Practicalities of prayer

Thematic Outlines  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Scripture commends a life of prayer, characterised by simplicity of expression, sincerity of heart and trust in the promises of God. It gives guidance on how, when and where to pray.

Scripture stresses the importance of prayer 1 Th 5:16–18 See also Ac 6:3–4; Ro 12:12 Judgment comes on those who do not pray Ps 79:6 See also Ps 53:4; Je 10:21; Zep 1:4–6; Jas 4:2 Prayers should be expressed simply Mt 6:7–8 See also Ec 5:1–3; Lk 18:9–14 Prayer should not be ostentatious Mt 6:5–6 See…
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