Wednesday March 21
Wednesday March 21
I liked the anecdote on the back of the bulletin about the cell phone and the bible. When we use the bible as intimately and repeatedly as we do a cell phone God will always have our ear and we his. God speaks to us through His Word and all we need to know for abundant life and eternal security is there as we listen in faith and Believe.
1. Mark 4:23 says "if anyone has ears to hear let them hear!" Then in vs 24 it says, "listen carefully to what you hear?"
2. John's gospel different from the other 3. John believed to have written this Gospel when he was an old man and so was probably aware of the other writings about Jesus life. SO
3. He wrote to convince his readers of Jesus' true identity as the incarnate God-Man whose divine and human natures were perfectly united into one person who was the prophesied Christ the savior of the World.
4. Only gospel writer that indicated his intent /reason for writing (
5. Jn 20:30,31,"These have been written so that you may believe"
6. John invites us to listen to Jesus with the ears of faith and believe with the heart Jesus is who He says He is. With 20 revealing statements that bring us to faith. (Verily, Verily, I tell you)
A. This evening we heard 3 important life giving statements about Himself.
7. How do we know they are important because he uses the acclamation "Verily, Verily (25)
8. When Jesus used it meant we are to set up and listen intently because what is coming is vital information.
Firstly: Jesus reveals Himself as God (co equal wht the Father):
Occasion : Jesus was answering the accusations of the Religious leaders:
a. Breaking Sabbath laws by healing the paralyzed man on the Sabbath day. (man made laws not laws in original Covenant with God.
b. Blaspheme ( claiming equality with God which Jesus did not deny but endorsed it.
c. Jesus confirmed that He and the Father were doing the same things, that the Son was not separate from the Father. By His teaching, Healings and Miracles, Wisdom, compassion everything about Jesus confirmed His Deity.
And we have the testimony of countless people who have had their lives changed for the better and who have been healed both physical and more importantly spiritually by God's Son Jesus Christ.
Do we listen to the testimony and believe Jesus is God's Son or as some say:
1. just a good man but nothing more
2. good and wise teacher like any other philosopher
3. good example to follow
Secondly: Jesus reveals a promise:
1. 2nd Verily ,Verily acclamation: Anyone who hears my word an believes Him who sent me has eternal life, and does not come under judgment, but is passed from death to life"
2. He came to give Eternal life for all who believe his message and walk by faith in Him.
3. The life Jesus promises begins now. Jn 10:10 "I came that they may have life and have it abundantly."
5. conversation with Dave: (many people believe that to follow Jesus means there is no more fun in life)
6. Only we can change that thinking by the way we conduct ourselves!
Thirdly: The hope:
1. "the hour is now here, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God"
2. The scriptures say that we are dead in our sins. The only way to life is through Jesus. Not what we do! Not who we are! BUT because of who Jesus is and what he has done and is still doing. "Only by the blood of Jesus)
3. 2 cor 5:17 "I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.
4. The verse also Speaks of the future resurrection when the faithful to eternal life and the no faithful (those who reject Jesus will rise. The former to life in the very presence of God and the other to judgment.
God calls us to be attentive and listen to His Son, Jesus Christ. We hear God in various ways but the most profound is by prayerfully reading the scriptures and applying them to our lives.