Significance of family

Thematic Outlines  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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God created the family and is deeply concerned for its welfare. Scripture uses family metaphors to describe the relationship between God and his people.

God created the family Ps 68:6 See also Ge 1:26–27; Ge 2:23–24 God cares for the families of those who honour him Ge 7:1 See also Ge 6:18; 2 Sa 6:11; Je 35:18–19; Je 38:17–18 God judges families who disobey him Ex 20:4–5 See also Nu 16:23–32; Dt 11:6; Jos 7:24–26; 1 Sa 3:12–14; 2 Sa 24:17 Families in…
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