
Thematic Outlines  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Heaviness of heart brought about through disappointment, disillusionment, failure or sin. It can lead to depression of spirit, but this can be relieved.

Sadness caused by disappointment or disillusionment Ne 2:1–3 See also Ge 40:6–7; 1 Ki 21:4; Ec 6:1–2; Is 19:1–10; Mt 19:21–22; Mt 26:21–22; Lk 24:17 Sadness leading to depression of spirit Nu 11:14–15 See also Jos 7:7; 1 Ki 19:3–4; Ps 42:3–4; Je 15:10 The relief of sadness Ps 42:5–6 See also Pr 12:25;…
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