The Model Prayer
Good morning. UCF. Good morning. How is everybody this morning? Isn't it? Beautiful? The rain is kind of the fight of a little bit. My allergies are flaring up, but that's okay. It's still the day that the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it first time that we have for you. This morning is Love by Kirk Franklin. I'm sure most of you guys are familiar. So please stand that we can engage in congregational devotional.
You gave me a song that you love me.
Is a mystery to me.
When I see you.
Alabama weather
is amiss
no, I can't talk.
Can you sync?
Leave me.
amen And the next time we have is an oldie, but goodie Emmanuel.
transmission vent
little top of the world
Let's get back to Eden live on top of the world.
SS Pig
That sound with your mouth.
Name all the top of the world.
Capital One
How do you spell?
Praise team said it's time for us to live. I don't know what that means, but it's time for us to live. Live on top of the world now, we got class for young people. We have an instructor. All right. All right, young people you are dismissed to children's church. Amen. And I need everybody else to get ready to live on top of the world. Interesting thing about I'm learning about church in about prayer as weak as we have dug into this whole this whole issue a prayer. It really is about being transparent. Amen. Prayers really not being transparent than you know, what we can put on the mask for all kind of funk. But at some point in time we got to be real with someone a man and we always talk about somebody having our back. We always talk about some Road auger or some some one of my best friends having my back the one and only person who is going to have your back is Jesus Christ. And that's a great thing about men. I can go to him in prayer and just poured all out. I don't have to I don't have to fake or or or say the right things or be he knows and so I would say to everybody here and we want start living on top of the world. If we want to get all the blessings that God has for us get transparent with God get real and be open with. Quit trying to flower everything and and and make everything sound right get real and be who you are with God and I am not a betting man. I know when God no He will bless you with some amazing things. Amen. It's always weed is weak as we begin to study. I need everybody stand today feed and let's give God a big hand the praise and your own waste a stand-up lift up your hands open up your mouth is this week? He has blessed you in any way on this day if he has blessed you on anyway, if he has done anything for you open up your mouth and give God some praise bless His Name Lord. We love you Lord. We adore you. You are amazing God we worship you Lord. We want you Lord. We need more of you. We want to live on top of the world. You are a Manuel Lord. We love you. We adore you. God Have Your Way in this worship service have your way Lord have your way? We just want to lift up our hands to you. We want to look up our voices to you. We want to praise you God. We want to magnify your name. We want to give you glory right now. We ask that you cover us Lord why we in? Holy Spirit, we ask that you would speak to our hearts. God have your way have your way have your way have your way Lord? Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you Lord. Amen. Hallelujah our message today is going to come out of Matthew chapter 6. So if you have a Bible you can open up your Bible will have the scriptures on the screen. But Matthew chapter 6 beginning with verse number 9 and we're going to read the scripture together and then we'll do our confession of Faith the title of the messages the model prayer a lot of people call it the Lord's Prayer, but it's the model prayer that got that Jesus gave to us a man. So that's sweet that together starting with verse number 9. It says in this manner therefore pray Our Father in heaven Hallowed Be Your Name Your Kingdom Come your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors and do not lead us into temptation. But Deliver Us from the evil one for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. And now we're going to recite our confession of faith, and I want you to repeat this after me. I am not move. By what I see. or by what I feel I am moved. By what I believe. I believe the word of God. The victory is mine. I have it now. I can see it through the eyes of my face. in Jesus name Amen now give God one more hand praise and you may be seated in his presence. All right. So as I was going over the prayer the Holy Spirit kind of showed me that there are there 23 things in this model prayer that God wants us to see and so I'm going to go through these these elements of the prayer and then we going to dig into the actual texts that all right. Alright, so the first thing that we see in the model prayer is relationship when we say our father that's relationship a man. The second thing we see is recognition when we say which art in heaven with recognizing who he is and where he is a man the third thing we see is adoration. Holy or Hallowed be thy name or your name when we realize your name is Holy. The fourth thing is anticipation die kingdom come we're looking for the kingdom of God to come. The thing is consecration that. I will be done at your will will be done in our life. The six thing is universality in Earth. Not anywhere else, but in Earth, we want everybody to experience your will Lord 217 is Conformity as it is in heaven. We wanted to be on earth. The anything is supplication. Give us what we need the night thing. Definitive this day. I wanted this day Lord. The 10th is necessity Our Daily Bread forgive forgive us. The truck thing is obligation Ardex. The routine thing is forgiveness as we forgive and then the 14th thing is Love & Mercy our debtors. The 15 thing is and lead us that's guidance and not until. Protecting us and then there's salvation the 17th in which is but Deliver Us and Them from Evil is righteousness and it and then faces for diamonds the kingdom in recess and the power and then references and the glory and time to says forever. Forever and then the affirmation of all that is amen. amen See most of us have read that scripture never realize all of that was there. Most of us say it because we learn it wrote and we don't understand the spiritual in this behind it. Amen and Luke chapter 11 verses 1 & 2 the disciples realize that some of John's disciples were being bad what we're being talked to pray and they and they went to Jesus and the text as in Luke chapter 11 verse 1 it says now it came to pass as he was praying in a certain place when he sees that one of his disciples said to him Lord teach us to pray as John also taught his disciples. Inverse of that text said to them when you pray say our father in heaven Hallowed Be Your Name Your Kingdom Come your will be done on Earth. So we see hear the prayer was given this prayer. This model prayer was given the show the Disciples of God of Jesus Christ how to pray not the words C and I said it say this all the time you don't have to pray the exact words, but you're supposed to pray through this model. That makes sense. And so when you think about all the things that are going on in this model of prayer God wants you to pray that because all the things that we talked about earlier in this prayer. Is that make sense? So the disciples saw John's disciples praying in and they said hey, I want to get in on this. Oh Jesus teach us how to pray. And we see that Jesus gave them a model for prayer. So what I come to realize is when you pray through the Lord's Prayer, you will have covered the entire scope of what God wants you to pray. See you in that model prayer what we call the Lord's Prayer is everything God wants you to do to have conversation with him. Is that make sense?
Starting with Matthew 6 in this manner therefore pray Our Father in heaven Hallowed be thy name. I like the message translation. It says this loving you can pray very simply. Our Father in Heaven revealed Who You Are
Has to be real for you.
For your momma your daddy your sister your brother.
Until God gets real for you. You have a very surface relationship with him. So you have to ask God. I need you to reveal Who You Are. And I need to know who you are. It's saying the same thing to you. I need to know who you are. Be transparent me. I need you to tell me everything is going on already know, but I want you to tell me I want you to tell me who you are. I want you to be transparent cuz if you want to know me, I need to know.
Does that make sense? I like how they say. You know, what what a loving God like this. You can be very simple with him our father in Heaven reveal Who You Are I like that. I like the fact that God makes things simple for us because man makes everything complicated for us. The world is very complicated guy that said, let's be real simple with our relationship. I want to know you and I want you to know me. So I come to realize that prayer is is a place of surrender. Prayer is a place of surrender prayers where you you quit being daddy and you quit being mama you quit being drunk when you quit being passed when you quit being brother and you quit being Deacon and you quit being all the titles that people get and you surrender to God.
God I just surrendered to you. Because I really need you. Donna I give so much of who I am and in the reality is as most people don't even know who you are.
Because we have to put on and wear these titles for so many people when it comes to God. It's a place of surrender. Tell your neighbor when you pray. surrender When you pray surrender I think there is surrender to God and to the doc to the family that God has created. I think we all have to surrender to each other. I think we all need to surrender to God. I think we need to quit trying to control everything and if some play some point in your life you need Who you are and what you are to God? I think when you say father, you're surrendering to God, I think when you're surrendering your surrendering your self-sufficiency the guy. How to do it all I got this figured out. I know what to do next then if you do surrender that to God surrender to God surrender your ability to take everything.
Father I need you.
Surrender yourself sufficiency the surrender your pride to God surrender yourself to God because that's what he's looking for. He's looking for a child.
You acknowledge Him as father. That's cute. if you got to use the word meaning if you going to pray the prayer meaning that's why Jesus said acknowledge Him is our father. He's all of our fathers where all his children. So that means I'm not just praying for myself. I'm praying for her. In one way shape form or fashion father. I'm surrendering me. Just me and Mom wants so that everybody can be blessed.
It's a place of surrender. Is surrendering the heaven is surrendering to the name of goddess surrendering to all the things that we fight against. I'm surrendering my manhood to you Lord. I women need to surrender their Womanhood Lord that you need to surrender your marriage. You need to surrender your ability. You need to surrender your finances. Everything needs to be surrendered to God. And what the devil will have us think is that we can still go to God and our self-sufficiency. But that's not what the prayers about the prayers All About Us surrendering who we are and what we are to God so that he can take care of it. He can take it to the next level because of my self-sufficiency. I can only go so far. Does that make sense? Tell your neighbors surrender. I think when you and your prayer life reached this point of surrender, then you're ready to petition guy. But most of us can't get past this most of us can't get past this place of surrender. We're still operating and going to God what are self-sufficiency and what we want to hear. Here's what I told.
I never surrender to my father. I never that sand and we have problem with authority because we don't know how to surrender. This is a place where we can surrender to God and feel protected him.
I'm so so many of his children are coming to him with their self. And they're not moving forward in the relationship will. Because they haven't surrendered to.
Come to realize when I get in the morning, and I have my devotion and I get on my knees. I'm giving all of God, and I'm not pastor of her husband or father or uncle or whatever title or business owner. I'm just as child.
So everything that I have he is given to me. So I Surrender at all. And if you look at your life, are you living a life of surrender? Is that what's happening in your life or you controlling everything? Because God wants you in the place to surrender so that he can be a father. Does that make sense? so he says when we get to that place we can then begin to present our needs and so in Matthew chapter 6 verse 10. The text says your kingdom come your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. So I realize we're not talking about Earthly things prayer is Kingdom Business.
prayers Kingdom Business many folks don't understand they think prayer is about Earthly stuff. So you move past the earth round in you moving to the spiritual Dimension. That's Kingdom Business. And so many of us are afraid to pray Kingdom business because we're so focus on Earthly Needs & Wants when we surrender all to God we can then trust God to provide everything that we need a man. Tell your neighbor prayers Kingdom Business. Now say it like you mean it prayer is Kingdom Business. So you say Pastor? What's Kingdom? What's the kingdom in Romans Chapter 14 verse 17. The Bible says for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking is not your stuff. It's not the clothes. It's not the jewelry is not the car is not the house. It's not the people, you know, it's not all the stuff that you think makes you have a good relationship with God. That's not what kingdom the kingdom of the kingdom of God in Romans Chapter 14 verse 17 says
enjoy in the Holy Spirit
righteousness means in right standing with God. That's what the kingdom of God is about. It's about being in right standing with God the kingdom of God says go back to the previous one.
The kingdom of God is not eating and drinking but righteousness and joy and and peace in the holy spirit's that's why. Sirius the kingdom of God does not put us in right standing with God sin does not bring peace in does not bring George and especially seeing will not bring the Holy Spirit. That's why God fights against us operating and seeing because he wants us to have the kingdom of God. He wants us to operate and right standing with him. He wants us to have peace. He wants us to have George they want to have all the things in the holy spirit that he planned and purpose for us, but sin will keep us from experiencing the kingdom of God the Amplified translation goes a little deeper. It says after all the kingdom of God is not made of getting the food and drink one likes but instead it as righteousness that state which makes a person acceptable to God and peace and joy in the holy spirit. So, you know what somebody came to me and said, you know what I got all this stuff. I'm in right standing with God. That's a lie. Stuff does not make you in right standing with God. God will bless anyone that he so chooses. That means that you are in right standing with God so that it doesn't mean that you're operating in the kingdom of God because the kingdom of God means you in right standing with God and you cannot be operating then send and be in the right standing with God. Does that make sense? We're trying to get to the kingdom of God and that's what prayers about your kingdom come Lord in my life. I realize that it's not about the clothes. I wear order the food. I mean or the places I go or who I know or what I know. It's about me being in right standing with you.
people fight against that they think it's about God blessing them. giving them stuff and putting them positions. That's not what it is. The Bible clearly tells us what the kingdom of God is. Amen. In Matthew chapter 3 verse 2 it says and saying repair think differently change your mind regretting your sins and changing your contact for the kingdom of God or the kingdom. Kevin is that him?
If you want a different thing you got to do. will you can If you keep doing the same thing the same.
You can.
And it's too many people trying to operate in the kingdom of God like they did in the world. I'm going to manipulate you. I'm going to get over on you. I'm going to get this first that's not how it works in the king. And that's why folks are struggling and that's why they run back when things don't go their way cuz they're trying to operate the same way. They did all in the world then like this ain't working for me. I'm going back into the world.
Does that make sense?
As we paint think repair think differently change your mind. Tell your neighbor to change your mind. And here's a problem and most folks don't even regret seeing. They're so caught up in it. It feels so good to him. They they want to do it so much. They don't even regret and they don't.
That is not put you in right standing with him if you operating in the things that go contrary to his work.
you be comfortable and okay as a disciple of God as a follower of a Christ Apollo price operating them said
anyone telling you that that's okay is lying to you and we know the devil is the biggest liar there is so it's going to be real difficult for you to surrender who you are when you know, you are pregnant and you like it and you ain't going to change.
Church ain't got no power when it comes to player. Ain't nobody playing cuz it's real hard to be opening prayer for the guy when your life is full of sin. And not only is it for since you like it you wanted and you ain't going to change but yet you want God to answer your prayers. He says you got to get in right standing with me. A man, does that make sense?
And Amplified Translation Bible says from that time Jesus began to preach it come up here. From that time Jesus began to preach Jesus begin to cry change your mind for the better amend your ways with em Horns of your past relationships have not changed your mind about what they're doing.
He said if you don't do that, or if I'm asking you to do that because the Kingdom of Heaven is right here. It's at hand you can have right standing with God you can have people you can have joy in the Holy Spirit.
It's always struggle. We can't live on top of the world. And when the praise team is singing It's hard for it to get ya we fill it in our in our flesh, but it's not manifesting in our spirit. We here in the weed. Yeah, that's that another but it ain't touched my heart. I don't know what it's like to live on top cuz my on my world is so full of sense, and I don't want to change it and when the preacher get up and tell me to change I said you you you need to get with the time. Don't you need to get with the word?
Because one thing that's not going to change is the word of God.
Detroit musical chain lifestyle change, but the word of God will never change. So instead of me getting with the time you get with the word.
Text says in first number 10. We need to pray for God. And I'm telling you I know God God's will is not for us to be nice. Is for us to be the head. I know God's will is not for us to be hurting and crying and separated and angry and frustrated anxiety and full of depression. That's not God's will that can't be in the Holy Spirit? That's not right standing with God. So we need to pray for God's will. The text says I will be done. We need some work to please God In All We Do.
God has to be the focus. We make everything else. And we forgotten to make God the focus so we cannot have his will cuz I'm too busy trying to get my will done. I need to surrender my will to God's will. The Bible clearly says in the model prayer that die will be done.
You know what?
he pleases Etsy we can't question God when we surrender to God and he said move over here. We need to move over there. We too busy trying to figure out if that's God and if that's what what when you surrender to God and you know, and you can trust them. He's going to have nothing but the best for you.
It's always sitting here trying to intellectually deal with is this guy with is this what I need to be doing and whatever and got it said you don't even trust me. You ain't spend time with me. You don't even know me and my will is not happening in your life.
So we struggle and God doesn't want us to struggle. We're faith in God don't want us to be fake and we don't have any passion and God wants us to have passion and he wants us to do all the things that these planning purpose and his word says I have for you more than you can even think or imagine. And we struggle trying to get to the next level and God wants to take us to the Moon. We struggled trying to get to moon and God wants to give us the Galaxy and we can't because we don't want to do God's will we said what are mouth? We know in our brain, but when it comes to lining up our brains with the with with our bodies is not happening. And then when Christ is come. We can accept God's will. Cuz you know what? We don't know what God's will is. It's all the prayers don't mean anything to us.
When we are not operating in right standing with God weirdest pleasing him. So his will cannot be happening in our life. Now your neighbor your friend your boy your dog your girl. Whoever it is my tell you it's so instead of listening to them. Go find out what the word of God says for yourself. Don't wait for me and the preacher don't wait for your mom.
Where you at?
God's will must occur in our lives. We have enough of everybody else telling us what to do man. I've run into brick walls listening to folks all you know, you need to do this. You need to do the church like this on you need to have this know, what does God say When God tells me what to do. I'm doing his will I know he's going to bless him because he must honor his word if I listen to me and I'm going to be all everywhere in the same thing with you and the people not going to see what God says. The Americans
I can't nobody knows what you about.
Hey, man.
Then a text as an verse 11, give us this day. Our Daily Bread
I like what I said. Give us.
see He says give us today. See I can't focus on tomorrow. God I need you to give me what I need today bread not only means food, but I need to know your word. I need to know your will I need to know what you want me to do today. Sometimes we need to quit running down the road and there's nothing wrong with planning, but you need to stay right here because you will miss God trying to bless you cuz you told busy down here in about what hasn't happened.
Minibus operating this place called worry and anxiety and that means we're down there when God wants us right here. And that's why the model princess give us today. What I need to text there's our daily bread the food. We need the direction we need for today the guidance we need give us and again when I Surrender now, I'm concerned about everyone. Are the Texas give us not give me just when you just give me more than I've asked out everybody else. And God wants us to be concerned about the entire body. Is it becomes real hard press to worry about someone over in another country on starving when all you talking about is give me.
Does that make sense? And then we would then like actors when when a crisis come everybody wants to get up and in arms about 12. Let's Bless the people over here. Let's do this with that. You're pretty all the time. It's natural. It is not enough special occasion where you know, the musicians have to get together and saying We are the world we are at work. That's the prayer all the time. Somebody was over there before the disaster happen.
Our Daily Bread
Everybody gets their portion today.
Daily Bread could be the time that God blesses you with. What are you doing with your time?
How are you spending your daily bread of time? Your daily bread of love your daily bread a face your daily bread of worship your daily bread of Praise Your Daily Bread of studying. How are you spending your daily bread. And are you asking God to give you make sure that you have your daily bread and I just for yourself so that he can be glorified. Steve God bless you with money. It's not for you. It's not for you. Is for you to give him glory and for you to be a blessing to someone else? And the church has gotten so tight now let me tell you the church has never should never be about us. Just holding on to what God has given to us. The church should always be about us being a blessing and giving God glory. And so now when it's time to do something we got to run through 20 committees and and make them do you agree with this? Dude know there's some basic things that we have to do all the time as a body of Believers if someone is in need we should be there to help him out. They should be no question. It should be no committee that said well we need to do it. You know, they did it at know if someone is truly in need we need to help give our daily bread. Is that make sense? It shouldn't be a push to get folks to to be a blessing to someone else a man.
in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 3 verse 10 and says for even when you were when we were with you, we commanded you this if anyone will not work neither, shall he eat so you can't just be about Not doing anything in the body.
I love it man. Folks come late. And they leave early. Them folks. That's the only people that's all about me.
Come late and leave early. no desire to be a blessing to anyone else. No desire to work in a kingdom unless it's something that's comfortable for them a man. They give us our daily bread. Say it like you mean it.
Alright, I'm almost done. In the 12 verses says and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors and Amplified translation, it says and forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven left remit it and let go of the debts and have given up resentment against our debtors. Let me tell you something and I'm going to I'm going to be hard. I'm going to be very transparent and I've heard this before it is really hard when someone hurts you. It's really hard to to forgive when someone hurts you but then when I remove myself out of the equation and I asked God to give me the strength the text clearly says I need to give up resentment against anyone who has hurt me. Or has a debt against me because here's a reason if I don't do that for others. God will not do it for me. It's so sometimes we're wondering why we're not getting bless cuz we're still holding onto stuff. Then we are supposed to forgive other individuals for it hurt. Yes. It was but you must give that up. You must give up the resentments. You must give and people always say, well I need to remember so that I don't happen to get it don't happen. Again. You need to surrender to God. I'm being very transparent with this. Cuz I know that God is still working on me for some stuff folks have done to me. And in some days, I think I've got it at some things. I think I'm past it and then the devil is always busy and he brings stuff back and makes me think, you know look and see this is the reason why not have to go to God and get on my knees and say Lord. I'm surrendering this to you. I'm sure I don't even want to remember it. I don't want it coming up in my mind again Lord take it away because all this thing does it keeps me stuck in teach me in bondage. It's all I pray for God will never that that tape Rises up or comes back around going to take this away from me. I don't even want to remember it. Because it's a weight that's too much and too many of us are Karen awake and we can't even move forth and run the way we want to run because we're way down. What somebody has done and we still remembering it.
Is that make sense?
Word. That means dues are duties that which is old that which is legally do in relationship to sending means of failure to pay ones. That one's do a failure to do one responsibility right now as divorce. Wait a minute. It's your responsibility to treat each other right you had forgotten what your responsibilities as you did not do that. You did not do what you promised.
You cannot give up on your responsibility as a parent. You made that baby. You have a responsibility to it. But yet there's so many people who won the pat on the back of the guy 50 kid 30 kids 10 kids 8 kids. That's not impressive. a man you have a responsibility.
prayer Is that spouses? Or individuals who are now divorced and then one person did not keep their responsibility for give them. Forgive them forgive them. Don't carry that on. Children who have been hurt abandoned by parents forgive them. Let it go. Let it go. It's a weight that you're carrying around that God doesn't intend for you to carry around. Does that make sense? A man? I got employees who I and I could be very resentful towards but I have to let it go a man.
Y'all still with me. I'm almost done. Just making sense. So there's 12 says and forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven left remitted and let go of the debts and have given up resentment against our debtors and I see this prayers asking God to do three things. To forgive the debt of sin. To forgive the debt of guilt or punishment and to forgive the debt just as we have forgiven our debtors. So if you keep hitting it.
Keep going. It's always to forgive the debt of saying y'all send there's a payment for sin. We're asking God to forgive that. And really the dead of guilt. in the dead of punishment and then forgive our debts God forgive my stuff. I'm not right. I'm not perfect. I didn't get this thing right forgive my stuff. As I forgive those who have done wrong against me. Does that make sense?
And then verse 13 it says and do not lead us into temptation. But Deliver Us from the evil one for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory. forever amen and Message translation says keep us safe from our cells and the devil you're in charge. You can do anything you want. You're a blazing Beauty. Yes. Yes. Yes, and the reason that's important. I think the first thing that we need to ask God to protect us from is ourselves.
Because you can create some stuff in your mind and think you right.
a man and then we need to ask God to protect us from the devil because he is a shyster. He comes all dressed up and everything we want. Only that set us up and leave us. This world is designed like that. So my prayer when I get on my knees Lord, I know me it looks right to me. It feels right to me. It sounds right to me, but it may not be right with you. So protect me from my self and what I think is right and what I want to do because this thing becomes about me and not about you amen. And so that's the prayer that God will keep us safe from ourselves and the devil and then that whole Temptation thing man that thing that hold Temptation thing means you right at the point where you bout to do it and you you're not there. It's in your mind you thinking about it you you have stepped up to the plate to do it and it's in your body is right through it. It's yours if it could be angry. I could be a hatred in you.
Lead us not God will never lead you into something that is not of righteousness. So that means that's our flesh and that's the devil and that's our mine. And so you may not have done it. What you thought about it? You seen it? You heard it? God it looks appealing to my flesh. But take me away from it. Don't Leave Me torrent in 1st Peter chapter 5 verse 8 The Bible says we need to be sober and be Village in because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. Do you know he is trying to kill all of us up in here. He's trying to devour us. He's trying to take our kids. He's trying to take our families trying to take our joy. He's trying to take our peace he is walking around but he's trying to see who's going to open themselves up to listen to what he saying and doing Roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. He doesn't have the power to give into that temptation. So when it comes around say w a liar. No, I'm not doing what you what my flesh wants to do. First of all a man and then I'm not doing what the world wants me to do. I like another translation. It says keep a cool head. Stay alert. The devil is poised to pounce and would like nothing better than the catch you now.
a man the moment you think everything is good. That's when he's going to get you a man. And then you guys didn't know there was a doxology.
So doxology incident gives all the glory to God. It's an it's a recognition that God is the source of the kingdom and the power and the glory is the possessor is the recipient of all Kingdom power and Glory. We belong to the kingdom and the power and the glory of God.
We belong that God's Kingdom.
We belong to God's power. We belong to God the four.
And so the Lord's Prayer begins with praise to surrender and it ends with praise.
An interesting thing about this is that God doesn't need our praise. You got a multitude of angels who are praising him. Holy holy holy.
What God wants our praise? He wants us. to surrender to him Am I flesh? Would say why do I need to surrender to An Almighty God?
and for me I love you. I trust him. And I have faith in him. I have no problem surrendering to someone who's going to take care of me. When I can't take care of myself who's going to take care of my family and my wife my kids and my relatives and who's going to take care of my business all the things that he's blessed us with this church body. Everybody who's here. I have no problem surrendering to the king of kings and Lord of lords. amen And so I want all of us. To think about this model prayer. And I pray something that has been said. It had an impact on. If it has Stan to your feet and let's give God a big hand of praise.
Not for your neighbor, but for yourself give God a big hand the praise for you just for you just for you. Say God. This is from me to you. This is for me. So if you open up your mouth and whatever comes out comes out that's from you to God Amen not trying to impress people, but if you don't have nothing to give him that's on you to amen. So we got some next steps. I want you to I want you to read the Bible daily. I used to have Matthew 6 up there by want you to read the Bible daily read something one scripture 1 chapter doesn't matter. And I need everybody to have a daily prayer life. Is unacceptable to not spend time with God. And I need everybody to pray for me. and for my wife Please I'm asking everyone to add us to your prayer list. You don't need to know just pray. Amen. Volunteer at the church. If you want to be a part of the ministry or volunteer, we need volunteers. We need work done. Amen. My wife and I we can't do it all and we got some for coming along and we appreciate it. But we need more people. I believe the more people who are volunteering the more people will come. Because when you're a part of something you get excited about it, but if you stand in the background and don't do anything then you and when somebody ask you just you not excited about anything that's happened. But when you're involved you say your this is what we doing at my church. I'm excited. You know that.
I need folks to get involved with the Easter Sunday committee. Because that's our main opportunity to evangelize. That's when people will come they come at 4 and we have to be ready to receive them. I don't know if we need any programs a hundred connection card or whatever, but we need to get banners out. We need to get a frames out. We need to get letters out. We need to let people know we're here. We need to let him know there's a place where they can come and word of God is being taught a man. Tuesday night bible study. Come on if you're here and you can I know if you can but if you just sitting at home and you coming up with excuses as to why you can't Yeah might be a little inconvenient but come on out a man God's got a blessing for you. And then again invite someone to Sunday worship service. Those are your next steps. Amen, and then we're going to Ask that you would borrow your head. We're going to invite you to.
2 things number one. I want you to just where you at, just just begin to pray whatever whatever your challenges whatever you're going through take this time out and open up your mouth and give it to God and while you're doing that I want to extend an invitation or the kids the kids coming in or not presented. If you if you're here while you're praying, you know, that thing that you're struggling with that thing that is a problem to think get that to God right now in your personal prayer here. It's just open up your mouth and give it to God and then if you're here and you have never accepted Jesus Christ as personal Lord You never said. I want you to come into my life. I want to do something different. I'm going to I'm going to as everyone else is praying about their their issue that they're opening up their mouth to God. If you're hearing you've never accepted Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior. I want you to to to trust God on something. I want you to come out and up come out and come down the road. You never accepted Jesus Christ as personal Lord and savior. And you saying you know what I want the Jesus that you have been preaching on in talking about I want to be able to pray and I want him to know who I am and I want to know who he is. I want you two to stand up and come down if that's you and your hearing you've never accepted Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior. I want you to come down if you have additional eat if you have accepted Jesus and you know your relationship with her.
You're not connected with him the way. You want to you want to revive that connection you want to come? You want to you want to take God I am back. I want to I want to be with you. I want to I want to renew my relationship with you. I'm going to ask you to stand and trust God and come down come down. You know, you've accepted Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior. It's your relationship because of Life Experiences.
What it was was I'm asking you. I'm asking you to trust God. I'm at friend
You're not praising. You're not worshiping in your Right now there's a reason that you're here. God wants to renew his relationship with you and he's okay with you coming back no condemnation. No judgement. He know that he still loves you. He still loves me even in the midst of my challenges and circumstances. And that's why I can say just trust him come down and trust him. If you looking for a church home a place where you can say, I have a family a family of believers who will care for me look out for me and you have and you're looking for a place where you can say, we recommend United Christian fellowship and recommended to come in and become a member. We're going to stop.
Home we invite you to come down now.
Don't worry about what other people are thinking and looking at cuz all of us got our own issues. Amen. We all got. So here's what I do know if you didn't come and goddess tugging at your heart don't give up don't give up.
If you want to talk to me after service and say, you know what past I was going to come down, but I just got nervous. That's okay. If you come after service will talk. Amen. And so for those of you who are praying. We just ask that you close up your prayer by saying in Jesus name. Amen. Amen. I give God a hand the praise and we're going to ask RR greeters if they would come and Bring up the trays for tithe and offering now listen again. If you have your tithe, we have a couple of different options, you know, there's givelify. But if you have you write a check or you have cash can put an envelope but here's what I want to make sure that everyone does feels even detecting fill out a connection car. A man be a lot of can I know they busy back there but fill out a connection card and put it either in the envelope or in the basket. There may be a blessing on your way because you have folks praying for you a man. There may be a blessing but if you keep it to yourself and God knows you need he may be using this video. Cool to send you a blessing. Amen. You may be using this vehicle and that's when you know, you got to trust God Amen. I don't know too many churches who are asking for request on here. Most churches don't even know what you're going through unless there is a friend that call and say hey, this is just a big issue. But but my wife and I we want to make sure you know that we are always engaged in free because I believe prayers pop powerfully me. Alright, everything else everything else taking care of any final announcement. Okay, let's bring young people in that stand. We going to close out. Amen, I pray that you learned something today. Amen. I pray that God has touched you in a different way a man. So let's Farm in circle. Amen. Because they're practicing for so we just going to close out and pray we going to ask Deacon bass if he would close this out in prayer. a man
Let us pray. Father we come now.
And we come to say Thank you Lord.
Father we love you. Because we know that you love this place. bother you came down
and you die. And you gave your life for us that we might have a right to the Tree of Life. Little gracious father. We thank you for Everyone that standing in the SEC. Father we ask you to search our hearts. And give us a clean on. By the way at you that we can be pulled close together. That one came fall without the other.
UCF in a special way for all we know we can't do nothing without you. Innovation father we ask you to bless our pastor and I'll before you lady. Essay on the Church Road. Oh gracious father. We know that you are God and you got all by yourself. Father we love you, and we need you we can't make this journey without you much. Old bridges father we need you right now, not tomorrow, but right now though. Innovations father we ask you to keep on Let him pass the teachers your word or brush your father. Give us a better understanding that we can be able to talk right walk right teacher, right and love right night for the we need you in times like these mustard over as your father. We know that the devil is busy but father, this is your world. You know gracious bother you have all power in Heaven and Earth in your hand. No Bridges father. We ask you to dismiss us from this place, but never from that present and the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost and all I got children said amen.
All right. We just need the men that help put the chairs away as the tech team put the equipment away and I think we've got some some food out there.