Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
There are moments (decisions) that we have made that have literally set the course of our lives… Our lives are basically an accumulation of decisions we have made in various moments...
The word MOMENT has an interesting range of meanings… for example it could mean — a short period of time… in an instant… I'll be with you in a moment.
But it could be about a particular time … He is busy at the moment.
There is a third usage of the word moment it could refer to a period of time or stage - as in a course of events, a certain juncture..
a short period of time… instant… I'll be with you in a moment.
an indefinitely short period of time; instant:
I'll be with you in a moment.
the present time or any other particular time (usually preceded by the):
He is busy at the moment.
as in a course of events; juncture:
Not only do these moments happen in our lives they happen in History.
Not only do these moments happen in our lives they happen in History.
Not only do these moments happen in our lives they happen in History.
There are have been these moments in history that have impacted history…
There are a number of events that have impacted world history… some of these events include.
American Revolution
The reformation
Tearing down of the Berlin Wall
World War 2
Gutenberg's Printing Press
The collapse of the Twin Towers
Industrial revolution
These events and others have left a mark in History.... but, "No other event has impacted the world so much as the resurrection of Jesus Christ ---
life of Christ
"No other event has impacted the world so much as the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Today about a third of the world—two billion-plus people - will gather to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.
THow did this happen?
How has Christianity grow so rapidly?
Today about a third of the world—two billion-plus people - will gather to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.
How did this happen?
How has Christianity grow so rapidly?
How did 12 peasant fishermen, tax collectors, farmers – how in the world did they multiply – 12 followers of Jesus to one out of every three people on the planet identify as being a Christian?
How did 12 peasant fishermen, tax collectors, farmers – how in the world did they multiply – 12 followers of Jesus to one out of every three people on the planet identify as being a Christian?
The answer is the Resurrection.
"The resurrection of Jesus changed everything.
It split our calendar to the A.D. and the B.C.
When you think about it..
Jesus never wrote a book, "in fact he never wrote anything down," and yet there are more books written about Jesus than any other subject in the world.
"Jesus never composed a song, but there is more music written about Jesus Christ than any other subject, bar none, in history.
Jesus never drew any pictures or did any sculpture, [but] more art has been made about Jesus Christ than any other subject in history."
Jesus never traveled more than 100 miles from where he was born, "and yet, you can find followers of Jesus in every nook and cranny of the planet."
Life is full of routines and rhythms that are important, we get busy and time seems to just fly by… but there are these moments that set the direction of our lives… The moment you decided to make that purchase, the moment you asked your spouse to marry you, the moment you signed the mortgage on your house… The most amazing moments in my life have been around the birth of our Children…
There are moments (decisions) that we have made that have literally set the course of our lives… Our lives are basically an accumulation of decisions we have made in various moments...
Matt 26:
This morning I want us to look at three moments in the passion week…
The word MOMENT has an interesting range of meanings… for example it could mean — a short period of time… in an instant… I'll be with you in a moment.
But it could be about a particular time … He is busy at the moment.
There is a third usage of the word moment it could refer to a period of time or stage - as in a course of events, a certain juncture..
Why Does the Resurrection matter?
MATT 26:1
The Upper Room
The Cross
The Empty Tomb.
Why is it that the Christian message has endured over 200 years and continues to impact lives in the 21 Century.
T/S Why Does the Resurrection matter?
The reason Christianity spread is because "it's really good news"
The message that God sent his only son Jesus who lived on the earth, died and was buried and ressurected.. and who ever believes this message would share in his life… that we might have what John calls Abundant Life… Life that is empowered by God’s grace.
"It's not bad news.
It's really good news – no, it's great news.
Do you know where the word 'gospel'.
find followers of Jesus in every nook and cranny of the planet."
To some the message of Jesus death and resurrection may seem too simplistic… Paul in Corinthians says that
People talk about sharing the gospel.
That's just the old English word that means 'good news.' "Christianity, the message of Jesus, the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, is good news when you understand it"
came from?
People talk about sharing the gospel.
That's just the old English word that means 'good news.'
People talk about sharing the gospel.
That's just the old English word that means 'good news.' "Christianity, the message of Jesus, the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, is good news when you understand it"
"Christianity, the message of Jesus, the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, is good news when you understand it,"
At the center of Christianity is the transformational message of the cross… To some the message of Jesus seems simplistic…
T/S Why Does the Resurrection matter?
What makes
T/S Why Does the Resurrection make impact?
T/S Why is the Resurrection REALLY GOOD NEWS?
The Death of
1. Jesus was sent on a mission..
The coming of Jesus to earth was not an accident…
The Death of Jesus was on purpose - It wasn’t an accidental death
a. Predicted in His ministry
During his three year ministry, Jesus has his sights on Jerusalem… He was on a mission.. Three times Jesus tells his disciples the purpose of his mission and in Luke chapter 1 he includes where he is going to be crucified - in Jersualem, Who the scribes and religious leaders, the What that he would be beaten flogged and killed… and on the Third day he would rise… Even though Jesus clearly spells out his mission still didn't comprehend his mission… They still influenced by Messianic expectation that Jesus would come as conqueror and deliver them from Roman oppression.
During his three year ministry, Jesus has his sights on Jerusalem… He was on a mission.. Three times Jesus tells his disciples that he would suffer in Jerusalem.
1. Jerusalem would be the place
1. Jerusalem would be the place
He would be delivered to the relgious leaders
3. The would condmen him and give him over to death.
The disciples didn’t really understand this mission… They still had this Messianic expectation that Jesus would deliver them from their Roman oppresses.
Through the Gospels you have
Mark 10:
2. Proclaimed at the pass Over
Why does Jesus pick the passover to reveal to his disciples the meaning of his death
In that final week of the passion - Jesus meets in the upper room with his disciples.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9