John - Jesus is The Way
Chris Hodges
Dr. Dowell Flatt
Seminar in the Gospel of John (MIN 516)
13 November 2000
Jesus is “The Way”
Text: John 14.1-6
Thesis: To prove that the only way to Heaven is through Jesus Christ.
1. The disciples were worried about where Jesus was going (John 13.36).
2. “They were troubled by the uncertainties which faced them, by the confusion they experienced regarding the cause with which they were associated and which now appeared to be taking a course which could not possibly enable them to realize their longings and expectations for a temporal reign of Messiah on an earthly throne in Jerusalem […]” (Woods 301).
3. “Yet on this night of nights, which of all times it would have been appropriate for Jesus’ followers to lend him emotional and spiritual support, he is still the one who gives, comforts, instructs” (Carson 487).
4. Three points will be noted in the text:
I. A promise is given by Jesus to His disciples (John 14.1-4).
A. This promise is given in order to encourage Jesus’ disciples to stay strong even in the face of great confusion (Calvin 2:80).
B. Christ is telling them to “set your heart at ease” and keep putting your trust in me as you do God (Tenney 143).
C. Why could they set their hearts at ease?
1. Christ was only going away to prepare a place for them (John 14.2).
a. “Jesus Christ is now preparing places for all true believers, and each place will be beautiful” (Wiersbe 350).
b. This is “for the disciples’ advantage” (Carson 488).
c. The beauty of Heaven is depicted in Revelation 21.
d. This place is prepared so that “they may permanently abide with God and enjoy Him for ever” (Tasker 164).
e. “The emphasis here is not only that there will be plenty of room for all the redeemed who are sons of light by faith but also that they will live there with the Father and with Christ” (Pack 2:57).
f. Most importantly, “It is sufficient for believers that we will be with our Lord” (Morris 568).
2. Christ is coming back to take them to Heaven (John 14.3).
a. Paul tells us that Christ will descend as we meet Him in the air to dwell forever in Heaven (1 Thess. 4.16-17).
b. “His return is as certain as his departure” (Tenney 143).
c. He will take us to the place made by His own hands; truly, all spiritual blessings are in Christ (Eph. 1.3).
3. The way to Heaven is knowable (John 14.4; cf. John 8.32).
II. A problem arises in the mind of Thomas (John 14.5).
A. True, the way is knowable, but when one takes the focus off of God and puts it on self or others, then one is lost.
1. Man cannot walk alone (Jer. 10.31).
2. Man’s paths will led to destruction (Prov. 14.22).
B. Confusion had come upon Thomas as he was trying to understand all these events by sight and not by faith (cf. 2 Cor. 5.7).
C. Therefore, by sight he did not know the way.
1. By sight Namaan thought he could do something else or wash in other rivers (cf. 2 Kings).
2. By sight Moses struck the rock (cf. Num. 20).
3. Yet, by faith […] (Heb. 11).
III. The path is revealed by Jesus (John 14.6).
A. “Thomas, I am the way, follow me.”
1. “Jesus is the way to God, precisely because he is the truth of God and the life of God” (Carson 491).
2. “Jesus leads his own to the Father’s house, revealing the truth about the gospel of existence and how it may be reached, and making its attainment possible by granting entrance on to life in the Father’s house” (Beasley-Murray 252).
3. “Without him there would be no Way revealed; no divine and saving truth, no immortal life” (Johnson 218).
4. “Jesus takes everyone who believes in him to the goal of his existence, that is, to the Father; in this manner, he becomes the way” (Schnackenburg 3:65).
B. He is the way, the truth, and the life.
1. Way “speaks of a connection between two persons or things, and here the link between God and sinners” (Morris 570).
2. Truth “reminds us of the complete reliability of Jesus in all that he does and is” (570).
3. Life “stresses the fact that mere physical existence matters little. The only life worth the name is that which Jesus brings, for he is life itself” (570).
C. There is no alternative path (John 14.6b).
1. Jesus alone is the only authorized path to God (Tenney 144).
2. When one takes away Jesus, then all hope is gone (Lenski 981).
3. “He is the only way, the total demonstration of deity to the world, and the one in whom alone is eternal life to be received” (Woods 304-05).
4. Truly, there is no other name under heaven whereby we must be saved (Acts 4.12).
1. The same promise is still given today to all the faithful.
2. No matter how hard times may get for us and how confused we may become, we must always trust in God and in His promises.
3. When we trust and obey, then we will be being led on the path to Heaven because we will be walking in the steps of our Savior who has gone on before us showing us the way (cf. 1 Pet. 2.21).
4. Will you let Jesus be the way for you?