Relationships - Part Four - I Need You and You Need Me

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Relationships  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  1:18:46
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Everybody can hear me. Okay. It's the last Sunday of black history month. So I prepared a few more traditional songs for you guys. The first time that we have is if I can help somebody by the wonderful and electric illustrious Mahalia Jackson for most of us are grandmother or mother. Listen to Mahalia Jackson on Sunday mornings and you're getting ready for church and she kind of the mother of gospel and she's somebody that has definitely inspired me. She has a beautiful voice and we are going to bring to you if I can help somebody as our first song this morning so good to see everybody here. We have some beautiful visitors. Welcome to United Christian Fellowship. The blessing to have some new faces in the building. Payroll is ready.

You know.


a man

the next song we have is over freedom. free



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Can everyone please stand?

Eddie lift every voice and sing with

let us rejoice.

I love the face. I hope that doesn't happen.

baby, Dory

Stoney LaRue come to the play.

We have been.

from the group

You know we stay.

who has

Who is the light of the world?

Chicago the bean



everyone Come on, we can do better that. Good morning. Everyone. Amen. So it is now time for kids were oh so we going to have all young people stand up and hit off with their instructors a man. Come on y'all. Let's bless the Lord for all of our young people. amen amen Don't y'all eat any of that caramel cake in there?

You don't want to see the pastor frowning. Amen. Alright, so we are in our series on relationships today. And today we're going to talk about the how much I need you and you need me. We need each other a man. We cannot walk this walk of faith. And live in this dark world with each other. We we need each other amen. And so the title of the message today is I need you and you need me turn to your neighbor say I need you and you need me. All right, we going to the foundational scriptures going to come from Genesis chapter 2 verse number 18 Celeste and and read that together. Genesis chapter 2 inverse number 18. It says then the Lord God said Y'all supposed to read alone. Let's try this again. Then the Lord God said it is not good that the man should be alone. I will make him and he'll lead for him. And then our confession of Faith you bring that up are confessions of faith is let me get out the way I am not move repeat this after me. I am not moved. By what I see. about what I feel I am moved by what I believe. I believe the word of God the victory is mine. I have it now. I can see it through the eyes of my face. In Jesus name. Amen. You may be seated in the presence of the Lord. So our first couple of weeks we we talked about relationships as a relates to having respect for ourselves a man because you cannot have any type of relationship. If a you don't know who you are and be you don't have respect for yourself. If you allow a thing and everything to impact you then I can I can guarantee you that whatever relationship you're trying to have won't go very far a man. So it's really important that number one. You know who you are and you know who you are. And you have respect for yourself a man. And so today I want to I want to shift gears a little bit and move into more of how we relate to each other in the context of being friends. And being friends is I think that term has lost its meaning I think when we talk about being friends, we talk no one about trusting each other and if in any relationship, there is no try there is no friendship. And when we look at the Bible, the Bible says in Genesis Chapter 2 Verse 18 and says in the Lord God said it is not good that the man should be alone or that the woman should be alone at so I want to focus on that that part of the scripture where God never intended for us to be alone. God never intended for us to be Islands. He always created us for us to have relationship. And so what they're trying to do is separate us keep us apart so that we won't achieve what God has planned and purpose for us and that's to be in relationship with each other. Does that make sense? So if the devil's devices can keep us because of skin color are where we live or on our gender or whatever keep us separated. He gets the Victory and it was never what God intended for us. He intended for us to be in relationship with each other say I need you. And you need me. God said I created God said in Genesis Chapter 2 Verse 18 and says it is not good that man be alone. You know, we cannot have segments of people just engage in this world by themselves. We always win that when that occurs a man and so it's really important that we worked. Our relationship is really important that we work towards connecting with each other. It's really important that we learn to trust each other because God intended for us to be in relationship. I need you and you need me a man. It's so wet when we looked at look at the taste Garden created to be alone. He created us for the purpose of relationship. We were created as social beings, you know what most people don't know this about me, but I'm an introvert II it's a challenge times for me to be in the midst of a lot of people. I do better one-on-one. You know, that's the the strength of an introvert comes when it's small groups and 101, but now can I get in front of audience and preach absolutely because it's not me that's doing this the Holy Spirit and God knows that about me or he wouldn't put me up here a man. And so when you look around my my tendency would be to step back and be by myself, but when I read the Bible the devil has his clearly said to me I didn't create you to be alone. I needed you to be in a relationship with other people that I created it. So now I have to if I'm going to be obedient to God I have to say God you give me the strength that I can connect. Those other individuals that you have created cuz that's important to you. And if it's important you then it should be important to me. I World should be a process of connecting with each other. That's how we get to where we God wants us to be full helping each other achieve individual goals. Does that make sense? If I try to do it all on my own I could get so far. It would be trying to have a marriage all by yourself. That's not going to work. Hey, man, I'm going to go with that in the bedroom. Amen. Kind of weird. So God created us to be social beings. God created us to have two things.

And when can you see this and I just kind of a side note when we get our own building. I'm going to get a place where the screen as well pie. So everybody can see cuz I'm a big dude right? I could block the screen.

So God created a two purpose one to affect say to effect. M2 to be affected so our job is to affect others and to be affected by others. And so what if we do this thing the right way if we do it based on what God's plan is then we all benefit from What if we do with the way the world?

People will get will benefit. Let me put it like that a man but what God has created is for all of us a to affect each other and be affected by each other in the most positive way and that's true love. So when you stop and think about it, this person doesn't look like me act like they're selling it doesn't mean that I can't love him.

Oh, yeah, I miss that. You miss that just because you don't look like me acting me talk like that mean that I can't love you. Can't commit to me that I can't affect.

Love each other and work to build a better on this side of Heaven Earth. Do I have any Witnesses here? Do I have a church that wants to connect? Do I have a church that once make this place better for all the fighting in the killing and all the things that are going we need to operate in a place called love we need to operate in a place where I'm concerned about God's creation me and human beings first a man. I love animals, but I care about people more. I want we get to that point but we can love each other and care about each other more than anything else. We can start moving for the problem. Now the divisiveness that's in the world today is it will make just because we're different you hate me and you not even know me. Does that make sense but God never intended for that to be the case he intended for us to have effect on each other and to affect each other in A Place Called Love. And so our differences make us better. It makes this world. the kingdom of God better and we have to fight for that have to work towards that because that would God created us to be and to do this that make sense. There's nothing for you to be alone.

Go to next screen.

John chapter 11. This is this is amazing. John chapter 11. The text says verse by now Jesus love Mary Martha and her sister and Lazarus now. Let me tell you if Jesus had friends with connecting with people don't you think it's important that we do the same.

And don't you even think it's important that you step out of your comfort zone and meet someone at that. You've never met before talk to someone or introduce yourself or tell someone that you don't know your testimony. The Bible says when Jesus needed to get away from all the craziness that was going on. He went to Mary Martha Martha and Lazarus house. Today is Mary. There aren't there their sisters and then there's Lazarus the brother a man so he would send me come to Jerusalem. He'd stay at their home and they lived in Bethany and Jesus did that often when he wanted to escape the cross retreat was to connect with his friends. So now my question to you is in the context of connection and printed do you have friends that you can go to that truly. Love you? I'm not talking about want to get something out of you. But truly love you like God loves you. That's the connection. Do you have people in your life that you can trust when everything goes wrong? I won't judge you. They won't kick you to the curb, but they'll be there for you. Do you have that in your life? Because that's what Jesus wants for all of us. He had that Mary Martha and Lazarus. Amen. He said the Bible says these were three and and we know Lazarus if you have you know, the scripture we know when Lazarus died. Jesus was away. But because Lazarus his friend he made the grave. And he brought his friend back from the dead. That's how much he loves his friend. Not only did he do it for his friend. He did it for all the people who are running. That's what we need to show for how much we have each other because those I believe is what true love is.

No, we're not. Perfect. No, we'll never be perfect but we can operate in a place called love to show someone who's hurting and broken. What drug looks like. That's the kind of church God wants that's the time God is trying to create that's the kind of Church of God needs us to become for we are the church. Does that make sense? We have to quit isolating ourselves from each other because of differences and you name it. I'm so sick of social media and all the reasons why we're trying to figure out how to be isolated. It supposed to come in together. When the Bible says we were created to be social beings and we were created to connect and we were created to be there for each other. Say I need you. And you need me.

That matter where you came from doesn't matter what you look like and I've had some challenging life experiences. I I grew up in the inner city of Chicago. I have been Chase and no offense to my white brothers and sisters that I've been chased run out of neighborhood, but I still love that's not going to stop me cuz a few individuals have hatred in their heart. That's not going to stop me from loving a man and it shouldn't stop any of us from loving each other. Cuz when we operate from a place of love that Jesus has given to us cuz remember he died for us because our father loved us. God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son. That's love when someone will lay down their lives when he's down his life for me when I did not even make him. That's love that's a friend that someone who will stick with you no matter what you're going through. That's Why? the Bible says

I need you. unique

Does that make sense? The Bible didn't say that I said what the Bible calls us to be connected. Amen. Luke chapter 10 go to Luke chapter 10 verse 41. The Bible says in Jesus answered and said and her mother Martha Martha Martha. Are careful in trouble about many things 42 the one thing needful and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her. Now. Here's the thing. You know what Mary wanted to connect with. Geez. It wasn't all about doing work Martha. Wanted to get work done. Go back to that go back. When when he said Martha Martha. You're fussing far too much about getting yourself worked up over nothing. Go to the next one thing only is essential and marry his child. That's the main course and it won't be taken away from her and Mary wanted to sit down at the feet of Jesus. and hear from him how many of you truly in all this busyness and all this chaos are taking time to sit at the foot of Jesus and spend time with him. Disease what I realize. And if this is what I realized it would be hard-pressed for you to take time out for other people truly if you can't take time out for God.

Everything that you think you have in terms of a friendship, it's surface at best.

Do marriages are stronger when the husband and wife take time out to be with God? Families are stronger when they take time out to be with God. Brothers and sisters relationships are stronger when they take time out to be with God. The most challenge thing that I hear when I'm doing counseling is I ask I might ask one of the spouses do you get up in the morning and pray over your spouse?

Do you pray over your children? Do you think about him do you spend time with him? Is there even time to be at a dinner table these days?

Does that make sense? Do we need each other? When we can talk about all kinds of things, but it bit it boils down to I need you and you need me. We can we can call it whatever you want, but it boils down to relationship. Is that make sense? All right. What's the next one?

So Jesus had close friends. Mary Martha and Lazarus. He had three more close friends. I think the Bible is outlining this for us. So will his other three close friends is going to bring it up. Peter James and John Peter James and John that there were a bunch of disciples there were 12 disciples, but Peter James and I wear his inner circle his friends. Amen.

Who Your Inner Circle

Who is it that you go to no matter what the situation is. Jesus to go to Peter James and John and and and they all have different personalities. We know Peter was he would say whatever came out of his whatever came up here came out of his mouth a man dying with the one you love. And James, he just he ended up doing some amazing things for the kingdom of God, but they all were friends of Christ and there were 12 and there are plenty other disciples, but these are his friends. So in the midst of all of this you can have an inner circle of friends, but they needed Jesus and he needed them. And I got to say this. If the Bible is showing us that Jesus Christ needed friends and Jesus Christ needed to connect. What does that say about us? I cannot let situations and circumstances. Keep me from connecting with individuals who don't look like me act like me talk like me may not be your thing Ginger. It is my responsibility to step out because the kingdom of God is better when we connect with each other.

Does that make sense?

Pokemon talk about Jesus. They said man you eating with these publicans and you eating with the Sinners than you you hanging out with Gentiles and you fellowshipping with harlots and you're doing all of these things. How do you think the kingdom of God will grow if we become the light and some of these individuals life and step out and connect with them. Amen. God did not create a church for you to just come to a building on Sundays from 10 to 1 or whatever the services and for you to go back to your little world. He created you to have connection with people in the go out and have effect on individuals. The church has become so weak today because everybody's getting into their little clicks and do a little thing and not concerned about anyone else and it unless it's some drama or some social media. That's the only time you see even commenting on things. What about the love of Christ? What about someone? Who's broken? What does someone who's hurting. You've been out there and stepping outside of your comfort zone and telling somebody that God loves you. No matter what you've done instead of talking about them and making them feel worse than what they already filled going out there and send you know, what you know, what sister God loves you.

We do brake job upon each other down. We going to bring people together.

That's what we've been called to do. That's what I job is I need you and you need me. Not for everybody who got pookie. eBay

Yeah, I know that Uncle who's crazy. right

go out and show him love. cuz the easiest thing to do is get into your click and talk about the Jesus thing to do is to step out of there and show him love. a man look at your neighbor say I need you. And you need me.

Keep going. In Matthew chapter 17 verse 9 as they went down the mountain. Jesus came to them. Don't tell anyone what you have seen until the son of man has been raised from the dead when you have people in your internal circles, they see things and they know what you got everybody else knows.

But I'mma tell you someone who knows everyone everything about you. My wife knows a lot of things about me and she will tell me all the things about me. Amen. But I will tell you this she doesn't know everything.

But God does. God knows every thought every motion every feeling He knows the things that I suppress things that I let out. He knows my anxiety knows it all.

And if God created that relationship he needs me. I show know that I need him. Because when everyone else kicks you to the curb. God will always be there for you. Does that make sense? I come to realize as I get older this thing is all about relationship. It's all about connecting. It's all about showing love even when it makes you vulnerable. It's all about forgiving it's all about trust. It's all about the things that God has said in the scripture. This is what he's looking for from each and every one of the men I could quote scripture to you. I can I can do the whole theological thing that doesn't make sense of you leave out of here and don't know what to do with it.

I know all kind of preachers who can preach in their elegant and what they do, but when people leave out those Services they still on the same folks they were when they came in. Yes, it sounded good. Yes, he who yes, he did all that. But what did you do with the information?

Is it something that you can apply to your lunch? Can you look at your brother? Can you look at your sister since you know what I have a little more patience. I can love you a little more.

I can find a good things in you. Can we learn to do that? That's what the church should be made of. It shouldn't be desegregated couple of hours all over the world. It should be where we can all come in and everybody feels comfortable no matter what building you going to church.

What the devil is busy? And he's trying to make this thing a separate entity where the Baptist have to be over here in the Catholics have to be over him. The lutherans have to be over here in the Presbyterians over here and everybody has their own little world. That's not what God created. That's not what's up in heaven. And until we get it right on this side. It's going to be a mess for some people trying to get to heaven. They may look right religiously, but if they don't have love in their heart, how can they be in the presence of a loving? Holy God when they have hatred cuz somebody called himself or this or that

does that make sense? We got to change this thing and it starts here we can have

It's the same thing over and over and over and over and I don't know if I'm any of you who just two player.

used to getting that Groove in just Right big they call it scratch it now, but it used to just be skipping and some was wrong with the wrecker. Amen. They call it scratching now. Amen, but that's how many of us are living Our Lives just this like that. It's over and over and over the same thing day in and day out. Never grow never challenge yourself never doing anything there never trust. God is always there you getting that Loop and it's just this one thing over and over and over again, and then we worry and wonder what's wrong with the world. I see folks on social media. I can before they even type it. I know what the response is going to be cuz it's the same thing over and over and over again.

See I need you. And you need me. And I may not be perfect and neither. Are you? If I spend the time loving you like God loves you and like God loves me, then we can move further. But if I spend the time trying to find every fault in you to protect to prevent you from finding the fault in me. We will always be in this little Loop. And I'm tired of them. I don't care who's at the top. In my life doesn't change if I don't realize that God has called me to love that. God has called me to be better than I was last year or last month or yesterday if I'm still doing the same thing that I've always done and I said this last week and I will say it again.

Messiness is in your house. Guess what kind of person you going to be?

It's the same Loop over and over again the same Loop until you change the loop until you start looking at things the way God looks at things.


I'm almost done. Don't sit next.

You can't have friends. If you don't first Show Yourself friendly.

You can come up with 500x eBay don't like me. They don't like the way I look and I heard it all. My question to you is what have you done? to show yourself free you don't understand you don't like just so you know, I don't need all this drama. All these excuses enough is enough. The reason we can't move forward as the church's because we are not showing ourselves friendly. We have a 500 Stooges why we can't go out and tell somebody about Jesus Christ. So it's not political correctness. I don't want to hurt anybody. my feelings Hey, man, how about you? Try that on? I love you enough to tell you something. You may not want to hear. God loves you. I know you want I know you were expecting everybody to tell you you how bad you are. And how messed up you looking this that enough, but how about this God loves you? How about we do that? How about this week? We meet somebody and share with them the love of Christ as opposed to coming up with excuses as to why we can't do it. How about we tell a family member how God loves them?

Pop out enough with the excuses.

and more of the love

remember the couple weeks ago. I said, you know what it'll be hard pressed for you to be in a relationship if you don't respect yourself.

She starts here. Look in the mirror. Look at yourself. So many of us spend time now other folks issues.

Remember I said the mirror don't lie.

You look in that mirror. God is going to show you who you really you can dress it up.

Pull it on put it off cut it up do whatever you want to do a man, but the mirror will not lie. God will show you exactly who you are. And the reason he will show you exactly who you are it so that you he can show you what you need to do to be more like him.

CCC in order for us to have these relationships and in the move this thing for we've got to start here. Am I really friendly? Hey, brother, how you doing?

Let's keep this thing real the reason the folks on the outside. Look at the people to church and call them fake and hypocrites is because that's the stuff we do but we want to say we're all holy and we want to say we all love him. But when we stop and think about it, I'm doing the same thing that the world does. I'm just doing it in the church.

Do we keep this thing real because I don't want you to leave out of here the same way you came in. I want you thinking I want you challenging. I want you to look at yourself in the mirror and say darn it. It can start with me. Who's the stupid people that I can affect and can affect me?

That's what God wants. coming to church every Sunday like

and we wonder why. hey, man, I had an opportunity to preach at a

Lutheran Presbyterian church, and I got the Presbyterians. Don't play you start on time you get 25 minutes and you better be done. Cuz they ready to get up out of there. Amen. So I went in there and they were all like

I love my Presbyterian brothers and sisters. They don't play. So I just basically share the word with him. And you know, there's always those closet Presbyterian to want to be more like Baptist Pentecostal Presbyterian Church. They don't say any man. And one of that one slipped out.

Why did the congregation go like that? I knew you were always one. I knew. Been appointed as all of this is this it shouldn't be like that. Man, it's if God has called you to preach or teach the word. You should be able to go to any church and share the gospel. It shouldn't have to come under some form or a belief system because that's all man-made. Does that make sense? I need you when you need me. That's what this thing should be about when we look at each other. This is not my enemy this my brother and sister in Christ and what he

Does that make sense? That's how you get to one body? A man, you can't have multiple bodies in the church cuz there's only one body. There ain't the Presbyterian body and the Baptist body in the non denomination was only one body. Amen. And we all affected each other. Amen. Alright, I'm almost done. See that's a Baptist thing. I got to let it go cuz I could be here another 20 minutes how to get this a man who has friends must must himself be friendly, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

I'm going to tell you guys this.

God says in his word and you can take this to the bank. I'm not a betting man, but here's what you can take to the bank. His word says I will never leave you nor forsake you. See we can't get so bad that God won't love us. Now we can get bad where man won't love you. You can't get so bad that God won't love you. Because you know what in the midst of my stand in the midst of my wretchedness. He still love me.

And his word is proven true to me that no matter what I do or how bad it gets. I can always go back to him. See some things I could never tell my mom. Some things I like my father wouldn't even put up with. My brothers and sisters would look at me and say I was you no tripping. Your friend some if it was the same thing. They were doing they were cool with you. But if they weren't doing it, then they'd isolate you right but God will never leave you and God will never forsake you so no matter how bad it gets you can always go to bed. Always go to God. In the message that we need to tell those that we say we love is no matter how bad it is. God will never leave you and God will never forsake you and God will love you through no matter what you're going through.

That's the message. And that has nothing to do with the nomination or race or sex or anything. It's all about love. Amen. Couple more I'm not going to say we done you going. We need friendships for assistance and strength. Again, I keep telling you we can't do this alone. I learn I I used to. Several years ago. I was the facilitator for caregivers of those who have HIV and AIDS. so here we are. We we went through that challenging time back in the eighties and nineties when the the HIV and AIDS virus hit the entire world and hit it bad and end in I lived in I don't know if many of you know in Southern California in Palmdale Lancaster in that area there. So I lived in with a little city called Quartz Hill and so one of the doctors there asked me if I would help facilitate a group of of caregivers now, can you imagine these were these were moms and dads and brothers and sisters of family members who have been infected with this virus and remember back then they didn't have all the information they have today. So people were dying left and right and so we would sit in the room in a circle and I'll never forget the pause that he was a cowboy that they had a little ranch up in right off of going towards the

Palm Palm Desert and he had a little rent and his son was affected with HIV and his son came home and they were taken care of the Sun and they did not know what to do. They didn't know if they could touch him or if they could if they can eat with him or it was that bad at the time and I remember sitting there and this was this this guy he was probably about six three real the Marlboro Man looking guy, right and he sat there and he started to cry because he didn't know what to do for his son. And as a parent his he all he could think about was what could he do to help his child in his child was was dying and he didn't know what to do. And I realize that that point where connecting I'm here to help and if nothing else just to listen and he felt embarrassed at first, but when it came out it came out and in such a flood of emotion that I realized he's no different.

We're no different than each other when things happening family members are her we go there to try to help him fix. I'm so before it gets to that. How about we try to help each other now? How about we instead of waiting until there's a go fund account that's needed that we go there and help someone else that we tell somebody about the love of Jesus because that's that will prevent some of the stuff that we're going through or family members are going to having to go through that. Does that make sense?

We're all the same We're All God's Children. We are all part of the body. And what you do affects me and what I do affects you. a man Tell your neighbor I need you. You need me. Y'all said it like you don't really mean. I thought you'd be yelling by this time. You know, I need you man. I need you.

Hey, man, keep going real quick two are better than one because they have a good reward for their labor that's in Ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 9 and 10. Keep going. Birthday fall one will lift up His companion but water him who is alone when he falls.

We have no one to help him up. That's why I need you and you need me and I

you deal with a lot. You do it a lot and in the conversation, I'm pretty transparent but it is the energy equivalent of having 500 people. Come at you. What different issues in a different places in their time and different needs and things and they're all thinking they're the only one.

Hey, man. That's why I need you. I know you know I was talking with sister Sharon and she was like rib, do you need me to come around like no, I need you here. I said no, I need you and I I mean if it's nothing more than to just to see your face to draw that energy. I need everyone and that's what I'm hoping when you see me you like him have the pastor's here as opposed to that dude still here. You understand what I'm saying this connection that we we have to have that for each other. We draw strength from each other. We build each other up when courage each other.

Stop if I didn't have the individual who helped out a man and I love it when people say pasta. Is there anything I can do? Let me help out at because I need

And I'm hoping know I know I know you need me a man and I don't mean it from an arrogant perspective, but just from a place of love. Amen. Keep going. We need friendship for Council. Keep going. In Proverbs, 27:9 says justice lotions and fragrance get sensual Delight a sweet friendship refreshes the soul. You know when you got good people in your life you feel good. If you have toxic people in your life that drains you that takes all of your energy but someone who's there to lift you up to build you up to say, you know, what no matter what we're going to get through this.

Cuz you can get on social media and you can blast. All day long. Amen. You know, I'm not just talking to our young people. I've seen some stuff from older folks. I'm like, seriously you going to put this on Facebook like that that's just ridiculous and immature but I can't put that on there don't think I didn't think it y'all don't know the editing. I do all the time. I see stuff and I'm like

a man Because you do so much harm when you put things like that out there and you don't know what the effect will be on that person. You're sending it to amen. He born. We need princess for both personal and spiritual growth. Keep going. In Proverbs, 27:17, you use steel sharpens Steel in one friend sharpens another that's why sometimes if people say Pastor you don't give me a break. No, I'm trying to make you better. Hey, man, no Pastor you all over. Yes. I am because I want you to be the best you all that to God you all that to the kingdom you owe it to yourself. That's why I'm not going to let mediocracy exist in our lives and you should not allowed to exist in my life that you care about me. If you care about my family know you can't you're not going to let this stuff happen a man. Yeah, I done lost y'all now. Yeah, I like yeah. Yeah, I like so foofy. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I can't wait hurry up.

I'm almost there. I said I was going to say that again didn't remember you're the light of the world a town built on a hill cannot be hitting that's in Matthew 14 chapter 5 verse need to do people like the lamp and put it on the under a bowl instead. They put it on a stand and gives light to everyone in the house E. I got to tell you this because some of us forget it when they leave out of the church, they forget your the lights. You you forget again. It goes back to what I said a couple of weeks. Don't forget who you are. God created you he put the light of the holy spirit in you and when you leave out of this before walls. Before ya four walls and go out into the world. You have to light it up.

You can't go and take the light that God is giving you and hide it. You've got a light it up people wondering what do I get some directions and some help from they need to see your light.

The most of us are trying to leave the church. I don't want nobody know I'm saying I don't want nobody to know that I'm a Christian. So I need to act like them talk like them listen to everything.

a man if I got any Presbyterians here, I'm sorry, if you know they're like she's yelling. That's why we send the kids to Children Church my wife once I quit scaring the kids.

In the same way let your light shine before others that they may see your good deeds and glorify your father have missing about us. It's about God. See when you live right when you talk right when you act like guess who gets the glory god gets the glory. It's not about what people think cuz trust me if human beings we will fall short. But when we do it, right it points to God not to me and points to God too many of us trying to get the finger 2.2. When it should be pointing to God, I do this because I love God I live right I act right. I'll talk to you. I love that. I want you to see God not me cuz you know what? There's going to be the day when I wake up in my Oceans by my emotions are all over the place and I'm just not feeling it. You know what you

You know some of y'all just want to be real religious right now. When what do you mean? I'm always on top of things. You know, I always have it together. No, you don't quit lying.

REI nobody sees it. Because you do a good job of masquerading. And you give people what you think they want to see? But if they saw the real you on that day when you roll over and you just don't feel it, everything ain't always Hallelujah in your life. A man and that's the challenge now when those days aren't Hallelujah get with your friend and they can pray with you and and praise with you and study with you and they can move you from being down into up and and God will get the glory. Does that make sense. Amen. I'm just trying to keep this real for y'all. So here's next steps. Here's what I'm telling you cuz y'all but y'all know I don't believe in you coming into a worship service here in the work and going out and not doing something with. Bible says be the word or do the word not just hear the word and here's what happens in many congregations folks come in and they hear the work and they never go out and do the work. So here is doing of the work. I want you to read Mark read Genesis Chapter 2 Verse 18 daily. My bad, I got Mark Genesis up there that doesn't exist. Mark was last week. I tried to read Genesis Chapter 2 Verse 18 daily. I want I'm going to challenge all of us to make a new friend.

step outside of your comfort zone go find somebody your neighbor or someone that you like anyway.

A man make a new friend. Tell them something about who you are Be The Light in there like you never know what folks are going through a man. For those who are interested get involved with the ministry of project here at UCF and trust me. We've got a lot of them. Amen Tuesday night Bible study. If you want to come and you want to have the word dissected to the point where you can say, oh that makes sense. Come on, Tuesday. Amen. Invite someone to Sunday worship service. Because our job is to go out. And increase the kingdom of God, Amen. Alright, you can go to the next one. So with all that said

Let's Go song says I need you You need me.

the reason I have it playing in the background is because for some of us God is pulling on your heart.

tugging at your heart

I thank you that Jesus. for me and that you will never leave me or forsake you. I asked God. today

accept me as your child.

AMAC if you pray that prayer you spoke it out with your mouth and you believe in your heart. That's the first step that salvation. That means now you will always be safe with. No one can take it from me. You can't lose it. You didn't buy it and you can't do anything the game. It's a freaking remember? So the challenge now is this. Everyday, you have to get up and you have to walk. I think that's where we have.

I need you.

Walk this Walk of Fame. Cuz tomorrow when I get up the same issues and problems and concerns will face. So I ask that you connect with someone.

I just challenge.

There's a number on the on your program the program if you call.

requires us realizing that

it's so 2 things were going to do and then we're going to close out in prayer number one.

My first time visiting UCF just check here. Please fill out as much information as you're comfortable giving to us. This is how we connect with those who are who are guess cuz we don't believe in visitors and let me tell you the difference between a visitor and I guess a visitor. You don't expect they just show up I guess you prepare for when you have guests come over to your home. You get ready for me man. And you show him love and you you welcome they feel at home and I'm praying that everyone who's the first time guess here feels at home. Amen. They feel loved and they feel warm here because that's what you do when you invite people to come as guest into your home. So check

Nation about the church or what we're doing. There's some boxes or put in your prayer request. I would like more information about whatever it happens to be a man. These are really important to us. If you have a prayer request someone who is going through a challenging time or just the praise report either I or my wife the first lady over there. We pray over each one of these cards weekly. And as it's been testified prayers have been answered. I believe in praying I believe when we're not here. Somebody should be praying for us. I need you and you need me. So I ask is we pray for you you pray for us a man? Because that's how we help each other. So whatever it is, please fill out the connection card and then Hazard Hazard Usher's and and and just come along along with your offering. So this envelope is where you can put your offering it in and as a congregation knows we're trying to have a huge impact in Morgan Hill South San Jose Gilroy San Martine for the kingdom of God a man. I don't take a salary. I'm we're not big enough for me to take a shower everything. We do all of us. We donate everything donate. I'm donate money, whatever we do to have this building. We all believe in the ministry so much that we put our money.

You have a place for Bible study. Then we can take care of the ancillary that we can print these card that we can print the unload those things are gift because people believe in what we're doing and they give through tithing and offering and so if you have an offering or at I put it in the envelope, unless you give electronically now a lot of young people they give electronically and I thank you cuz young people don't carry money around a man and so go out on givelify and find us United Christian Fellowship. You'll see my wife and I

Giving it for us to really move for the king.

Is that are out there all you giving this money to make the pasta rich now? I got a job a man. I'm not bragging. No, don't get me wrong. I work.

Hey, man, and until God releases me to do this full-time as Ministry. I will continue to work a man my wife works and we pour into the ministry just like all of the members in the church. We're equally as far as that's concerned that whatever God has given us to give we give it an

Give with a cheerful heart. Give unto the Lord not unto man, but get up give unto the Lord. Amen and when you

how to multiply

when you sow a seed are you give

Might be on fire for the Lord.

And when you give me says give with a cheerful heart when I give to the Lord because I know when it's all said and done he's already taken care of a man. He's giving me.

I'm not trying to do Christian cliches. I believe that. amen So I look around and I asked that whenever you give give with a cheerful heart. But what's important to us is that you fill this out? We've been running at a 99 98 99 percent rate of individuals filling out the connection card for those who are new everybody feels it out. The pastor feels out I feel every week. A lot of connection, but then my wife pray for me a man so that I know that it's something is on my heart. Something is burning me that there's someone you're praying for me. So is I'm giving out and I'm praying I'm going over to connection cards, and I know individuals are challenged with some stuff. I'm asking God to intervene in the name of Jesus. So this is real to us. So, please fill that out.

Are we done? Okay, so we got the kids to report out a man really quick who's going to represent you as well, y'all

dulces it on me. You said that. I guess I should be paying attention to you, huh? My bad. Alright.

Create a big old Circle.

Wait a minute. I hear stomach growling.

Alright, that's great. A big old big old Circle. I'll come on become a part of this. Don't miss out.

First of all, I want to thank God for our first time guess God bless you. I thank you guys for taking the time out to come and worship with us. I really appreciate it. I thank God for our members and those who consistently come and visit us not visit our come and worship with us. I thank God for the hand that you hold squeeze that damn a little bit just did that's a blessing right there. That's a blessing right there. Because if it was left up to the world that person will be gone a man but still here so I thank God for every candy that being held and I thank God for everyone that's attached to those hands that you're holding.

Because you have a huge impact.

I pray God's blessing and God's covering over. Let us borrow his father. We thank you that you have reminded us that we made you.

And we need each other. The Lord as we close out this series on relationships. I pray God that we have been made deeper we have deeper. loved ones in

whatever anyone has done to any of us knowing that is not been.

Alarm go in the name of Jesus. For those we have heard we have issues that we miss abused or disappointment. We pray that they would forgive.

Praise God that I worship is good pleasing in your system. Pray to God that you hear our prayers in it.

Pray for the members Lord that you would bless like never before by the guy Reach Out Your Hand of Mercy on this world Reach Out Your Hand of protection.

I pray for you.

Thank you for

Amen, amen. And amen. Alright, you are dismissed. Oh bless the food.

Yeah one another sermon no, no, no. No, okay. All right. All right. I got a response on that. Yeah. Alright, let's go. Thank you for the food that has been prepared in for those who are prepared it for nurse one of our body soul and mind we give you all praise Glory and Honor in Jesus precious name let everybody say man. And all right you are dismissed.

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