The Gospel of Mark #28 - Welcoming the King

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The Gospel of Mark #28:

Welcoming the King

Text: Mark 11:1-11

Thesis: To see our peaceful King come to Jerusalem to complete His mission of

             salvation, which should encourage us to crown Him the King of our lives.


(1)   Have you ever seen a president or a king come to town?

(2)   On the Sunday before the crucifixion, Jesus came to Jerusalem so that He could complete His mission.

(3)   Let us note His “triumphal entry:”


I.                   The Story:

A.    Jesus and His disciples stopped at the Mount of Olives on their way to Jerusalem.

1.      The Mount of Olives is a low mountain with an elevation of 2500 feet that is east of Jerusalem.

2.      Jesus sent 2 of His disciples into a nearby village in order to borrow a donkey that had not been previously ridden.

a.       Possibly, Jesus had made prior arrangement in order to have the donkey there.

b.      Why a donkey?

1)      During David’s reign, riding a donkey was a kingly act (cf. 1

Kings 1:33).

2)      Further, it was a fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecy found

in Zechariah 9:9:

“Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion!

Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem!

Behold, your King is coming to you;

He is just and having salvation,

Lowly and riding on a donkey,

A colt, the foal of a donkey.”

3)      Also, “Jesus’ choice of the donkey told the whole world who he

was, but it also proclaimed what he was like” (Hughes 2:80).

a)      He is the prince of peace (Isa. 9:6).

b)      He came to bring peace on earth (Luke 2:14).

c.       Why an unridden donkey?

-          “In Biblical culture an animal devoted to a sacred task must be one that had not been put to ordinary use (Numbers 19:2; Deuteronomy 21:3; 1 Samuel 6:7)” (Hughes 2:79).

B.     On the donkey, Jesus then continued His journey toward Jerusalem.

1.      “When welcoming a king, it was customary for people to lay their outer garments on the road, and then add festal branches (2 Kings 9:13)” (Wiersbe 1:149).

2.      The people then begin shouting out words from Psalm 118:25-26.

a.       ‘Hosanna’ means save now or save us.

b.      This was understood to be a Messianic psalm.

C.     Upon arriving in Jerusalem, Jesus visited the temple and then returned to Bethany for the night.

1.      “Jesus enters the temple to inspect it, and the next day’s events reveal that he comes not to restore it but to pronounce God’s judgment on it” (Garland 429).

2.      Jesus only spent a night in Jerusalem during this week on the night when He was betrayed.  The rest of the time, he stayed overnight in Bethany.  With whom?

a.       In Mark 14:3, Jesus is at the home of Simon the leper.

b.      From John 11:1, one learns that Mary, Martha, and Lazarus lived in Bethany.

3.      “The ending is quiet, but it is the quiet before the storm” (Lane 398).

II.                The Application:

A.    Continuing His perfect fulfillment of prophecy, Jesus again demonstrated that He is the promised Messiah.

B.     Jesus, knowing His fate, came to Jerusalem anyway.

C.     Jesus indeed did come to “save us now!”


(1)   Jesus desires to be the King of your life.

(2)   Will you welcome the King?

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