Sermón sin título (3)
Nuestra necesidad de adorar condicionada a la integridad
“Me lavo las manos para declarar mi inocencia. Vengo ante tu altar, oh SEÑOR”
We need people who have been taught and who then also walk in that way so that they demonstrate to unbelievers that the path of faith and morality is the happy and successful way to live
The way of the righteous, which David claims to have been following, is outlined in verses 3–8. But verse 2 has something important to contribute to it
Psalm 1 describes the happy person as one “who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers” (v. 1)
would be wise to avoid, where he decently can, any meeting with people who are bullies, lascivious, cruel, dishonest, spiteful and so forth
The final practical element in David’s prescription for how to walk in God’s ways and live a blameless life is to love God’s house