A psychologist once said that each human being lives in the house that he or she has built with the thoughts they have formed .
His idea was that each thought we have is like a brick in the house we will live in. So if we take negative thoughts such as I will never succeed ,I am useless. That’s two bricks the wall of the house you are building and the house you will live in day after day after day. My situation is hopeless no one cares for me. That’s another two bricks .I am unlovable. I will never change Another two bricks. And the walls are getting higher .
If I take many such negative thoughts about myself, about my life ,about my future. I will live in a house built of doom and gloom, surrounded by self condemnation and defeat.
You can be sure that every such negative thought has its root from the enemy and not from God.
Read your bible ,see what the Lord says about you .you are the light of the world. You are the city of God. You are salt of the earth .Paul tells us you are the righteousness of God, not because of what we have done but because of what Christ has done in us. You are more than conquerors in Christ. You can do all things in Christ who strengthens you.
Satan is a liar but not a stupid liar . When he comes as our accuser with all these negative thoughts we should reverse whatever he says .Because we know Satan is a liar we know that the very opposite of what he says is in fact the truth. When he tells you, you are a hopeless case. Proclaim , my hope is in my God in whom I trust.