In the Year King Uzziah Died
In the Year King Uzziah Died
Isaiah 6:1-12
For as long as I have lived, Queen Elizabeth has set on the throne of Great Britain. Considering that I am nearing retirement age, this is quite a feat. She has been an inspiration to her subjects for 65 years. Even though her powers are constitutionally limited, she still is the social glue that keeps Great Britain together in turbulent social and political times. I remember when at a large football stadium the people sang God Save the Queen for the 50th anniversary of becoming Queen, you could see the tears and the great emotional outpouring of 100,000 people there. Even here in America, I can remember at St. Thomas Episcopal Church in New York the church singing “God Save the Queen.” The sun may indeed set on the British Empire, but it does not set on those who admire her.
Recently, the tabloids have reported about her health setbacks as she nears 91 years of age. There is a sense of fear in the people because she unifies the people. With the Brexit looming, what will happen to Great Britain? What will become of the monarchy? Will King Charles or as some suggest King William be able to bring stability in a time of upheaval?
This brings us to this morning’s text which begins with: “In the year King Uzziah died.” At first it might be seen as a time marker to date the prophecy, but it is worth taking a deeper look at this statement. Uzziah was king over Judah for over fifty years. Only a few people there could remember any other king than Uzziah. Uzziah was seen as a source of stability in turbulent waters. Political, social, and religious threats threaten to engulf and swallow Judah. Even so, it was a time of prosperity for the nation. Isaiah lampoons Judah for her improper use of this prosperity and neglecting the needs of the poor, but it was generally good times for many.
Uzziah wielded more political power than Queen Elizabeth, but there were limitation to his power as well. The Israelite monarchy was not meant to be absolute. For the great kink Solomon, Uzziah’s ancestor had been anointed King by Zadok the Priest and Nathan the Prophet. This by the way is the text of Handel’s great coronation anthem “Zadok the Priest” which is played at the coronation of a monarch in Great Britain. I remember Prince Edward commenting on this that the British people wanted the monarch ruled by the grace of God, the church and the people of Britain. Even the coins of the realm bear the motto in Latin which is translated “Queen by the grace of God.”
Uzziah is recorded to have been a pretty godly king, but he made one costly mistake. This is recorded in 2 Chronicles 26. He became angry with the priests and took the censor from them to offer the priestly service himself. The priesthood was established by God and the priests were separated from the people of Israel. Uzziah was king and not priest. It says that God struck Uzziah with leprosy. In a great irony, God separated Uzziah from the people of Israel, by his being shut up as a leper.
It is in this context that Isaiah has a great vision. He saw the Lord in His majestic spendor, surrounded by cherubim and seraphim proclaiming” Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Armies! The entire earth is full of His glory.” There was overwhelming light, thunderous sound, and the Lord appeared larger than life. Like the few that have been allowed a glimpse of the Lord’s majesty have been completely overwhelmed, even to the point of death. Moses had to be covered by the Lord’s hand, but recounted his fear to the people of Israel about the experience. Samson’s father thought they were as good as dead then they saw the Lord ascend in the flame of the sacrifice. Daniel falls before His feet as a dead man. Here Isaiah trembles at the majesty of the Lord ad cries that he is a dead man for seeing the Lord of Hosts. But instead of dying physically, the Lord gives Isaiah a commission to be his prophet and warn the people of Judah. It is most unsettling that it also records that the people would hear and not understand and see and not perceive the message he brought from the mouth of the Lord.
In the New Testament, we see Jesus at His baptism and the voice of the Father and the Holy Spirit rest upon Jesus. The question is what did the multitudes see and understand by this. John records the voice from heaven coming to Jesus. But to others it was thunder. They heard Jesus and saw Him, but Jesus Himself quotes this passage from Isaiah as do other New Testament writers as demonstrating the spiritual blindness and deafness of Israel.
We also see Jesus revealed at the Transfiguration. There was the brilliant light and the voice of God. It says that Peter James and John fell into a deep sleep. Sleep is a symbol of death. Whom did these disciples see that day? They would see Him again in a garden pouring out his soul to the Father about the passion he was about to undergo. And there they fell asleep again.
Stephen sees the Lord at the right hand of the Majesty on High and does die. John also sees a vision of Him in the Book of Revelation and falls as a dead man. Here we see who truly is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. It is Jesus, who for the time being is separated from us in heaven, but is coming again to receive us unto Himself. What a day of majestic glory!
In today’s turbulent world, especially with the inauguration of a new president and the unrest we are seeing on the part of many, we need to see a vision of who is truly in charge. We too have our checks and balances of power in our nation in the attempt to prevent a dictator from usurping the power of the people. Some are afraid of the new president and others were afraid of the previous one. In this age, the Christian needs to be reminded that all rulers in authority do so by the grace of God. We must remember that we are kept by the power of God whose glory fills the entire earth and not just America. In fact, he is Creator and King of the Universe itself. It isn’t the power of the people or the checks and balances placed by the Founding Fathers of this nation put in the constitution which protects us and more than the separation of powers in the Judaic monarchy of Uzziah’s day. It is in the sinful nature of human beings to usurp power. We can be corrupted by them. We trust in our own powers and not the power of God.
So we are in danger of falling into the spiritual blindness and deafness that was true of Isaiah’s day. We think we hear the voice of God and see His glory. But when push comes to shove, we don’t get it at all. We must remember in the commission given to Isaiah was that he was to preach this message until the land was desolate. Desolation occurs when God’s Word is ignored.
Government can only properly work when the rulers and the people live in the fear of God, the majestic and Holy God of Scripture, and not the oooey gooey warm chocately chip god of love that gets served today in America. It amazes me every year at Christmas seeing the adoration given to the baby Jesus in the manger. Here God is held in human hands. What we don’t want is being held in God’s hands. We want to control God and use Him to advance our purposes. This will result in desolation in the church and state. It is responsible for the deplorable condition of the churches in America and the the death of this nation. It is time to wake up and repent for the Lord is coming. Judgment is coming. This nation is not under the love of God but His wrath. If individuals, individual churches, and denominations do not repent, be sure that you will be left without inhabitant.
I have read many of the sermons of Martyn Lloyd Jones who for many years was pastor of Westminster Chapel in England. He records in his sermon series in Acts preached during the 1960’s about the attempts the churches were making to stay filled and remain relevant. A lot of the things are those which are advocated in America’s churches today. Leave off preaching from the Bible, and preach on some political text. Get rid of Sunday night services. Less preaching and more dialogue. Skits and plays instead of the preaching of the Word and sacraments. Social events instead of Bible study, and pop music rather than the majestic hymns. Look at the result in England. The church is DEAD! The church is IRRELEVANT! The only living remnant of churches in England are those who did not compromise the faith and message given by God. We need to wake up here in the church of America, or our funeral is at the door. But God will still have a people. He will raise up others who will be faithful to take the place of those who have committed apostasy.
God’s people need to separate themselves for the work Jesus has called it to do. We don’t need to delve into politics as though that is our message and salvation. As a prophetic voice to the world, we only have power when we are faithful and separate. Only Jesus has the right to be Prophet, Priest, and King. For the rest of us, let us be what God has called us to be.
Some day the bells at Westminster Abbey will toll the sad news that the beloved Queen has died. It is said that the British monarch bends the knee to no one. But like all people who have lived, now live, and yet to live shall bow before the King of Glory. I would concur with the biblical lyrics of “Zadok the Priest.” May she reign forever. Of course we have to understand this in human terms. May she continue to reign for a long time. But the sad day will come. Many wonderful things will be said of her. The courage of the royal family who did not desert London during the Great War during the war will be fondly remembered by the few wh can remember the day. Many other thisngs will be said of her and her remarkable reign. She has been a wonderful Queen. I will concur in the acolades and it will indeed be a sad day for me as it will be for millions. She has also guided the Church of England as well as being the monarch. Who can take her place?
But in times of fear, let not the Christian be afraid. We have a King who truly reigns forever. And the good news is to all who will come to Him on His terms he will accept as His subjects. Not only does our Great King rule for ever, but the day is coming that we shall forever be with Him.