Minor Prophets - Micah
An Overview of Micah
(1) Micah’s name means “who is like Jehovah.”
(2) He began prophesying before the destruction of Samaria (Micah 1.5) and continued prophesying into the reign of Hezekiah (Jer. 26.18-19); thus, the date of the book is from about 735 B.C. to 700 B.C.
(3) During this time, the Hebrew people were in a state of great turmoil.
(a) There was much prosperity during the day, but that had led to apostasy.
(b) To the east of Palestine, Assyria was emerging as a military threat and in 722 B.C., Samaria (i.e., the capital city of Israel) was conquered.
I. Judgment upon Samaria and Jerusalem (Micah 1, 2):
A. Sin will eventually bring judgment from God (1.2-5)
B. Samaria had sinned by praticing idolatry (1.6-7)
C. Jerusalem allowed Samaria to have a negative influence upon the nation (1.8-16).
1. Leaders had oppressed the common people (2.1-5).
2. False prophets had catered to the immoral desires of the people (2.6-11).
D. Following these rebukes, there is a prediction of a time when a remnant will be gathered again (2.12-13).
II. Denunciation of the sins of the day (Micah 3 – 5):
A. The leaders of the day were people who hated good, and loved evil.
1. With false confidence, the prophets preached error and the judges were corrupt (3.1-11).
2. The reality was that judgment was coming (3.12).
B. The judgment would come when Judah would go into Babylonian captivity.
C. Despite the evils of the day, Micah also speaks concerning better days.
1. In the “latter days”, the Messiah will arrive to establish the church (4.1-8).
2. The Messiah would come out of Bethlehem to deliver His people (5.1-15).
III. The Lord’s Case against His people (Micah 6, 7):
A. They had forgotten God’s gracious acts and had forsaken His law (6.1-5).
B. What the Lord wanted was for them “to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God” (6.6-8), but they had done just the opposite (6.9-7.6).
C. The prophet concludes his message with hope for those who will turn to God (7.7-20)
(1) Let us not allow idols into our lives.
(2) If we have, then let us turn to the Lord now!