The Sign of the King
I. An Unexpected Sign (38-40)
I. An Unexpected Sign (38-40)
A. A Wicked Demand (38)
B. A Biting Rebuke (39)
. Jeremiah 3:6–11
C. A Biblical Type (40)
C. A Biblical Type (40)
II. An Unexpected Judgement (41-45)
A. Nineveh (41)
B. the Queen of Sheba (42)
Here is a tremendous truth—Jesus is God’s sign, just as Jonah was God’s message to the Ninevites and Solomon God’s wisdom to the Queen of Sheba. The one real question in life is: ‘What is our reaction when we are confronted with God in Jesus Christ?’ Is that reaction bleak hostility, as it was in the case of the scribes and Pharisees? Or is it humble acceptance of God’s warning and God’s truth as it was in the case of the people of Nineveh, and of the Queen of Sheba? The all-important question is: ‘What do you think of Christ
C. The Result (43-45) The problem of morality without Jesus.
1. Exit (43)
2. Return (44)
3. Swarmed (45)
It therefore follows that the only permanent cure for evil action is Christian action. Any teaching which stops at telling people what they must not do is bound to be a failure; it must go on to tell them what they must do. The one fatal disease is idleness; even a sterilized idleness will soon be infected. The easiest way to conquer the weeds in a garden is to fill the garden with useful things. The easiest way to keep a life from sin is to fill it with healthy action.
If we are finding the temptations of evil very threatening, one of the best ways to conquer them is to plunge into activity for God and for our neighbours.