
Thematic Outlines  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Formal outward practices and rituals symbolising or marking events of importance or spiritual significance. Although they had their place in biblical cultural life, they may become empty and hypocritical, losing their deep spiritual meaning. Ceremonies thus become symbolic of empty legalism which should be rejected.

Ceremonies marking important events Different stages in life Ge 50:7; Ge 50:10–11; Ex 13:2; Jdg 14:10; Je 34:5; Jn 2:1–2; Jn 20:4 Temple worship Ne 13:9 See also 1 Ki 9:25; 1 Ch 16:40; 2 Ch 8:13; 2 Ch 29:15 Some psalms include excerpts from temple liturgy relating to parts of temple-based worship ceremonies:…
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