Parables - The Parable of the Talents
The Parable of the Talents
Text: Matt. 25.14ff.
Thesis: To note that we are to use what the Lord has given us and that the Lord will only judge
us based upon what we have been given.
(1) The background to this parable is Jesus’ teaching in Matt. 24.42-51, where He taught that He was coming again at a time when no one would know; therefore, mankind must be ready always for His return.
(2) The emphasis here is how we can be ready: Use what we have been given for His glory
I. The Conditions
A. Given talents “according to his own ability” (v. 15)
B. God has blessed us “according to our ability”
C. They are “entrusted” to us (v. 14)
- Principle: Stewardship
II. The Choices
A. 5 Talent Man – Traded his and gained 5 more (v. 16)
B. 2 Talent Man – Traded his and gained 2 more (v. 17)
C. 1 Talent Man – Because of fear, he hid his talent (v. 18)
III. The Consequences
A. 5 & 2 Talent Man – “Well done, good and faithful slave; you were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things, enter into the joy of your master”
B. 1 Talent Man – “And cast out the worthless slave into the outer darkness; in that place there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth”
(1) Lesson: Use what the Lord has given you
(2) If not, then it will be taken from you
(3) If so, then you will be just as blessed as everyone else who is using his/her talents regardless to whether or not he/she has more or less than you