March 5, 2017

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Good morning. If you are able would you please stand for the reading from the word of God? Peace scriptures from Psalm 32 today blessed is the one whose transgressions are forgiven whose sins are covered blessed is the one who send the Lord does not count against him and hitting a new spirit is no deceit when I kept silent my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long for day and night your hand was heavy on me. My spirit strength was sapped as In The Heat Of Summer College my send to you and I did not cover my nicquid E. I said I will confess my transgressions to the Lord and you forgave the guilt of mice in there for all the faithful pray to you while you may be found Shirley the rising of the mighty Waters will not reach them. You are my Hiding Place, you will protect me and from trouble and Surround Me with songs of Deliverance. I will instruct you and teach you in the way that you should go. I will counsel you with my loving eye on you. Do not be like the horse or the mule which have no understanding but must be controlled by bit and bridle where they will not come to you many other ways of the wicked, but the Lord's unfailing love surrounds the one who trusts in him rejoice in the Lord and be glad all you righteous saying all you who are upright in heart.

This morning. I want to look at Psalm 32 and I jumped to someone earlier that that it's almost as if maybe everyone here is stressed out on a couch and I can get a nice leather chair and set up here because some of what I want to talk about feels like therapy, but I want to challenge us to look at this song and reflect on it in terms of our own Souls III in terms of preparation for Easter what this song is essentially about is sin and we live in a culture that does not really like to talk directly about Sin. Will you the one that kind of joke about inside? Well chocolate, you know, is this indulgent sinful thing, but if someone wants to speak directly about Sin we tend to kind of avoid that person or turn away, you know, the classic image of the hear no evil. See no evil speak. No evil. Originally was this proverb that was advocating good behavior to stay away from evil, but really wanted to become and what Eastern culture is a reflection of the reality that we don't want to talk about Sin that we don't want to talk about evil in our culture weekend just to say let's just ignore that. There's our culture says there's no such thing as right and wrong. There's no such thing as morals or seeing and so we kind of avoid it completely but their scriptures tell us that really looking at sin as a whole even though it's kind of a heavy challenging subject and even more so looking at our own sins is something that is good and helpful and necessary for our own souls. And so let's look at what the psalmist models for us and spend some time if you'll bear with me spend some time thinking about kind of a challenging subject to a large extent when you look at verse 1 and 2 in the song that talks about transgressions the meaning of that is rebellious self-assertion, and it's that idea that I want my way without limitations and we can see that I'm sure this before but we see that in our own hearts and souls when we first sample see a sign on some grass that says keep off the grass before we see that sign we went we weren't even thinking about stepping on that grass. But the moment that we see that sign we start to say to myself what you mean keep off the grass, you know, it looks fine. It's not going to hurt anything if I step on the grass, so I slipped off the sidewalk. I stepped on that grass little bit well of our heart when when someone puts a boundary or a border or limitation that the sin and US wants to say not so with me I want my way with no limitations whatsoever. That's really the root of so much of the pain and hurt and evil in our own lives and in our culture. That we want our way. It's okay for other people to restrain themselves, but I want to do what I want when I want to do it. I don't want anybody to tell me what to do one Christian Author says sin is not just a tendency to Lurch and stumble and screw up by accident. It's our active inclination to break stuff stuff here including moods promises relationships. We care about and our own well-being and other people's well-being. think about it relationships are one of the main areas that send rears its head in our life the closer you get to someone in relationship when you extend your care and your love and your respect for them for another person that automatically limits you If you love someone then you're going to limit yourself cuz you're going to want to care for them. You're going to want to go out of your way. It's just like having a child write. This is having a child suddenly open up just all of your options when you've got a baby now. I've got no limitations whatsoever. I have a baby. It's just do whatever I want whenever I want. No, it's the opposite when you have your first child you suddenly realized we've narrowed down our Focus haven't we with we've created some limitations in our life and that's the nature of love and relationships. Marriage is like that dating is like that right you start dating and suddenly you not just looking at everybody out there. I can't I got somebody I'm trying to be painful to and then you get married you make a covenant you and only you. Send in our heart says I want my way until that send makes us willing to break rules. I know this is what we're supposed to do. I know that's what the rule is but rules don't matter where they decide what I should and should not do I'm going to do this thing whether it's take money from somebody is retirement account because I've got the skills as a as a bookkeeper to kind of steal that money. Or alter my taxes. or maybe it's

go meet somebody who's not my spouse. Maybe we don't just break rules. Maybe we break promises. because of sin because of that I want my way and I don't want any limitations until sin becomes this source of pain and danger in our lives and in our world in verse 1 and 2 when you mentioned send the second time, it's a different word and it means to go off the path the way of the destination and again, it points to the danger of sin. This is a picture. Don't let my smile fool you I was freezing and just moments before probably filled with Terror. This was a morning that I got to hike to the top of Mount Sinai which was an awesome experience. We got up at midnight at Saint Catherine's Monastery in Egypt and we hiked in the pitch-dark up to the top of Mount Sinai so that we could be there for the sunrise. But one thing I discovered is it's pitch-dark hiking up to the top of Mount Sinai and it's nothing but Jagged stones and so if you end up just kind of we could have ridden a camel part of the way, but I thought I'm not trusting my life. Camel that might slip off the edge of this cuz we were just going up just thousands of feet Rising. So it was Steve step after step. And so you just kind of followed the person in front of you and hope that they were going in the right direction because you couldn't see anything until you can see the feet in front of you and you're just like, okay. There's a rock. I'm going to stay up there going to stay up here and get us there were tons of us doing it, but we followed each other carefully and I thought about it talk about God's word being a light unto my path all would be awesome to have had this bright light shining every step of the way. So I wouldn't step down in a place and break my ankle or Wednesday to do close to the edge and slip off. That his word gives us that direction. There's a danger went went when we send when we go our own way. It is stepping off the path and God has revealed a path for us. He's revealed the truth about our hearts and our minds and how our life's work and how we were created to work. And when we send when we step off that path we are endangering not only ourselves but whoever might step off right behind us because they're following closely right behind us thinking we know the way and so there's danger and sin sin is essentially harmful to us and others. I guess we don't talk about this week's political culture that says sin is an outdated word, but that we know that sin and its very essence is harmful. Why's for example, I'm not talking about the lies you get caught in think about if you lie, and you get completely away with that lie No One Ever Knows about that lie. You realize that it's still harms the relationships that that lies involved with if you lie to your spouse or your children or your parents. Even if you get away with that lie it is it is. Damaging and destructive to that very relationship. When you lie, you're manipulating the other person you're holding back the truth. You're only telling them what you want them to know they become an object and not other person you dehumanize them. They become a means to an end instead of someone that you are honest with her open with instead. You want your way. I want my way. I'll break the rules and all life. I need to do that because I don't want any restrictions until the reality is that sin is harmful to us and not only does it hurt individuals when we as a society begin to not be sure that we can trust what we're told or what we read when lies become so dominant when people are willing to twist and let's just say that whenever a new source whenever he immediately when every friend when your uncle I'm not sure is that did somebody put a spin on this did they quit is this real news? Is this fake news? What happens to our society with a study was done when we know that were dishonest. We cease to trust other people.

When were willing to lie, then we begin to think I bet that other persons willing to lie to when we're going to put a spin on things that we tell people that make us look good and others look bad. Then we project that onto what we perceive about what they're telling us what happens to culture and society. When will there's is increasing growth in the sense that we can't believe what we're being told.

Then destroys not only the individual but it destroys Society. distrust becomes ramping Nations become divided I went off Facebook for Lent because there was so much heat and no light. And I don't care which side of all the issues you're on. There are great points to be made on both sides. But in our culture there's grown this this constant heat and conflict instead of light and discussion. And that's just one more week we can go on and on pulling out a variety of examples about them. Not only hurts us, but it hurts our society. Our culture our city our nation's our families the commands of the Bible are not busy work. Beside are there any I know you're not supposed to do and I should not do this and I know don't do that looked very costly it's not that sort of think the commands of scripture are life-giving and why is preserving it's as if someone says was hey you're going to be hiking up this pitch dark mountain in the middle of the night and you can fall off to your death. So let me tell you a few things left on most of the trails, but then when you see that one big treats you need to shift to the right and start walking that way when they pee when you say hey say that again to me. Can you tell me again because so many people who try to go around that the wrong way. It's right off. Can you come with me if you have a flashlight? The word of God the truth of God is a light unto our pass. We need that because sin leads us down the wrong direction the commands of the Bible line up with reality the lies of this world distort Riani. The lies of this world tell me that if I do whatever I want whenever I want that I will be experiencing Freedom baby Freedom. So is a young person. It tells me drink as much as you want. Don't listen to any any directions about restraining yourself or try that drug or try that substance or try as many relationships as you want and people who start the try everything they want whenever they want. Guess what happens they get addicted. And suddenly you see the line from this world that says this door leads to freedom and people who take that door end up in Chains bound. We see it every day. If they lose their families, they lose their jobs. They lose their children. It is heartbreaking and the devil continues to Proclaim that line this door his freedom. scripture proclaims the truth the commands of scripture are liberating. They aren't life-preserving and life-saving because they tell us the truth that we need to hear. They give us the light to the Past we're walking our culture says that sin and guilt is man-made as a man-made constructs and shouldn't be ignored it were all sinful John Parr start tells the story about using the illustration about a keyhole. He's just think of it this way imagine that someone is able to see every bit of your life through a keyhole every bit of it. There's not a single moment that they do not see you don't see them but they see you are Back Bay to know everything you're thinking what would that be like? if every moment was observed by someone else every moment and every thought he says we would be undone. Because if we have no ability to cover ourselves ever at any moment. Any thought that we have we would simply be undone.

And you relate to that? You know Tony campolo used to joke when he spoke. He would say he was a preacher good as still as a good preacher. He would say if you knew everything there was to know about me. You wouldn't listen to a word I said. And then he would say, but the truth is if I knew everything there was to know about you I wouldn't be here speaking to you. His point is that if everything about us is known everything about us is known the reality of sin is made clear. Doesn't matter if our culture says oh there's no such thing as saying you don't need to feel guilty. We know something is wrong. One author says if someone followed you around your entire life and recorded every time you use the word art in any situation or the word should when you said that to someone else, you know, you're really ought to hang your coat up when you come into roof. You really should not park there is reserved for other people you really ought to do your you really shouldn't have lunch with that. If every time you use the word hot or should towards someone else he really shouldn't be allowed to do that. There. Are those 1% or that's no good or blah blah blah. We got wide some opinions. So someone recorded every out there every should in our life and on Judgement Day. God said I tell you what, I'm just going to let you off the hook. The only standard by which I will judge you is your standard.

Would there be any of us who weren't condemned?

We know that we don't live up to our own standards. Even if the world says there's no such thing as Sin and guilt outdated language just blow that off. If your spouse leaves you for another.

You know, there's such a thing as Senegal.

The CEO of the company you work for takes everyone's retirement and skips the country, you know, there's something called right and wrong and something wrong.

Regardless of the language of our culture we know we know that sin is real. Lady Macbeth in Shakespeare's if you know the story she was trying to wash the spots out of her hand. I won't say the word but she felt very strongly about getting those spots out of her hands, even though there weren't actual spots on her hands. She knew she bore that guilt of the sin. She committed. And that's reality regardless of what our culture says until what do we do according to the psalmist? What is good for the soul when we realized the soul is marked by sin our own personal send we acknowledge our sin to God because God and His word is the standard. By which we assess our self until the song that says I am the sun. I mean, I was just crushed by my sin.

And then he says then I acknowledged my send to you.

Laura read those words to it's from Psalm 32. 1st Corinthians 4 1 through 4 Paw Points out what the standard is concerning right and wrong. He says one not public opinion. That's not the standard of right and wrong. Paul says I don't care what anybody else is saying about me when you ride to the Corinthians in chapter 4 look the public opinion. That's not the standard of what's right and wrong at one point. The public opinion said slavery was perfectly acceptable. That was public opinion. Who wants to who wants to put all their money on public opinion? Sexual ethics change every 25 years and public opinion what author shared it in the sixties when he was a college student because everything was about freedom and finally throwing off the shackles of morality and restraints that a picture of Professor sleeping with their students was perfectly acceptable even encouraged celebrated applauded public opinion said, that's awesome. You're throwing off restraint spell just 20 or 30 years later. We would tell you can't do that. That's an abuse of power. That's inappropriate. That's unacceptable human some of those people who did that are now facing consequences. So you cannot say well, this is what everybody says. I'll judge right and wrong by public opinion. No one says that anymore Robbie don't be silly. I'm not going to call that wrong anymore. Everyone says that's right today. Dangerous for us to depart from the word of God and Paul says I don't care what anybody says. And even inside the church we can slip into public opinion as the standard of right and wrong. I mean I could be stretching it here but has a church vote ever been considered the word of God. right It's like politicians some people want this some people want that. I guess it's whichever the most right just the majority right? I don't think that counted for the 10 spies in the Old Testament. Never the majority is what lines up with the word of God. That's the standard. It's a public opinion. And that's exactly what Paul was talking about. By the way not picking on the church. He was speaking inside the church and sing public opinion did not matter that was not the standard of right and wrong pump continues in that same passage and he says even his own thoughts don't matter his own conscience doesn't matter. The conscious is not the standard deal. When you when you read the transcripts of of criminal trials for the war criminals, none of them felt guilty about what they were doing. Their conscious did not stop them. They felt like what they were doing was perfectly. Okay for the same way those folks in the 60s who bought into the popular public opinion thought what they were doing was fine and dandy even to be celebrated. And so the conscience cannot be the guy 1st. John 3:20 says that if our hearts condemn us God is greater still. I know how radical that is. We're so trained and accustomed to think in terms of whatever I feel on the inside. That's what's true. And so my own conscience my own emotions my own feelings that will be the standard of right and wrong for me and Paul says no pulse is it doesn't matter what society says it don't matter about public opinion and policy is dead. No matter what I think them what the matter what I think in my heart, what matters is God And his word he is the standard. you know, there's people that feel guilty about things that they do not need to feel guilty about

do you realize that? They're people who been raised by parents who put certain burns on them. Well, you better not have listened. You can have some friends that are A different race than you but your mother and I wouldn't want you to marry somebody from a different race. Okay, we're not going to go down that path and so they get to college and they have some friends that are different race and then they start to like a friend you'll be because I'm I think I want to date this person maybe even married but mom and dad always raised me. It works multiple ways. Letting our conscience be our God can lead us down so many wrong path. This idea that went whatever I feel in my heart. Whatever. My conscience says it's not accurate is the word of God. That is the standard scripture would say that person who says well, I'm not supposed to marry somebody from another race scripture when you can you should that's right. Nothing wrong with that culture have corrupted certain things inside the church and outside the church and label them is right and wrong and the only way to know for sure the only way to follow correctly the only way to feel guilty about the things you should feel guilty about and not feel guilty about the things you should not feel guilty about is let the word of God Be Your Standard Jiminy Cricket was wrong. We cannot let our conscience be our guide because our conscience is shaped Often by our culture or our families and they are not perfect. They are not the word of God. So there are times in your life when something you've been taught all your life. You stumble across the scripture and he go. Oh my goodness. I believe this forever. And now this scripture is correcting me to believe something differently and you always inform yourself to the word of God. The standard is God and His revealed word in the Bible Jesus. It's not what you feel. It's not what we now know God's word is the guy that can lead us tell me how he feels that way. I don't accept the Bible preacher. If you say why don't you accept the Bible while there's just things that I don't agree with so your conscience Is the highest standard? Well, I don't accept the Bible preacher cuz there's so many things that we just know now that in our proven it wrong or they're just better the way we think about certain things. So public opinion. Is your standard both of those are quicksand only the word of God last and Asher and guiding our self and leading us to take responsibility. This is the second thing you acknowledge your sin to God. This is good for the soul. You take responsibility for your sins. It's not what your parents taught you it's not your feelings. It's not what people think but it's God's word declares. You don't blame shift anymore. And that's another popular detour in our culture to say well look. I know I did that but you don't know what my dad was like, I mean my dad the way he read this it's okay that I know. I know I know I should have done that. You haven't met my wife. I mean, you know, we got all kinds of you know, I did that but my employer there such an evil faceless Corporation. It's perfectly okay that I did that thing right? We've got justifications for our sins looked some of those factors might be the circumstances. or the occasion But they are not the cause of your sin. You are the cause of your sin.

I am the cause of my sin.

I stand guilty. before a holy God I'm having disobeyed him. Having known what was right and not doing it as having known what was wrong and doing it. Can't blame shift on the Samus models is forced because he acknowledges his sin before God and blames. No one else. What is good for the soul admitting the dangerous destructive hurtful reality of human simpleness and acknowledging your sin before God his word as the standard and take full responsibility Without Blame shifting. That's good for the soul. That's what's called confession. And it's a lost art sometimes in the modern Church perhaps that we would take the time to look at scripture and be held accountable to it and confess our sins before God. Verse 5. He says you forgave the guilt of my sin to better translated you forgave the sinfulness of my sin. And it really points out we talked about confession one of the detours that we can kind of slip into if we're not careful. We can confuse self-pity with True Confession. That's what the verse is when it talks about the horse When God says don't be like the horse that is only moved by the bit or the Whip and it's only move by consequences. Don't be that way but sometimes if we're not careful, we think we're confessing but the reality rally is we're just trying to avoid the consequences of a sin. We're not really repentant over the actual send me this when the well let me just again this is like a therapy session. Okay, everybody stretched out on the couch right now. I can say over and over. How does that make you feel? One of my one of my professors in in my master's program said that that's that's all you need for a degree in counseling. He said you just need to learn to listen quietly for a little while and then say how does that make you feel? And listen quietly for a little while. How does that make you feel? Listen for a little while longer. How does that make you feel and then you don't give him a bill collector money? Let's do a little therapy here right now if we're if we're thinking about it for a moment. Do you have a sin in your life that you can't seem to overcome?

Do you have a sin in your life that seems to be repeated over and over and over? You have a sin in your life that you beg God for forgiveness and you promised him never again Lord never again. Forgive me. I won't do it again and then a day or week or month later the same sin and you're saying Lord never again never again and then a day or week later. You're so bored. I will not do this again.

If you have that sort of sand that you can't seem to overcome. It might be an indication that you're slipping into self-pity that what you really want to avoid is the consequences. You're really not broken up over the actual sin. This is this is the man who abuses his wife and abuses her on and on and on and so finally she says that's it. I'm taking it no more and she leaves him. And then when he experiences the consequences, no wife. No breakfast. No clean clothes suddenly. His heart is heavy with repentance and he goes to her and says honey. I'm sorry. I'll never raise my hand to you again. Please come back, please. Please come back. And so guess what? She does this stuff from your story and then we see it's about the history of humanity and in a dozen different ways. She comes back and then as soon as he's convinced that she's back and she's going to say yes, what happens again?

grabbed her by the arm Why didn't the stuff ready that I wanted you to get ready?

He never repented. He never confessed. He was not sorry about his sin. He was sorry for himself self-pity. I'm not getting the things that I want my wattam so if I have to Say I'm sorry that I'll make things right again. Turn out to be something as dramatic as abused anybody ever been in that relationship rollercoaster somebody behave a certain way in a relationship. And you say you can't do that.

Anchor smooth for a little while, and then guess what happens again? Same behavior. I'm going to leave you if you do that. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry and back to the path again. You can slip off this Trail onto self-pity instead of confession and the difference is self-pity is really your only sorry for the consequences as soon as the consequences are no longer threat. You're willing to go back to the send again. And repentance is sorrow over the sin and honest acknowledgement of the sin and its pain and your role. Star over that don't confuse self-punishment with True Confession. Either people can get in the patterns confession and repentance weeping to kind of pay for the sin itself. And so this could be the danger of religion people can every Sunday they can come forward and confessed and cry and repent and be broken all the time and it becomes a sort of paying for the send themselves. Really so pretty it is not hating the sin as much as it is heated the consequences and and and self-punishment is hating yourself. Not the sin until you get stuck in this religious. I know gonna know I'm no good and you just kind of punish yourself. There's this subtle little belief if I'm hard enough on myself somehow that will make it. Okay, there's people who and if you're here as a first-time visitor somebody tell them that I don't preach this way over but there's people who will say to me. We want some old-fashioned preaching and I'll explore what that means and what they what they mean is they want me to get up and make them feel bad. They won't be punished by the sermon and somehow then I got the preacher just stomped all over my toes. And now that makes amends a little bit. Instead of actually looking at the sin they're struggling with their just kind of saying I'll substitute that punishment for it. But confession is too. That's whom you confess to. You're not just doing a religious therapy to somehow make yourself better or pay some sort of price. You're getting along with the holy God and confessing the reality of your sin to him and making no excuse about it whatsoever. that's why this song and the beginning says blessed is the one whose transgressions are forgiven whose sins are covered blessed is the one who send the Lord does not count against them and in whose spirit is no deceit.

That's a great verse in it. When we acknowledge the reality of our sin. No excuses to God, who is Holy? The song Mama says the blessing. Is to know that that God to whom we confess. forgives our sins our sins don't get resolved because we somehow managed to weasel out of the consequences are sins don't get resolved because we somehow punish myself. I go to church every Sunday in that punishment enough, and I'm so bad that I go Wednesdays and then I started volunteering to teach Junior High. I mean surely I'm punishing myself enough to pay for my sins. We get in those sort of silly thinking our sins are not resolved because we win all the consequences for because we somehow punish ourselves our sins are resolved because we confess them to the holy God and he will respond. For giving us a man. This phone is celebrate. When you look at sin, honestly. Celebrates what can happen confession is indeed good for the soul Paul quotes this song in Romans 4. In the New Testament speaking about the gospel speaking about Jesus Christ. Paul says, here's the blessing blessed are those whose transgressions are forgiven who sins are covered Bliss has one who says the Lord will never count against them. He quotes this song referring to what God is doing and does and has done through Jesus Christ on the cross that God has covered our sins. But people that danger thinking everything it seems everything is known every thought is laid bare. It's covered our sins are covered by Christ. We're going to we're just a little different here where I want to talk. I went in the sermon here with a give me any meditation, okay? And then after that communion meditation, we're going to play a song and I don't want to give you guys the opportunity to confess to the Lord to reflect on this song to spend time in prayer will have the prayer team up on that song starts. If you're part of the prayer team, please be in the front or the back in case somebody wants to come and pray with you. If you have a decision to make I'll be up front or in the back. You could find me and make that decision during that song prepare your hearts any decisions any confession you need to make and then when that song ends the men will come forward and serve communion. Because when we celebrate communion what we celebrate is that Jesus covers our sin. Jesus was uncovered Exposed on the cross so that we could be covered our sins are real their hours. There's no way to get out of them. We can't blame somebody else. We can't wiggle out of the circumstances. We can't pay enough for price for a sin to be paid for we need Jesus and he knew that understood it and he came and willingly gave his life. Why why do you have to be punished away? That's what had to be beaten quite it be stripped and exposed because that's what was necessary to pay the price for our sins. You can't have the atrocities that go on in our world with war and rape and sex trafficking and somehow it's that God just too rough of somebody's hair and say well I'm a big and gracious God. No big deal. You're forgiven go on your way. We know in our hearts that send requires payment.

Until Christ came and said I will pay the price.

And he was punished and exposed and uncovered so that our sins could be cover.

Our sins required the death of Christ.

Think about that.

The next time you're tempted to say what can I just wiggle out of the circumstances? Can I just avoid the consequences?

that thought is to draw us to repentance to confession to True Confession. The Christ paid that price so I hate sin. I hate myself and some sort of I'm going to punish myself enough. I don't want to just try to start out of the consequences of sin. I hate sin. I hate what it required Jesus Christ to suffer. I hate the price that it causes others to pay in my life. When I exercise send when I hurt my children or hurt my wife for her daughter's has ever done that.

Your bracket selfishly and hurts. I still have memories of being a kid with my mom shopping and just throwing a fit over not getting the clothes that I wanted and to this day I came over that. Because I know I look back. I realize how poor we were. My mom had no husband supporting her whatsoever and how she managed to get what she did out of the Nickels that she had to rub together to have a kid their sights, but I want these jeans.

And the sad thing is I still do stuff like that today. I still hurt those. I love sometimes. There's not a Sunday that goes by that I don't need this table and I suspect we are all the same. Here's the good news the reality of truly and honestly dealing with our sins admitting them confessing them acknowledge them corresponds to the realities of our sins truly being covered and provided for by Christ. Think about that. Look at this verse.

1st John says if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. We're tempted to think win at werribee Mercy. Why is it the word just it's the word just because Christ has paid for our sins. And if we have called Upon Jesus to be our Lord and savior if we are followers of Christ if we are Christians and we confess our sins. the writer of John says John says God is just and will forgive us and cleanse us. It would be unjust for God not to. Forgive and purify you when you confess your sins because he think hitting two payments. for that send accepted Christ it on the cross. Jesus said it is finished who resurrected him from the grave. I thought we would be unjust of God not to forgive you and purify you when you confess your sins to him because he'd be accepting to payments for that sin. Until what we celebrate at this table. Is that Jesus Christ paid for our sins? And if we confess him as Lord if we confess our sins to him. He forgives us and purifies us.

The last word celebrate in it. That's good news.

Maybe it's okay to have a heavy heart sometimes. Maybe it's okay to really think about our sins and be honest and bring them to the Lord without excuse. I have no excuse Lorde. Can't Blame my dad for high raised me I can't blame the culture around me. I can't blame that person who really hurt me years ago. I can't blame this. I can't blame that. I have no real excuses Lord.

And if I confess my sins he is just just and forgives me. We leave this table forgiven. forgiven don't want you to do some Soul Therapy. We're going to play a song here in a moment worship. Remain seated stand raise your hands don't raise your hands. Come find a prayer person. Don't find a person do whatever is right for you in this time confess to the Lord what you need to confess to him. And then when the song ends The Middle come forward and we will celebrate communion together.

Jesus I'd forgotten

Robinson's vet

weather today

give me.

static drawing


I have longed to know you. YouTube Michael Ray

I have the flu.

Grace Potter

that could be

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