Attitudes in prayer

Thematic Outlines  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Attitudes in prayer include both the postures people adopt while praying and the hopes that they have concerning its outcome. Scripture points to the need for humility and expectation on the part of those who pray.

Positions adopted for prayer Bowing down and kneeling Ps 95:6 See also Ge 24:26; Ex 4:31; Is 45:23; Da 6:10; Lk 22:41; Ac 7:60; Eph 3:14; Php 2:10 Falling on one’s face before God Mt 26:39 See also Nu 20:6; Jos 5:14; 2 Ch 20:18 Standing Mk 11:25 See also 1 Ki 8:22; Lk 18:11 Attitudes in the spiritual…
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