Provoking God

Thematic Outlines  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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The arousing of God’s righteous anger in response to the sin of his people, particularly their idolatry.

God is provoked by sin and disobedience Dt 9:7–8 See also Nu 32:9–13; Dt 31:29; Jos 7:1; 2 Sa 6:6–7; 2 Sa 24:1; 1 Ki 15:30; 1 Ki 16:2–3; 1 Ki 16:7; 1 Ki 21:21–22; 2 Ki 21:14–15; Is 65:1–5; Je 32:30–33 God is provoked by the rejection of his chosen leaders and prophets 2 Ch 36:15–16 See also Nu 12:1;…
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