Adultery: In Deed and Thought

10 Commandments  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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AG:Today we’re going to look at the seventh commandment and see what it means to always be faithful in our marriages.
There is a Bible that has been dubbed the “Wicked Bible.” It’s also known as the “Sinners’ Bible” and the “Adulterous Bible.” It contains what is probably the most infamous misprint of any book ever published.
Oh be careful little eyes what you see.
There is a Bible that has been dubbed the “Wicked Bible.” It’s also known as the “Sinners’ Bible” and the “Adulterous Bible.” It contains what is probably the most infamous misprint of any book ever published.
In 1631 AD, King Charles I ordered 1,000 Bibles from the royal printers, Robert Barker and Martin Lucas. They were to be reprints of the 1611 KJV. It was an almost flawless edition except for one major mistake. There was a huge typographical error. In the 7th commandment, they left out the word “not.” So, the 7th commandment in this edition reads, “Thou shalt commit adultery.”
Oh be careful little eyes what you see
King Charles I and the Archbishop of Canterbury were so angered that the printers were fined £300 sterling, which in that day was a lifetime’s worth of income for a successful tradesman. The modern equivalent of £300 sterling is £43,586 sterling which translates into 72,760.29 American dollars. That fine and the stigma attached to the mistake drove the printers out of business.
All 1,000 copies were ordered burned and very few remain today. Two museums have copies and another copy was put on sale on the internet in 2010 for $89,500.
The “Wicked Bible” got it wrong! reads – You shall not commit adultery. Yet, we live in an age and culture where adultery and sexual immorality have become culturally correct.
There are now “Secret Lover Cards” being sold. The Secret Lover Collection is designed specifically and especially for those who are having adulterous, extramarital affairs.
For the Father up above is looking down in love
One card called “My Lover” reads like this:
Just when I thought I would never find my true love - you came along…
My soul has been searching for you since I came into this world.
All my life I've had this emptiness inside
Oh be careful little eyes what you see.
Like a part of me was missing and I was incomplete…
And now I can't imagine my life without you…
Even if I have to share you.
TS: As we look at the 7th commandment, we see Jesus handle it just as He did with murder, He goes deeper than the surface. He not only reminds them that adultery is sin, He adds lust in our hearts is the same as the actual deed of adultery. Jesus also tells us to take drastic measures to guard our hearts against this sin.
Tonight, in our text we will see the command: Do not commit adultery. As Jesus did with murder, He goes deeper than the surface. He not only reminds them that adultery is sin, He adds lust in our hearts is the same as the actual deed of adultery. Jesus also tells us to take drastic measures to guard our hearts against this sin.
RS: We must guard against the sin of adultery. Satan is the ultimate predator trying to turn us into prey. He would take great pleasure is breaking up our marriages, giving us a load of baggage to carry into our future marriage, etc.
The internet is a tool for great good, but at the same time, it allows faster access to inappropriate material in what “feels” a more private matter. No magazine deliveries or purchases have to be made.
Our culture says to us and to God: “What we do behind closed doors is our private life and it is nobody's business. It’s not even God’s business.”
We must guard against the sin of adultery.
Whether it is an adulterer or fornicator or a homosexual, they see the biblical idea that sex should be limited only to a man and a woman who are married to each other as woefully out of date and completely intolerant.

The Saying of Old

Exodus 20:14 NKJV
“You shall not commit adultery.
EX: God forbade adultery.
Pretty clear, statement.

Applicable to both men and women, this command protected the sacredness of the marriage relationship. God had instituted marriage at the creation of man and woman (Ge 2:24) and had blessed it as the means of filling the earth (Ge 1:28). The penalty for infidelity in the marital relationship was death (Lv 20:10). Adultery was also referred to as “a great sin” (Ge 20:9) and a “great evil and sin against God” (cf. Ge 39:9; Mt 5:27; Jas 2:11).

Applicable to both men and women, this command protected the sacredness of the marriage relationship.
God had instituted marriage at the creation of man and woman () and had blessed it as the means of filling the earth ().
The penalty for infidelity in the marital relationship was death
Leviticus 20:10 NKJV
‘The man who commits adultery with another man’s wife, he who commits adultery with his neighbor’s wife, the adulterer and the adulteress, shall surely be put to death.
Death penalty for both parties.
Adultery was also referred to as “a great sin”
Genesis 20:9 NKJV
And Abimelech called Abraham and said to him, “What have you done to us? How have I offended you, that you have brought on me and on my kingdom a great sin? You have done deeds to me that ought not to be done.”
) and a “great evil and sin against God” (cf. ; ; ).
“great evil and sin against God”
Genesis 39:9 NKJV
There is no one greater in this house than I, nor has he kept back anything from me but you, because you are his wife. How then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?”
; ; ).
; ).
James 2:11 NKJV
For He who said, “Do not commit adultery,” also said, “Do not murder.” Now if you do not commit adultery, but you do murder, you have become a transgressor of the law.
AP: The saying of old is still in effect today:
Don’t commit adultery
There is NO reason to have an affair and break your marriage vows!
“But I love her....”
“But God wants me happy and he makes me happy....”
These are lies from the deepest pit of Hell
Home and lives have been wrecked due to the sin of adultery
We even play word games when it comes to this commandment.
First, we downplay adultery. We call it a “little fling” or “fooling around.”
Then, we try to dignify adultery. We call it “having an affair” or “secret love.”
Then, we try to disguise adultery. We will meet at a secret rendezvous point, go to a secluded hotel, change our names on the register and think we are fooling everybody.
Draw an absolute line in the sand:
If married- never cheat on your mate
If single- save yourself for your future husband or wife
Jesus quoted:
Genesis 2:24 NKJV
Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.
One man and One woman is God’s design. The two become one.
Chuck Swindoll wrote these words concerning the cost of imorality:
The following is an incomplete list of what you have in store after your immorality is found out:
Your mate will experience the anguish of betrayal, shame, rejection, heartache and loneliness. No amount of repentance will soften those blows.
Your mate can never again say that you are a model of fidelity. Suspicion will rob her or him of trust. Your escapade(s) will introduce to your life and your mate's life the very real probability of a sexually transmitted disease.
The total devastation your sinful actions will bring to your children is immeasurable. Their growth, innocence, trust and healthy outlook on life will be severely and permanently damaged.
The heartache you will cause your parents, your family and your peers is indescribable.
The embarrassment of facing other Christians, who once appreciated you, respected you and trusted you will be overwhelming.
If you are engaged in the Lord's work, you will suffer the immediate loss of your job and the support of those with whom you work. The dark shadow will accompany you everywhere… and forever. Forgiveness won't erase it.
Your fall will give others license to do the same.
The inner-peace you enjoyed will be gone.
You will never be able to erase the fall from your (or others') minds. This will remain indelibly etched on your life's record regardless of your later return to your senses.
The name of Jesus Christ, whom you once honored, will be tarnished giving the enemies of faith further reason to sneer and jeer.
Maybe you are in a difficult marriage. You are having a tough time. Your sex life is not satisfying and you are starting to look around. Just remember this: no matter how high the cost is of maintaining and restoring and repairing your marriage might be, the cost of adultery is always infinitely higher.

The Saying of Jesus


Matthew 5:27–28 NKJV
“You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
EX: Jesus dove deeper than the physical act, He said lusting for one not our spouse makes us guilty of adultery in the heart.
Lustful people could walk around saying, “I looked but I didn’t touch!” I’m still not guilty of adultery.
Jesus calls that a lie here!
He says that committing adultery in our hearts is as bad as committing adultery in our flesh.
AP: Lust is always a temptation.
Lust is always a temptation. I saw a hamburger commercial not long ago that was not trying to appeal to our appetite for food but to our sexual lusts. In the ad industry, there is a saying that goes “sex sales”. That is why most actors in commercials aren’t normal everyday people.
IL: I saw a hamburger commercial not long ago that was not trying to appeal to our appetite for food but to our sexual lusts. In the ad industry, there is a saying that goes “sex sales”. That is why most actors in commercials aren’t normal everyday people.
The internet is a tool for great good, but at the same time, it allows faster access to inappropriate material in what “feels” a more private matter. No magazine deliveries or purchases have to be made.
We must guard against the sin of adultery.
Pornography is a plague on our society
Hebrews 13:14 NKJV
For here we have no continuing city, but we seek the one to come.
Adultery always begins in the mind before it winds up in the bedroom.
You need to understand the importance of guarding your mind, which in turn will guard your heart, which in turn will guard your body.
I have heard and read so many stories of how adulterous affairs get started and how teenagers fall into pre-martial sexual sin. I have learned that there are basically four steps that take place: distraction, attraction, interaction, and transaction.
First, there is the distraction. Maybe you begin to notice a woman that you work with or you see somebody at school or you are flipping channels on the TV and you notice a provocative sexual scene – that is distraction.
Then comes attraction. You begin to make little comments to this woman or to this man or you begin to watch just for a moment this provocative scene or you linger at this website on the internet. That behavior will lead to interaction where you just think it is harmless to go to lunch with this person or just watching fifteen minutes on the internet won't hurt. Staying just awhile is just a little titillating fun.
Then follows the transaction where before you know it, you have either wound up in someone else's bed or your mind has been caught in a spider's web of pornography that you can't get out of.
Don’t be arrogant. Don’t say, “That could never happen to me!”
1 Corinthians 10:12 NKJV
Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.

Staving off Sin

Matthew 5:29–30 NKJV
If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you; for it is more profitable for you that one of your members perish, than for your whole body to be cast into hell. And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and cast it from you; for it is more profitable for you that one of your members perish, than for your whole body to be cast into hell.
Matthew 5:29-
Gouging Eyes and Amputating Hands!
Sounds extreme doesn’t it?
Jesus wanted there to be no doubt in the listeners’ mind that sexual purity was important
Guarding what we see and what we actions we take will prevent lust from growing.
One area which we must address tonight is this:
Pornography is a heinous sin which is destroying many
Pornography is a Trojan horse sin, because it opens the door to many other sexual sin.
Pornography causes lasciviousness (sexually addiction). 
It opens one's soul to demonic influences.
The Bible says in
John 3:20 NKJV
For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed.
that it is love for sin which prevents sinners from coming to Jesus Christ for salvation...
that it is love for sin which prevents sinners from coming to Jesus Christ for salvation...
Fight this disease with your whole heart!
Psalm 101:3 NKJV
I will set nothing wicked before my eyes; I hate the work of those who fall away; It shall not cling to me.
Guard what you put in front of your eyes!
Take it seriously:
IL: Vice President Pence just started facing ridicule for something I was taught 31 years ago as a young preacher.
It came out that he won’t have lunch alone with a woman who isn’t his wife.
(later, photos emerged of an exception: His mother!)
Make choices in life which limit freedom if that is what it takes to avoid the sin of lust (or any other for that matter).
Living a holy life is that important.


Don’t Commit Adultery
Don’t give in to Lust
Take drastic steps to guard against sin.
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