Practical Implications for Life and Ministry from Romans 9-11
Tom Steller
1) God is faithful—TRUST HIM (cf. Rom. 3:1-8)
2) Realize that apparent contradictions are theological goldmines
3) Grieve over the lost (Rom. 9:1-3)
4) Pray with all your heart for their salvation (Rom. 10:1)
5) See yourself as evidence of God’s preserving a remnant/of the ingrafting of the wild olive branches (Rom. 11:1,5,17—note the singular!)
6) Magnify your ministry to the Gentiles as a means to the salvation of the Jews and the ushering in of the eschaton (Rom. 11:13)
7) Don’t be arrogant toward the cut-off Jewish branches; realize and celebrate the richness of the Jewish roots of your salvation (Rom. 11:18)
8) Don’t be conceited, but fear the severity of God’s judgment on unbelief ((Rom. 11:20)
9) Behold the kindness and severity of God as the way to persevere in faith (Rom. 11:22)
10) Don’t be ignorant of the mystery of God’s “round about way of salvation” lest you become wise in your own estimation (Rom. 11:25); Romans 9-11 should humble us to the dust. There is nothing in us or done by us that merit’s God’s salvation. We are beneficiaries of mercy. It is purely an election of grace. Faith excludes all boasting.
11) Worship God (Rom. 11:33-36)