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Pray with me Lord, we humble ourselves before you we thank you for the truth of your word. And I pray for that one that you're calling out tonight that needs to come home. Like the prodigal they've been away. Lord I pray that they would come to themselves just like that prodigal did that they would say I've sinned against heaven. I'm no longer worthy to be called. a son or daughter
But I will arise and I will go to my father Lord. I pray that there would be a returning tonight in our hearts that we would rededicate a fresh in a new that we would get out of the mire and that we would just fly to your throne of mercy and find your grace to help in our time of need and as we return Lord, I know what you'll do just like that father. You're not going to come down on us and tell us she told us so you're not going to have harsh words for us Lord. You're going to throw your arms around us in love and welcome us back to the warrants. And you going to provide for us and it'll be a delight sometime. Oh Lord. I pray that that one that is here tonight that needs to come home would hear your call arise take that step of faith and come back to you Lord have your way tonight and will thank you. Has about eyes are closed the one looking around like to give you a moment to respond to what you've heard tonight Center if you're away from the Lord he calls you come home. Ye who are weary come come home. Are you tired of having to fight? Against the sin in your life. Come to Jesus. I'm not saying all your sins going to go away because you're still going to be a sinner until we get to heaven. But Jesus can lighten your load because he said come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest won't you come tonight friend and take take Jesus. Won't you let him roll your burdens away? You can leave here with God's blessing on your life.
Kristen how are you doing tonight and following the Lord? I would never do this, but Some preachers have said the best indicator of a person's spirituality is their checkbook register.
How are you doing in following the Lord? How are you doing in making sure nothing? Nothing has come between you and him.
Once you commit to him tonight to say Lord everything I have is yours. Lord guide me direct me use me if there's anything. That you would want me to come back anything that I've left Lord help me to not stand there before you and say I've not left. Oh God, don't let me be guilty like his real was let me be humble. If you humble yourself God will hear you draw nigh to Him He will draw nigh to you and these few moments. Why don't you come?
Oh to Jesus I surrender all to him. I freely give I will ever love and trust him in his presence daily daily sing with me.
I should save your I surrender all to Jesus. I surrender to Jesus Lord. I give myself to thee I give myself fill me with thy love and Power.
Let that blessing fall on me.
Hi, sweetie.
Oh to see my savior Lord. We do syringe. We humbly bow, it's your feet. We forsake all worldly pleasures, and we asked you to Jesus to take us and to take us now. Make us holy yours. Let me feel the Holy Spirit to truly know. That you Lord or mine. And I'll thank you and all God's people said amen. Amen.
Thank you for your kind attention here tonight has been a blessing to spend some time and God's word with you in and it never fails God shows up along the way and just have a good time in this scripture. Say men thankful to have a place in Broomfield where you can come and just immerse yourself in the Bible. Without having to worry, what's the next thing we got to get to? And you don't have to worry, you know what you're going to hear as far as music or who you're going to be around or the kind of Doctrine you're going to be presented with thankful for a safe haven like Broomfield Baptist church. I sure am. But one of the things that I think is the greatest about our church is our family. And I love coming to stay the Bible and I love coming to sing songs with you. Bella's coming to see you too. I just I love being here with you is the greatest times my week. It really is if we didn't have this. I don't know where I'd be. I really don't. To know that that you're going through things like I am to know that you're praying for me through the week and I'm praying for you. I'll tell you the Bible's great. The music is Grand, but the fellowship is irreplaceable. I love you. I love you. Let's pray.