Waiting on the Spirit Maybe

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Waiting on the Spirit

Pentecost means “The Fiftieth,” and another name for Pentecost was “The Feast of Weeks.” It was so called because it fell on the fiftieth day, a week of weeks, after the Passover.  It commemorated the giving of the Law to Moses on Mount Sinai. At Pentecost two loaves were offered in gratitude for the ingathered harvest.

 We are not to think that the Spirit came into existence now for the first time. It is quite possible for a power always to exist but only at a certain moment in time that we are able to experience it fully. For instance, men did not invent atomic power it always existed. But only in the last few years have we learnt to make use of it. We did not invent electricity. It always existed; but only in our time have we learnt to make use of it.  The Holy Spirit always existed, was always working in our world but now with Jesus and Pentecost we have the ability to receive the Spirit fully.

The power of the Spirit made them witnesses for Christ. First, a witness is someone  who says I know this is true. In a court of law a man cannot give in evidence a carried story; it must be his own personal experience. A witness does not say think so he says I know so. (Camillion Christians) The power of the Spirit working in your life is directly related to how obedient you are to Gods word in your life. No obedience no Holy Spirit.In Greek the word for witness and the word for martyr is the same (martus). A witness had to be ready to become a martyr. To be a witness is to spend our life for Christ, it means to be loyal no matter the cost.

The Holy Spirit will lead you to the truth. We should not limit this to level of the revealing of spiritual truths alone but all truth. Our world is a world of infinite possibilities  and it is the Holy Spirit who has been leading us and calling us to all that is new and discoverable.

The Holy Spirit  destroyed  the barriers between Greek and Jew, circumcised nor uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free man.

The Holy Spirit destroyed the barriers between nations, who despised and hated each other. They were drawn into the one family of the Christian Church sitting besides each other at the Table of the Lord.

The Holy Spirit destroyed the barriers between the educated and the uneducated. , educated uneducated.  he Holy Spirit destroyed the barrier between the slave and the free man. In the Early Church it sometimes happened that th  slave was the leader of the Church and the master the humble member. In the presence of God the social distinctions of the world become irrelevant.

The great people in the New Testament were never afraid to confess of their weaknesses and failures. Paul confesses that there was a day when he had tried to blast the Christians out of existence. Peter definitely told people of his own betrayal of Jesus and how he had been changed. We can be sure that the disciples were not afraid to speak of their own weakness before the day of Pentecost.  A famouse preacher, Brownslow North  received a letter just before he got up to preach informlng  him that its writer had evidence of some disgraceful thing which Brownlow North had done before he became a Christian. If he got up to preach the man would stand up and tell what he had done. The preacher took the letter into the church; he read it to the congregation; he told of the evil that once he had done; and then he told them that the Holy Spirit had changed him and that Christ could do the same for them. He used the very evidence of his shame to show how the power of the Holy Spirit had changed his life. The great function of the Holy Spirit to make evil people good. The great Christians have never been afraid to point to themselves as living examples of the power of Christ. It is true that we can never change ourselves. Only Jesus can do this through the power of his holy spirit.

Pentecost is also called whit-Sunday remember that as soon as they were filled with the Holy Spirit they went out to witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. In Manchester when I was school boy we had a whole week we called witnessing week. They proclaimed to everybody that they followed Christ. Both the Catholics and Protestants took their whole parishes in processions throughout the towns as witness to Christ. There is no such thing as a secret Christian. 


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