Sermon Tone Analysis
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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
What is love?
- If we were to ask the average person it the mushy gushy feeling for someone.
“I care for them”
Yet, do we really love that way?
If we were to ask how do people truly love one another, then we would say it is a self-serving, self-gratifying love in which kindness is only shown when I get something out of it.
If I do not get something out of it, then I have fallen out of love.
But what is Biblical love?
The greatest example of Love is the greatest Love story.
That is, God planned from the foundations of the World to have His son die on the cross of Calvary, so that God could redeem us from our sins and adopt us as His very own children.
This is the example that we are given in the NT.
Now often, when we think about this example, we often understand it in terms of evangelism.
After all, God tells us to love our enemies.
(Luke 6:27)
What is the greatest love I can do for my enemies?
Tell them of the greatest news that has been proclaimed.
That God so loved the World that Christ, His Son, died to redeem them.
Now that is true and right, but that is not what I am addressing this morning.
Instead, I am addressing Christian love for one another.
Look down at your text this morning in 1 Peter 1:22-25.
Often, viewed in terms of evangelism.
That is not what Peter is saying here.
From ,
Proposition: Christians ought to love one another.
Transition: This text gives us 2 understandings for why.
The first understanding,
1. Pure hearts will love God’s people.
Peter commands us to love, but before he does that, he tells us why.
Why ought a Christians love one another?
You have been purified.
I think every generation has understood the importance of pure water.
- Much of life in ancient times was dependent on access to pure water.
- Today, we are able to pump that right into our homes.
On the go, we take bottles of purified water.
Why do I drink the tap water and not the toilet water?
Because I know the tap water is pure.
If you are a believer today, your soul has been purified.
It once was a waste land, but now it is being purified.
Your soul, that is your inner person, is being purified by God.
Another way to say this, “The muck is being taken out of your soul."
How is God purifying your soul?
Purification is accomplished by Obedience.
We understand what obedience is.
Obedience is doing what you are told.
Whether I am the boss or parent giving the order, OR I am the employee or child receiving the order, we understand what obedience is.
But who is telling us what we ought to do.
Peter says,
You are being purified as you obey the truth.
The truth is a general reference to God’s Word.
a) Begins - when we believe and trust in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
It continues as we understand and take the whole council of God.
All of His Word.
Obedience to this truth transforms us.
“It takes the muck out of our souls”.
Illustration: Process of doing helps us be changed.
Not simply habit, but it transforms our heart.
Why does an older teacher often have a natural way to draw kids in to the subject.
Because there hearts were change.d
Have you ever struggled with obeying God?
Part of that process is that by obeying now, it goes from one obedience to another obedience, thus purifying our heart.
To clarify, I am not saying that biblical change is simply a matter of habits.
Instead I would that the obedience transforms our heart, making us pure.
Think about it this way.
Why does an older teacher often have a natural way to draw kids in to the subject.
The average person shows up and the kid looks at them like you just spoke in another language.
But an experienced teacher explains the same thing to them and suddenly they understand and like it.
Why does that happen?
Because the teachers heart and mind were changed as they taught.
In the same way, our continued obedience changes our hearts and minds into greater and greater purity.
It purifies our souls.
The result of purification is love for the people of God.
But remember, Peter is not talking about Biblical change.
He is talking about our love for one another.
If you are purified, the natural effect is that we love one another.
Kyle Johnston said (Biblical Counselor)
“What strikes me about this, is the place of depth from which love must proceed.
The heart is the deepest part of you.
Love is to be true and genuine, pure and clean, not superficial and selfish but motivated by an authentic desire to bless others even when there is no personal advantage for doing so.
Love comes from a pure heart.
What strikes me about this, is the place of depth from which love must proceed.
The heart is the deepest part of you.
Love is to be true and genuine, pure and clean, not superficial and selfish but motivated by an authentic desire to bless others even when there is no personal advantage for doing so.
Love comes from a pure heart.”
What strikes me about this, is the place of depth from which love must proceed.
The heart is the deepest part of you.
Love is to be true and genuine, pure and clean, not superficial and selfish but motivated by an authentic desire to bless others even when there is no personal advantage for doing so.
Love comes from a pure heart.
The fact is, there are many commands in Scripture for us to love one another.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
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> .9