Elements of worship

Thematic Outlines  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Praise and thankfulness are important elements of worship, which also includes confession of sin, the reading of Scripture and music.

Worship with awe Dt 10:12 See also Le 10:1–3; 2 Ch 7:3; Ps 2:11; Ps 68:35; Ps 96:9; Ec 5:1 Worship includes trust Ps 4:5 See also Ps 37:7; Heb 11:6 Worship includes praise Ps 22:22; Heb 13:15 See also 2 Ch 31:2; Ne 9:5–6; Ps 150:1–6; Heb 2:12; Re 7:11–12 Worship includes thanksgiving Ps 100:4; Re 11:16–17…
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