Heaven - Going Home
Text: Rev. 21
Thesis: To describe the beauty of Heaven so that we will want to go there and thus be
inspired to live more faithfully so that we may go home.
1) College students going home on the weekends
a) Real food, wash clothes, good bed, etc.
b) Most importantly, sense of love and safety
2) As the song teaches us, “This world is not our home”
I. Our home will be a new dwelling place (Rev. 21.1-2).
A. This world will be burnt up with a fervent heat (2 Pet. 3.10).
B. Our bodies will decay (2 Cor. 5.1-10).
C. Heaven will be an eternal blessing.
1. Its newness will never wear off.
2. It is prepared by the very hands of Jesus (John 14.1-3).
3. Its beauty is indescribable.
a. It is a city of pure gold (Rev. 21.18).
b. Its foundations if of precious stones (Rev. 21.19f.).
c. God Himself shall be its light (Rev. 21.23).
d. We shall inherit “all things” (Rev. 21.7).
II. Our home will be the place of Deity’s presence (Rev. 21.3).
A. “God Himself will be with them and be their God.”
B. We will be able to look upon the very face of God and Christ.
1. This is something that has never been done before (John 1.18).
2. We will be able to look upon the face of pure love (1 John 4.8).
C. Amazingly, He will enjoy this as well because He “is not ashamed to be called their God” (Heb. 11.16).
III. Our home will be able to discontinue pain (Rev. 21.4).
A. “For I consider that the sufferings of this present world are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us” (Rom. 8.18).
B. Song: No Tears in Heaven
C. Song: Heaven shall surely be worth it all
Conclusion: Do you want to go home?