
Thematic Outlines  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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A delay in reaching a decision, or a reluctance to reach a decision, on account of uncertainty, caution or rebellion. Scripture provides examples of individuals who hesitate in the face of divine commands or promises, and indicates its dangers.

Examples of people who hesitated Lot Ge 19:16 Lot’s wife Ge 19:26 See also Ge 19:17; Lk 17:32 Moses Ex 3:11; Ex 3:13; Ex 4:1; Ex 4:10; Ex 4:13; Ex 6:12 Peter in obeying the Lord Ac 11:12 See also Ac 10:14–20 Other examples Israel on approaching the promised land: Nu 13:31–33; Nu 14:1–4 Jdg 6:36–40; 1…
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