The Seven One's #6 - One Baptism
The 7 One’s #6:
One Baptism
Thesis: To note that demand and design of water baptism.
(1) One of the most controversial subjects in the religious world today is baptism.
(2) Let us set aside all preconceived notions and look at what the Bible has to say about this subject.
I. What is baptism?
A. There are 7 baptisms in Scripture:
1. The baptism of Moses under the cloud (1 Cor. 10:2)
2. The baptism of repentance by John (Matt. 3:2)
3. The baptism of Jesus by John (Matt. 3:13-17)
4. The baptism of suffering (Mark 10:39)
5. The baptism of believers (Mark 16:16)
6. The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:5)
7. The baptism of fire (Matt. 3:11)
B. In our context, the one under consideration is the baptism of believers.
C. The word “baptism” is a transliteration of the Greek word baptizdo.
1. It is defined as “to dip, to plunge, to submerge, to immerse.”
2. A correct rendering would be “immersion.”
D. The Biblical examples are consistent teaches with immersion.
1. Jesus came up out of the water (Matt. 3.16).
2. Philip and the eunuch went into the water (Acts 8.38), and they both came up out of the water (Acts 8.39).
3. Paul stated that baptism was a burial (Rom. 6.3-5).
4. Again, it is called a burial (Col. 2.12).
II. Why is baptism so important?
A. First, let us note the demand of baptism.
1. Jesus commanded it (Mark 16.16).
2. Jesus commanded the Apostles to baptize others, and to teach those who they baptized to go about teaching and baptizing (Matt. 28.19-20).
3. Peter told those gathered together on Pentecost to be baptized (Acts 2.38).
4. Paul was told to be baptized (Acts 22.16).
5. Without exception in the book of Acts, everyone who became a Christian was baptized.
B. Second, let us note the design of baptism.
1. It is more than a mere washing of the body (1 Pet. 3.21).
2. It is “for the remission of sins” (Acts 2.38).
a. The same phraseology is found in Matthew 26.38.
b. “For” is from eis, which means the same in both verses.
c. If it is the case that Acts 2.38 is to be translated “because you already have remission of sins,” then it would also be true in Matthew 26.28; thus, Jesus died because we already had remission of sins.
d. Further, Luke, with his vocabulary, would have known of and used gar if he intended to convey the thought of “because of.”
3. It is involved in accepting salvation (Mark 16.16).
4. It is how we come to be “in Christ” (Gal. 3:27).
5. It is to be added to the Lord’s church (cf. Acts 2:47).
III. What about grace and faith?
A. It is only because of God’s grace that we have the opportunity to be saved.
B. Baptism is not a salvation by works, but a salvation by a faith that works.
1. Baptism is a death, burial & resurrection (Rom. 6:3-5).
2. It is in baptism, that God does the work (Col. 2:12).
3. We are saved by the word of Jesus, which is accessed in the watery grave of baptism through the eye of faith.
(1) When we set aside all preconceived notions and stick with the Bible, we can understand what God has said about baptism.
(2) Have you put Christ on in baptism?