25 March 2017 — Dedicación Sofia

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Pastoral Introduction: It was the custom in Bible times for parents to bring their newborn
babies to the Temple to present them to the Lord. Mary and Joseph did this, and in the Bible tells us that old, devout Simeon took Jesus in his arms and blessed Him. The ancient prophetess Anna also recognized the significance of the baby Jesus and gave thanks to the Lord.
How fitting, then, that parents today bring their little ones to the "altar" and have them presented before the Lord for His blessing.
Jesus blessed the children who were brought to Him. Although the disciples thought children were not worthy of their Master's time, Jesus set their priorities straight. Let's read the story from and as a responsive reading. It is printed in your bulletin:
Mark 10:13–16 RVR60
Y le presentaban niños para que los tocase; y los discípulos reprendían a los que los presentaban. Viéndolo Jesús, se indignó, y les dijo: Dejad a los niños venir a mí, y no se lo impidáis; porque de los tales es el reino de Dios. De cierto os digo, que el que no reciba el reino de Dios como un niño, no entrará en él. Y tomándolos en los brazos, poniendo las manos sobre ellos, los bendecía.
Mateo 18:1
Matthew 18:1–6 RVR60
En aquel tiempo los discípulos vinieron a Jesús, diciendo: ¿Quién es el mayor en el reino de los cielos?Y llamando Jesús a un niño, lo puso en medio de ellos,y dijo: De cierto os digo, que si no os volvéis y os hacéis como niños, no entraréis en el reino de los cielos.Así que, cualquiera que se humille como este niño, ése es el mayor en el reino de los cielos.Y cualquiera que reciba en mi nombre a un niño como este, a mí me recibe. Y cualquiera que haga tropezar a alguno de estos pequeños que creen en mí, mejor le fuera que se le colgase al cuello una piedra de molino de asno, y que se le hundiese en lo profundo del mar.
Review the concepts presented in the above scriptures:
1. The parents spontaneously sought Jesus' blessing. He didn't initiate the idea, but responded to their felt need. 2. Jesus cared for the children so much that He corrected His disciples in public for turning parents with children away. He then actively encouraged parents to bring their children to be blessed.
initiate the idea, but responded to their felt need. 2. Jesus cared for the children so much that He corrected His
disciples in public for turning parents with children away. He then actively encouraged parents to bring their children to be blessed.
3. Jesus put His hands on the children and blessed them. (Touch is important.)
4. Young children were included. mentions that infants were brought.
5. Jesus elevated the status of the child to the position of "greatest in the kingdom of heaven," and used the child's humility as an object lesson for adults.
6. Blessing the children must have been a significant event, because it is recorded in three of the Gospel stories.
Pastor to the congregation: We are privileged to witness these parents bringing their little ones to Jesus for a blessing, similar to what happened on a Galilean hillside almost 2,000 years ago. All of us need to remember that the life of a little child is given to the parents, extended family, and the church family as a loan from God, to train and mold after His divine image. But in addition, as we watch these children grow, we need to remember that their trust, humility, and willingness to be led, are to be examples to us.
Matthew 18:3 RVR60
y dijo: De cierto os digo, que si no os volvéis y os hacéis como niños, no entraréis en el reino de los cielos.
Memorable Baby Dedications 32
Pastor to the parents: Parents, we welcome you, your family members, and your precious children here for this special occasion. You are bringing your little ones to the altar to dedicate them to the Lord, and you promise before these witnesses to share God's love with them and to train them to follow God's way.
converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven."
Pastor to the parents: Parents, we welcome you, your family members, and your precious children here for this special occasion. You are bringing your little ones to the altar to dedicate them to the Lord, and you promise before these witnesses to share God's love with them and to train them to follow God's way.
We pray that God's richest blessings may be with your children on their life journey to the kingdom, and that God may give you an abundant measure of His Spirit and grace as you lead them during these formative years.
It's not easy to raise a child. There will be difficult times when you won't know what to do. Will you be open to seek counsel, to read parenting books, and listen to the advice of those who have special knowledge and experience in understanding children?
In the Bible admonishes,
Ephesians 6:4 RVR60
Y vosotros, padres, no provoquéis a ira a vuestros hijos, sino criadlos en disciplina y amonestación del Señor.
tells us that "a soft answer turns away wrath."
Proverbs 15:1 RVR60
La blanda respuesta quita la ira; Mas la palabra áspera hace subir el furor.
"Do not provoke your children to wrath." tells us that "a soft answer turns away wrath." Yet there will be times when you get frustrated and feel like yelling or spanking. Will you listen to God's Spirit speaking to you to go away for a little while and pray for a creative solution so that the problem can be solved and your child can learn a valuable lesson in character development without being provoked to anger?
Yet there will be times when you get frustrated and feel like yelling or spanking immediately. Will you listen to God's Spirit speaking to you to go away for a little while and pray for a creative solution and discipline so that the problem can be solved and your child can learn a valuable lesson in character development without being provoked to anger?
Yet there will be times when you get frustrated and feel like yelling or spanking. Will you listen to God's Spirit speaking to you to go away for a little while and pray for a creative solution so that the problem can be solved and your child can learn a valuable lesson in character development without being provoked to anger?
There will be times when negative influences may invade your home such as some television programming, video programs, Nintendo, New Age comic books, indecent novels or pornography. Will you promise to guard your home against those things that degrade God's creation and promote values that tear down morality, honesty, integrity, and Christlike characteristics?
There will be times when you, as parents, won't agree on how to correct your child. One may be too harsh; the other too lenient. Will you promise to do whatever is necessary to discipline in unity? If together you can't reach a solution, will you promise to seek help and perhaps even go to a counselor to resolve your differences in child-rearing methods so your child can have the security of knowing that his/her parents respect each other and stand as one?
And do you promise to be an example of Christlike love, keeping His commandments, regardless of life's circumstances. When you fail, will you admit it, asking your family and God to forgive you? And will you ask God to give you the courage you need to change when His Spirit convicts you that change is necessary?
My prayer for you, as parents, is that God will daily guide you so your priorities will be . . .
> First, to seek God and His love, > Second, to love and care for each other's needs as Christ loves and cares for us, and
needs as Christ loves and cares for us, and > Third, to care, respect, accept, forgive, and
> Third, to care, respect, accept, forgive, and trust your child in such a way that your child will grow up to do a noble work for God and bless humanity.
trust your child in such a way that your child will grow up to do a noble work for God and bless humanity.
Recognizing the awesome responsibility of parenthood and the need you will have for daily dependence on God for His wisdom and strength to be the kind of parents you want your child to have, will you now present your children in dedication to God, seeking His divine blessing and guidance?
Then repeat these words after me:
We, the parents of Sofía Chávez dedicate our child to You, our heavenly Father, for a lifetime of service and love.
And now to all of you who have witnessed this dedication service, knowing that we live in an imperfect world and all of us make mistakes, do you promise to support these God-fearing parents in their endeavor to raise their little ones for God? Will you pray for them and for their children? And will you encourage rather than criticize? All of you who are willing to make this promise, will you say with me "Amen"?
Now, I ask the ordained pastors and elders to lay their hands on these babies as we ask God to pour out a special blessing on these children.
Our Father in heaven, You have heard us as a dedicate themselves to surrounding these, Your special children, with love and support. We therefore congregation, and You have heard these parents made, and record these promises in heaven as a continual reminder to us of the sacredness of this occasion.
dedicate themselves to surrounding these, Your special children, with love and support. We therefore congregation, and You have heard these parents made, and record these promises in heaven as a continual reminder to us of the sacredness of this occasion.
And now we ask You to bless these children, as You blessed the children who were brought to You almost 2,000 years ago. May your nail-scarred hands touch these children day by day as they grow and develop beautiful Christlike character traits so they can do a noble work for You and bless humanity.
And may the significance of this day be recalled tothese children time and again throughout their lifetimes so they will have no doubt as to their heritage. For ________ [names of the children being dedicated] are indeed children of Yours, the King of the universe, royal princes and royal princesses.
So you and your child will always remember this special occasion, we have prepared a beautiful
certificate of dedication that you can hang on the wall of your home. And may it be said of your children, as it was said of the child Samuel, and of Jesus, "And the child grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men."
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