
Thematic Outlines  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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A form of spiritual anarchy, which rejects the law as having any place in the Christian life, whether as instructor or as assessor. Paul’s teaching that Christians are free from the law is sometimes misunderstood as antinomian. But Paul reveres God’s law, and teaches believers, who are free from the law as a system of salvation, to keep it out of gratitude for salvation freely given, and because holiness as defined by the law is the Christian calling.

Antinomianism as a rejection of God’s laws Je 2:20 See also Pr 29:18; Je 5:5; Ho 8:12; 2 Pe 2:10 Various people described as antinomian Israel described as antinomian Eze 20:13 See also Ex 32:25; Je 2:23–25; Ho 8:1; Zec 7:11–12 The ungodly described as antinomian Jud 4 See also 2 Ti 3:1–5; 2 Pe 2:13–15;…
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