TRIUPHAL ENTRY- When Jesus Shows Up

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This morning is the beginning of what we call the Passion week (sufferings of Christ). Passion week Begins with Jesus Triumphal entry into Jerusalem and ends with His Resurrection.
Passion week Begins with Jesus Triumphant entry entry into Jerusalem and ends with His Resurrection and Assertion of Jesus
The timing of this message is kind of unique as we have just spend several weeks in the book of Romans going through the meaning of our Salvation. We who were strangers to God’s covenant have now come into a relationship with Christ — the pinnacle (ceiling) of the Christian faith is being adopted and considered Sons and Daughter of God…
Sometimes a week might go by and it is relatively uneventful… but then there are some weeks that seem to be so full of activity.. I don’t know if there had ever been a week like this week in lives of the disciples or in the city of Jerusalem
Beginning with Jesus Triumphant entry entry into Jerusalem and ending with the Resurrection and Asention of Jesus. Sometimes a week might go by and it is relatively un eventful… but then there are some weeks that seem to be so full of activity.. I don’t know if there has ever been a week like this week in life of the disciples and in the city of Jerusalem…
Passion gives us insight into the love of God and the great lengths that God went to restore us into this relationship… Jesus during his earthly ministry set his sights on Jerusalem.. it is nearing the end of his ministry and the final preparations are being made before he will lay down his life…His whole life and purpose was to come and to give himself as sacrifice. ..
. Sometimes a week might go by and it is relatively uneventful… but then there are some weeks that seem to be so full of activity.. I don’t know if there has ever been a week like this week in life of the disciples and in the city of Jerusalem…
This Passion week is jammed full of Drama…
It Passover Celebration in Jerusalem, more than 2 million people are present in the city when Jesus enters Jerusalem in His triumphal entry, After the triumphal entry ‘the City he goes to the religious center -- immediately goes into the temple and to the court of the Gentiles and he tips over the tables of the money exchanges - he declares that his house should be called a house of prayer. Jesus then laments over city Jerusalem as they have missed his time of His visitation.. the shortest verses in the bible ..Jesus weptJesus curses the fig tree that represents Israel that had so much promise but did not bear any fruit… Then there is the last supper where Jesus washes the disciples feet and predicts that he would be betrayed by Judas and denied by Peter… There is Jesus agony in the garden of Gethsemane as he wrestles with separation from the Father, there is the capture and the trials of Jesus before the religious leaders and the before Pilate, there is the Flogging of Jesus and the mocking of Jesus by the Roman soldiers as thorns are placed on his Head and purple Robe around his shoulders - they mock him by saying“Hail, King of the Jews!” and struck him with their hands., There is the suffering on the cross for six hour Jesus hung on the cross.. where he cries out it is finished.. then his burial and Resurrection.
John 3:16 ESV
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
There is the suffering on the cross for six hour Jesus hung on the cross.. where he cries out it is finished.. then his burial and Resurrection.
So much took place during this week…
here is Jesus agony in the garden of Gethsemane as he wrestles with separation from the Father, there is the capture and the trials of Jesus before the religious leader and the before Pilate, there is the Flogging of Jesus and the mocking of Jesus by the Roman soldiers as thorns are placed on his Head, There is the suffering on the cross, there is the agony of his death - where he cries out it is finished.. then his burial and Resurrection.
… Passion week is full of Drama… Their is betrayal, Celebration, there is righteous Anger as Jesus cleanses the temple, there are the trials of Jesus, there is the Flogging of Jesus and the thorns placed on his Head, their is mocking, their is suffering on the cross, their is the dispareof death and the hope of resurrection..
Holy Week or the week of Christs passion - gives us insight to the great lengths Jesus went to bring us into a relationship with himself
Romans 5:19 ESV
19 For as by the one man’s disobedience the many were made sinners, so by the one man’s obedience the many will be made righteous.
Jesus came at the right time in History… it was just at the Roman Pax two hundred years of peace.. it was said that this period was a miracle because prior to this time there had never been peace for so many centuries in any given period of History.... Not only was it a right time in history it was the right time for us… Jesus came while we were weak… and distant from God.
We were unable to help ourselves. Bound by sin and destined for an eternity apart from God, no amount of struggle could free us from condemnation. It was for us “the right time” for Christ’s atoning death.
Romans 5:6–8 ESV
For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. For one will scarcely die for a righteous person—though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die— but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Everything in the narative of the easter story is moving toward Christs Death, Burial and Resurrection.. Altemately what theologians have Called Christus Victory.... meaning that Christ has conquered
Mounce, R. H. (1995). Romans (Vol. 27, p. 136). Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers.
What Jesus demonstrated through the cross of Christ was his unconditional Love…for us.. The remarkable thing about the death of Christ was that it took place “while we were still sinners.”
Because of the message of the cross we who were strangers to God’s covenant have now come into a life giving relationship with Christ — we have been included, adopted--- accepted in the beloved and we are considered Sons and Daughter of God…
God did not wait until we had performed well enough to merit his love (which, of course, no one ever could) before he acted in love on our behalf. Christ died for us while we were still alienated from him and cared nothing for his attention or affection… This is remarkable...
Holy Week or the passion gives us insight into the love of God and the great lengths that God went to restore us into this relationship...
and the hope of resurrection..
there is the capture and the trials of Jesus, there is the Flogging of Jesus and the mocking of Jesus as thorns are placed on his Head, their is the suffering on the cross, there is the dispare of death, there are even natural events and earthquake that tares the curtain in the temple in two.. There is mourning of death and then hope of resurrection..
Romans 5:6–8 ESV
For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. For one will scarcely die for a righteous person—though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die— but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:6
What Jesus demonstrated through the cross was his Love…for us.. The remarkable thing about the death of Christ was that it took place “while we were still sinners” God did not wait until we had performed well enough to merit his love (which, of course, no one ever could) before he acted in love on our behalf. Christ died for us while we were still alienated from him and cared nothing for his attention or affection… This is remarkable...
1 John 3:16 ESV
By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers.
1 Peter 3:18 ESV
For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit,
; )
The cross defines what Scripture means by “love” of God. Johns says.
The remarkable thing about the death of Christ was that it took place “while we were still sinners” (; ). God did not wait until we had performed well enough to merit his love (which, of course, no one ever could) before he acted in love on our behalf. Christ died for us while we were still alienated from him and cared nothing for his attention or affection.
God did not wait until we had performed well enough to merit his love (which, of course, no one ever could) before he acted in love on our behalf. Christ died for us while we were still alienated from him and cared nothing for his attention or affection.
The New American Commentary: Romans (1) Peace and Hope (5:1–8)

The cross defines what Scripture means by “love” (1 John 3:16). Love is the voluntary placing of the welfare of others ahead of one’s own. It is action, not sentiment

God is the Father
‘Love is the voluntary placing of the welfare of others ahead of one’s own. It is action, not sentiment.”
Mounce, R. H. (1995). Romans (Vol. 27, pp. 136–137). Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers.
The New American Commentary: Romans (1) Peace and Hope (5:1–8)

The cross defines what Scripture means by “love” (1 John 3:16). Love is the voluntary placing of the welfare of others ahead of one’s own. It is action, not sentiment

John 3:16 ESV
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
Love is the voluntary placing of the welfare of others ahead of one’s own. It is action, not sentiment.”
We need to understand that as Jesus set his sights on Jerusalem.. He doesn't have a political agend… motivation by love… God loved that he gave us his son.... this is what carried Jesus through this week… e
Jesus during his earthly ministry set his sights on Jerusalem.. it is nearing the end of his ministry and the final preparations are being made before he will lay down his life…His whole life and purpose was to come and to give himself as sacrifice.
Jesus during his earthly ministry set his sights on Jerusalem.. it is nearing the end of his ministry and the final preparations are being made before he will lay down his life…His whole life and purpose was to come and to give himself as sacrifice.
it is nearing the end of his ministry and the final preparations are being made before he will lay down his life…His whole life and purpose was to come and to give himself as sacrifice.
Everything in the narrative of the easter story is moving toward Jerusalem, It is moving towards a conflict between the religious leaders and the authorities.. and ultimately this conflict is going bring about the crucifixion of Christ…
Everything in the narrative of the easter story is moving toward Jerusalem, towards a conflict between the religious leaders and the authorities.. and ultimately it is going bring about the crucifixion of Christ…
that is going to bring about the crucifixion of Christ…
Until this point in this point, Jesus has been very careful to not declare himself as the Messiah... Jesus would heal and do miracles and when healed lepers he would tell them to present themselves to the priest to be declared clean…(so they were no longer outcasts and able to join the community again) and he would add… 'See that you don't tell this to anyone...'" ()
'See that you don't tell this to anyone...'" ()
'See that you don't tell this to anyone...'" ()
Why was Jesus wanting his identity?
Darrel Brock author and theologian says there was two primary reasons why Jesus wanted his disciples to be silent about his identity...
Darrel Brock author and theologian says there was two primary reasons why Jesus wanted his disciples (and those he healed) to be silent about his identity... and both has to do with timing.
They disciples still had a lot to learn about the identity of Jesus…it would have been too early for them to proclaim Jesus as the Messiah.
if Jesus publicly proclaimed his Messiahship would have put himself at immediate risk before Rome. The rulers of Rome decided who was king, and this would have been a direct affront to their power.
if Jesus publicly proclaimed his Messiahship, he would have put himself at immediate risk before Rome. The rulers of Rome decided who was king, and this would have been a direct affront to their power.
This was because it was not time yet.
T/S This all changes when Jesus his disciples leave Jericho and head towards Bethpage - … As they are leaving town something happens that confirms the tide is changing..
to keep it a secret
But this changes as Jesus and his disciples leave Jericho and head towards Bethpage - There are two blind men sitting on the road side and when they hear that Jesus is passing by.. “They Cry out Lord, have mercy on us,Son of David.” Everybody knew that the Son of David was the Messianic king who had been predicted for centuries. For the first time some one has called Jesus by this title of Messiah… This concerned the crowd.. and would have shook the disciples
But this all changes as Jesus and his disciples leave Jericho and head towards Bethpage - At the end of Matthew chapter 20..
Matthew 20:29–30 ESV
And as they went out of Jericho, a great crowd followed him. And behold, there were two blind men sitting by the roadside, and when they heard that Jesus was passing by, they cried out, “Lord, have mercy on us, Son of David!”
matt 20:29-
These two blind men sitting on the road side and when they hear that Jesus is passing by.... “They Cry out Lord, have mercy on us, Son of David.”
Mark supplies the name of one of the men—Bartimaeus “They Cry out Lord, have mercy on us,Son of David.” The crowd wanted to silence these men.... but the more they cried out… These men had faith… they recognized that this is Jesus… Just yesterday I had this opportunity to talk to this man about faith and he grew up S. Baptist… but he said to me I don’t know if I believe any more… How many people in the world are walking blinded to Christ… but these men knew that Jesus was no ordinary man… He was the Son of David… they could receive mercy… underseved favor....
Blomberg, C. (1992). Matthew (Vol. 22, p. 309). Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers.
The gospel of Mark supplies the name of one of the men- as Bartimaeus. The crowd wanted to silence these men.... Mark tells us the more they silenced them the more they cried out… These men had faith… they recognized that this is Jesus… How many people in the world who have physical sight are walking blinded to Christ
But this changes as Jesus and his disciples leave Jericho and head towards Bethpage - There are two blind men sitting on the road side and when they hear that Jesus is passing by.. “They Cry out Lord, have mercy on us,Son of David.” Everybody knew that the Son of David was the Messianic king who had been predicted for centuries. For the first time some one has called Jesus by this title of Messiah… This concerned the crowd.. and would have shook the disciples
“They Cry out Lord, have mercy on us,Son of David.”
The crowd wanted to silence these men.... but the more they cried out… These men had faith… they recognized that this is Jesus… Just yesterday I had this opportunity to talk to this man about faith and he grew up S. Baptist… but he said to me I don’t know if I believe any more… How many people in the world are walking blinded to Christ… but these men knew that Jesus was no ordinary man… He was the Son of David… they could receive mercy… underseved favor....
but these men knew that Jesus was no ordinary man… “They cry out Lord” — master.. have mercy on us Son of David (Messiah)… lots of information here is this short verse… Lord, Messiah and mercy giver...
Here are to blind men who declare that Jesus is the Lord, the Messiah and the mercy giver...... we are told that after they were healed they followed Jesus.
Why was there such a reaction from the crowd?
When Bartimaeus uses the phrase “Son of David,” it have been stunning revelation… Everybody knew that the Son of David was the Messianic king who had been predicted for centuries. For the first time some one called Jesus by this title of Messiah… This concerned the crowd.. and would have shook the disciples.. we are told that the crowd responds immediately.
Matthew 20:31 ESV
The crowd rebuked them, telling them to be silent, but they cried out all the more, “Lord, have mercy on us, Son of David!”
Matthew 20:31 ESV
The crowd rebuked them, telling them to be silent, but they cried out all the more, “Lord, have mercy on us, Son of David!”
Matthew 20:21 ESV
And he said to her, “What do you want?” She said to him, “Say that these two sons of mine are to sit, one at your right hand and one at your left, in your kingdom.”
Mat 20
When Bartimaeus uses the phrase “Son of David,” it have been stunning revelation… Everybody knew that the Son of David was the Messianic king who had been predicted for centuries. For the first time some one called Jesus by this title of Messiah… This concerned the crowd.. and would have shook the disciples..
But what was even more astonishing to the Crowd was the silence of Jesus — Jesus does not correct these men and simply asks what he could do for them? We are told that Jesus took pity on these men and heals their blindness.
But what was even more astonishing was the silence of Jesus — Jesus does not correct these men and simply asks what he could do for them? We are told that Jesus took pity on these men and heals their blindness.
What is mazing is that Jesus does not rebuke them but asks what he can do for them? and he he took pity on them and heals their blindness.
but asks what he can do for them? and he he took pity on them and heals their blindness.
rather he asks what he can do for them? and he he took pity on them and heals their blindness. Now the disciples had know that Jesus was the Messiah but this was the moment of declaration..
rather he asks what he can do for them? and he he took pity on them and heals their blindness. Now the disciples had know that Jesus was the Messiah but this was the moment of declaration..
The hair on the back of their necks must have gone up at that point. They must have been thrilled and terrified, because they knew that this was do
Now, the disciples had known that Jesus was the Messiah but this was the first moment of declaration.. The hair on the back of their necks must have gone up at that point. They must have been thrilled and terrified at the same time, because they knew that this was do or die. They knew this was the final sprint for the top. This was it. Everything happened now. Time was running out. They were on the way to Jerusalem, and he had openly declared himself to be the King.... This was going to cause conflict… (credit Tim Keller)
T/S The Triumphal Entry is Pivotal moment in understanding what Kind of Messiah Jesus would become.
Jesus is not going to slip into Jerusalem through one of the side Gates… Jesus coming is coming through the front gate..
Romans would be on hight alert and sensitive to unrest among or signs of uprising of nationalists.
is one of my favorite Psalms… it anticipates the Messiah coming into Jerusalem — in fact the priests would recite it every year at passover.... they would read..listen to these words..
Jesus entrance into Jerusalem is going to be confrontational…It is going to bring conflict between himself and the religious leaders and the authorities.
The triumphal entry is bold declaration of his Lordship
Jesus is not going to slip into Jerusalem through one of the side Gates… Jesus coming is coming through the front gate.. What is interesting the priests would at passover traditionally recite psalms 24 which anticipates the Messiahs coming…
Psalm 24:9–10 ESV
9 Lift up your heads, O gates! And lift them up, O ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. 10 Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, he is the King of glory! Selah
Who is the Lord of Hosts??? Who is Jesus… HE IS THE KING OF GLORY.
Isn’t it amazing that as Israel is anticipating the Messiah — while Jesus the King of Glory was on the very steps of the City..... Israel was expecting a different kind of Messiah.. the were expecting a conquering king… someone like Alexander the Great....
And you can see how they came to this conclusion. The word Messiah meant the “anointed One” and it is a word that was often referenced to Kings and priests who were “anointed” set apart to lead the people. Israel expected another Deliver a Savior of Israel to be a warrior King.. like king David… who would deliver them from Roman occupation.
I was talking to a guy the other day and as the conversation went on - I had the opportunity to ask him about his faith… he said he used to be Southern Baptist but he hadn't attended church for a long time.... he admitted that he was not sure whether He believes anymore… somehow he has lost his way .... lost his faith… but he told me of his mothers prayers… I shared with him that God is not done yet with him.... Blind men seeing and seeing men an be blind to the LOVE OF GOD..
I was talking to a guy the other day and as the conversation went on - I had the opportunity to ask him about his faith… he said he used to be Southern Baptist but he hadn't attended church for a long time.... he admitted that he was not sure whether He believes anymore… somehow he has lost his way .... lost his faith… but he told me of his mothers prayers… I shared with him that God is not done yet with him.... Blind men seeing and seeing men an be blind to the LOVE OF GOD..
JESUS IS STANDING AT THE GATE WHILE ISRAEL STILL ANTICIPATING THE MESSIAH.. The triumphal entry is a bold fulfilment of OT prophecy.
I had the opportunity to ask him about his faith… he said he used to be Southern Baptist but he hadnt attended church for a long time.... he admitted that he was not sure whether He believes anymore… somehow he has lost his way .... lost his faith… but he told me of his mothers prayers… I shared with him that God is not done yet with him.... Blind men see and seeing men can be blind..
Tim Keller puts it bluntly he says that Jesus is giving people a choice He is saying, “Crown me or Kill me.” There is no middle ground ---- there is no middle choice… Jesus says either I am Lord or am not Lord at all...
Jesus was heading to Jerusalem at peak season it was passover when the city would swell from about 100 000 people to over 2 Million… What follows is the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem.
There is a Disconnect between the expectation of Israel who Jesus really was.
Jerusalem is the Center of the religious worship and religious life.. The center of each of us is our heart and our minds.... Lordship has everything do do with our devotion and our worship. Remember the conversation Jesus had with the Samaritan woman that there was coming a day when people no longer worship and in Truth..
T/S The Triumphal Entry is Pivotal moment in understanding what Kind of Messiah Jesus would become.
T/S The Triumphal Entry is Pivotal moment in understanding what Kind of Messiah Jesus would become.... we learn three things on about the king of glory on Palm Sunday..
There is a Disconnect between the expectation of Israel who Jesus really was. Israel was expecting a conquering king… You can see how they came to this conclusion.
You can see how they came to this conclusion.
T/s The Triuphal Entry
There is a Disconnect between the expectation of Israel who Jesus really was.
The word Messiah meant the “anointed One” and it is a word that was often referenced to Kings and priests who were “anointed” set apart for particular task. You can easily see how they would have been confused.. Israel expected the Savior of Israel to be a warrior King.. like king David…
see how they came to this conclusion. The word Messiah meant the “anointed One” and it is a word that was often referenced to Kings and priests who were “anointed” set apart to lead the people. You can easily see how they would have been confused.. Israel expected the Savior of Israel to be a warrior King.. like king David
Israel made the mistake of projecting on Jesus the kind of Deliverer they wanted (or thought they needed).
It is interesting that the language of Messiah does not appear often in the OT. The word Messiah mean “anointed One” and it is a word that was often referenced to Kings and priests who were “anointed” set apart for particular task.
This idea of the Messiah being the “anointed One” might explain why Israel expected the Savior of Israel to be a warrior King.. like king David… Remember how the woman of Israel sang songs about David… That Saul had killed his 1000’s but David his 10 0000’s…
Israel was expecting a conquering king...The word Messiah meant the “anointed One” and it is a word that was often referenced to Kings and priests who were “anointed” set apart for particular task. You can easily see how they would have been confused.. Israel expected the Savior of Israel to be a warrior King.. like king David…
This might explain why Israel was expecting the Savior of Israel to be a King.. like king David… Remember how the woman of Israel sang songs about David… That Saul had killed his 1000’s but David his 10 0000’s David was a king noted for being man of war.
Jesus is not going to slip into Jerusalem through one of the side Gates… Jesus coming is coming through the front gate.. What is interesting the priests would at passover traditionally recite psalms 24 which anticipates the Messiahs coming…
Psalms 24:
Psalm 24:9–10 ESV
9 Lift up your heads, O gates! And lift them up, O ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. 10 Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, he is the King of glory! Selah
Psalm 24:7–10 ESV
7 Lift up your heads, O gates! And be lifted up, O ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. 8 Who is this King of glory? The Lord, strong and mighty, the Lord, mighty in battle! 9 Lift up your heads, O gates! And lift them up, O ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. 10 Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, he is the King of glory! Selah
JESUS IS STANDING AT THE GATE WHILE ISRAEL STILL ANTICIPATING THE MESSIAH.. The triumphal entry is a bold fulfilment of OT prophecy.
Jesus for the first time in His ministry bringing conflict between himself and the religious leaders and the authorities… ... Jesus is not going to slip into Jerusalem through one of the side Gates… Jesus coming is confrontational...
He comes with a declaration of his Kingship… and his Lordship.
Tim Keller says that Jesus is giving people a choice He is saying, “Crown me or Kill me.” The issue is Lordship...
The Triumphal Entry is Pivotal in understanding What kind of Messiah was coming. Israel made the mistake of projecting on Jesus the kind of Deliverer they wanted (or thought they needed.) It is interesting that the language of Messiah does not appear often in the OT. The word Messiah mean “anointed One” and it is a word that was often referenced to Kings and priests who were “anointed” set apart for particular task. This might explain why Israel was expecting the Savior of Israel to be a King.. like king David.T/s The Triuphal Entry
The Triumphal Entry is Pivotal in understanding What kind of Messiah was coming. Israel made the mistake of projecting on Jesus the kind of Deliverer they wanted (or thought they needed.) It is interesting that the language of Messiah does not appear often in the OT. The word Messiah mean “anointed One” and it is a word that was often referenced to Kings and priests who were “anointed” set apart for particular task. This might explain why Israel was expecting the Savior of Israel to be a King.. like king David.T/s The Triuphal Entry
Jerusalem is the Center of the religious worship and religious life.. The center of each of us is our heart and our minds.... Lordship has everything do do with our devotion and our worship. Remember the conversation Jesus had with the Samaritan woman that there was coming a day when people no longer worship and in Truth..
T/s The Triuphal Entry
Remember the coverstion Jesus had with the Samaritian woman that there was coming a day when people no longer worship and in Truth..
Jesus says either I am Lord or am not Lord at all…

1. Lordship and Stewardship

That we are Stewards...
They knew this was the final sprint for the top. This was it. Everything happened now. Time was running out. They were on the way to Jerusalem, and he had openly declared himself to be the King.
There is a connection between Lordship and stewardship.... STEWARDSHIP IS SAYING Jesus you are in control.... One thing that we have done through our lives is tithed.. Now there have been some real difficult times.... we were living on one Salary… to be honest… the thought occured to me that we can’t afford to tithe.... I am grateful for a wife who would remind me that we can’t afford not to give… I cant tell you number of times when we have been down to nothing and God came through… one time we received a check in the mail from Dorcus ministrieswhich covered our rent… there was times when someone drop off a meal when it was really needed… all this time… we tithed.. God gives seed to SOWERS..
2 Corinthians 2:9 ESV
For this is why I wrote, that I might test you and know whether you are obedient in everything.
2 Corinthians 9:10 ESV
He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness.
There is a connection between Lordship and stewardship. We see this in the preparation for His entry into Jerusalem. Keller says that he noticed something about the triumphal entry that Jesus is in control.. Jesus is in control of the events that are taking place… Jesus organizes and orchestrates the triumphal entry..
Stewardship is not just money --- its your time.... its your… talents…and its your treasure.... I know that there are those who give of their time.... I thank God that you have given… to the kingdom… that is not wasted time… STEWARDSHIP IS SAYING GOD YOU ARE IN CONTROL..
Briton Nordemeyer, eight, of South Dakota, wanted to help the children who had lost everything during Hurricane Katrina. So when Briton’s tooth fell out in the fall of 2005, she decided to donate the money she’d get from the tooth fairy to the Red Cross.
It is easy to think that events in the passion week were accidental....
THE MISSIONARY TO AFRICA David Livingstone told how he was chased up a small tree and besieged by lions. He said the tree was so small that he was barely out of reach of the lions. He said they would stand on their back feet and roar and shake the little tree, and that he could feel the hot breath of the lions as they sought him. "But," he stated, "I had a good night and felt happier and safer in that little tree besieged by lions, in the jungles of Africa, in the will of God, than I would have been out of the will of God in England."
There is one safe and happy place, and that is in the will --- GOD IS CONTROL..
We see this in the preparation for His entry into Jerusalem. Keller says that he noticed something about the triumphal entry that Jesus is in control.. Jesus is in control of the events that are taking place… Jesus organizes and orchestrates the triumphal entry.. MATTHEW JESUS MAKES PREPARATIONS.
Instead of waiting for the tooth fairy to arrive, however, Briton mailed her tooth to the Red Cross. She included a letter explaining that the tooth fairy would render payment upon arrival.
Matthew 21:1–5 ESV
1 Now when they drew near to Jerusalem and came to Bethphage, to the Mount of Olives, then Jesus sent two disciples, 2 saying to them, “Go into the village in front of you, and immediately you will find a donkey tied, and a colt with her. Untie them and bring them to me. 3 If anyone says anything to you, you shall say, ‘The Lord needs them,’ and he will send them at once.” 4 This took place to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet, saying, 5 “Say to the daughter of Zion, ‘Behold, your king is coming to you, humble, and mounted on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a beast of burden.’ ”
But one thing that becomes evident in the Triumphal entry is that Jesus is in control of the events that are taking place… Jesus organizes and orchestrates the triumphal entry.. Matthew tells us.
But one thing that becomes evident in the Triumphal entry is that Jesus is in control of the events that are taking place… Jesus organizes and orchestrates the triumphal entry.. Matthew tells us that Jesus sends his disciples to Bethphage to get a donkey and a colt.
It is easy to think that events in the passion week were kind of accidental....But we know that Jesus has been moving towards Jerusalem with purpose… and this become even more evident in the Triumphal entry.... Jesus is in control of the events that are taking place… Jesus organizes and orchestrates the triumphal entry.. Matthew tells us that Jesus sends his disciples to Bethphage to get a donkey and a colt.
Jesus has been moving towards Jerusalem with purpose… and this become even more evident in the Triumphal entry.... Jesus is in control of the events that are taking place… Jesus organizes and orchestrates the triumphal entry.. Matthew tells us that Jesus sends his disciples to Bethphage to get a donkey and a colt.
One of the things that is clear about the triumphal entry is that nothing is an accident.
When news about Briton’s generosity reached the public, the Red Cross received a $500 donation from an anonymous donor who heard about Briton’s tooth and wanted to help provide a fairy-tale ending.
Jesus makes preparations for Passover.
What willingness from the heart of an eight year old to meet a need.
It is easy to think that events in the passion week were accidental....
But we know that Jesus has been moving towards Jerusalem with purpose… and this become even more evident in the Triumphal entry.... Jesus is in control of the events that are taking place… Jesus organizes and orchestrates the triumphal entry.. Matthew tells us that Jesus sends his disciples to Bethphage to get a donkey and a colt.
Matthew 21:1–4 ESV
Now when they drew near to Jerusalem and came to Bethphage, to the Mount of Olives, then Jesus sent two disciples, saying to them, “Go into the village in front of you, and immediately you will find a donkey tied, and a colt with her. Untie them and bring them to me. If anyone says anything to you, you shall say, ‘The Lord needs them,’ and he will send them at once.” This took place to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet, saying,
MATT 21:
Matthew 21:1–4 ESV
1 Now when they drew near to Jerusalem and came to Bethphage, to the Mount of Olives, then Jesus sent two disciples, 2 saying to them, “Go into the village in front of you, and immediately you will find a donkey tied, and a colt with her. Untie them and bring them to me. 3 If anyone says anything to you, you shall say, ‘The Lord needs them,’ and he will send them at once.” 4 This took place to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet, saying,
Matthew 21:1–6 ESV
Now when they drew near to Jerusalem and came to Bethphage, to the Mount of Olives, then Jesus sent two disciples, saying to them, “Go into the village in front of you, and immediately you will find a donkey tied, and a colt with her. Untie them and bring them to me. If anyone says anything to you, you shall say, ‘The Lord needs them,’ and he will send them at once.” This took place to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet, saying, “Say to the daughter of Zion, ‘Behold, your king is coming to you, humble, and mounted on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a beast of burden.’ ” The disciples went and did as Jesus had directed them.
Matthew 21:1 ESV
Now when they drew near to Jerusalem and came to Bethphage, to the Mount of Olives, then Jesus sent two disciples,
This is such an interesting verse.. Jesus says go to this small village of Bethphage… and you will find a mother with its colt… and bring them to me. And if anyone gets suspicious and asks why you are taking the donkeys.. simply say the Lord needs them.... people have argued whether or not Jesus had made arrangements before hand or not
We are not given details a … but we are told that Once the owners find out who it is who needs the Donkey they will be willing for the donkeys to be released. Take a moment to think about God and our resources… Theses donkeys were valuable to the owners… it was equivalent to their mode of transportation…
When these owners come to the realization --- it was the Lord who needed them.. they more than willing… Key to being good Stewards… is our willingness
There is the true story.. in 2006 — Briton Nordemeyer, eight years old, of South Dakota, wanted to help the children who had lost everything during Hurricane Katrina. So when Briton’s tooth fell out in the fall of 2005, she decided to donate the money she’d get from the tooth fairy to the Red Cross.
Instead of waiting for the tooth fairy to arrive, however, Briton mailed her tooth to the Red Cross. She included a letter explaining that the tooth fairy would render payment upon arrival.
When news about Briton’s generosity reached the public, the Red Cross received a $500 donation from an anonymous donor who heard about Briton’s tooth and wanted to help provide a fairy-tale ending.
DON’T YOU LOVE THE willingness from the heart of an eight year old to meet a need.
“The fundamental truth in the matter of stewardship is that everything we touch belongs to God”. John Blanchard
When we come to the realization of His Kingship…
We basically have three things to Steward in life..
the text doesn’t say… but we are told when they know that the purpose is for the Lord they will be more than willing
The fundamental truth in the matter of stewardship is that everything we touch belongs to God”. John Blanchard
John Blanchard
We basically have three things to Steward in life..
First is our
1. Time.
Time is a very precious gift.  Most of us feel we don’t have enough time for all the things we want to do.  Everyone is given the same amount of time:  24 hours each day, 168 hours each week.  The question is:  How do we choose to use our time?  Henry David Thoreau once said:
Henry David Thoreau once said:
“It is not enough to be busy, so are ants.
The question is what are we busy about?”
2. Talents
3. Treasure
Their willingness to would literally carry Jesus into Jerusalem, where he would be declared the Messiah…the anointed one of Israel.
Once the owners find out who it is who needs the Donkey they will be willing for the donkeys to be released. Take a moment to think about God and our resources… Theses donkeys were valuable to the owners… it was equivalent to their mode of transportation..When these owners come to the realization --- Their resource was literally going to be used to declare Christ as King in Jerusalem
WE LEARN FROM THE TRIUMPHAL ENTRY... THAT JESUS IS IN CONTROL… He is orchestrating the events around him… Jesus is the conductor.... our response is our willingness.. The willingness of Christ Disciples literally carry Jesus into Jerusalem, where he would be declared the Messiah…the anointed one of Israel.
Their willingness to would literally carry Jesus into Jerusalem, where he would be declared the Messiah…the anointed one of Israel.
to pause on this thought of our own willingness
When these owners come to the realization that Christ needs the resources… At this point they were Stewards not owners…
At this point they were Stewards not owners…
T/s The triumphal entry Teaches us that
T/S The Triumphal Entry is Pivotal moment in understanding what Kind of Messiah Jesus would become.... we learn three things on about the king of glory on Palm Sunday..
Jesus is in Control… The triumphal entry is bold declaration of the coming of Messiah (or the Christ)..
Jesus for the first time in His ministry bringing conflict between himself and the religious leaders and the authorities… ... Jesus is not going to slip into Jerusalem through one of the side Gates… He is coming as King of Kings… Tim Keller says that Jesus is giving people a choice He is saying, “Crown me or Kill me.” The issue is Lordship...
He is coming as King… Tim Keller says that Jesus is giving people a choice He is saying, “Crown me or Kill me.” When it comes to Faith their is not
When it comes to Faith their is not

2. Lordship and Humility

Passion is the narrative of
The passion gives us insight into the love of God and the great lengths that God went to restore us into this relationship… Jesus has set his sights on Jerusalem.. it is nearing the end of his ministry and the final preparations are being made before he will lay down his life…His whole life and purpose was to come and to give himself as sacrifice.
One of the things that is clear about the triumphal entry is that nothing is an accident.
Jesus makes preparations for
The triumphal entry is bold declaration of the coming of Messiah (or the Christ).
The word Christ is the Greek form of the word Messiah - which means “The Anointed One”
Infact the word Messiah mean “annointed One” and it is a word that was often referenced to Kings and priests who were “anointed” set apart for particular task..
A warrior figure who would win battles for Israel and establish the Jewish nation over the Gentile world.. When you think of the might of Rome, this King would have be a force to be reckoned with a strategic and masterful ruthless…kind of leader… someone like Alexander the Great or Napoleon…the goal would be reformation...
The Triumphal Entry is Pivotal in understanding What kind of Messiah was coming. Israel made the mistake of projecting on Jesus the kind of Deliverer they wanted (or thought they needed.) It is interesting that the language of Messiah does not appear often in the OT. The word Messiah mean “anointed One” and it is a word that was often referenced to Kings and priests who were “anointed” set apart for particular task. This might explain why Israel was expecting the Savior of Israel to be a King.. like king David.

2. Lordship and Humility

Jesus would not be the typical kind of King he would be different from secular Kings and Conquers … He would not come with great pomp and riding on a Stallion
… You cant miss the contrast in this verse that the Messiah would be different from secular Kings and Conquers … He would not come with great pomp and Pride riding on a Stallion…Which would be customary of great conquerers…especially when compared to their own “Roman triumph” celebrations in the city of Rome.
Whenever a Roman general was victorious on foreign soil, killing at least 5,000 of the enemy, and gaining new territory, he was given a “Roman triumph” when he returned to the city. The victor would be permitted to display the trophies he had won and the enemy leaders he had captured. The parade ended at the arena where some of the captives entertained the people by fighting wild beasts.
Matthew make the connection that The triumph entry is the fulfillment of OT prophecy given Zechariah..
Whenever a Roman general was victorious on foreign soil, killing at least 5,000 of the enemy, and gaining new territory, he was given a “Roman triumph” when he returned to the city. The victor would be permitted to display the trophies he had won and the enemy leaders he had captured. The parade ended at the arena where some of the captives entertained the people by fighting wild beasts. Compared to a “Roman triumph,” our Lord’s entry into Jerusalem was nothing.
In stark Contrast to a Roman Triumphal Entry... Jesus would come into Jerusalem riding on a colt.. a young Donkey!! Matthew make the connection that The triumph entry is the fulfillment of OT prophecy given Zechariah..
Matthew 21:4–6 ESV
This took place to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet, saying, “Say to the daughter of Zion, ‘Behold, your king is coming to you, humble, and mounted on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a beast of burden.’ ” The disciples went and did as Jesus had directed them.
Matthew 20:4–6 ESV
4 and to them he said, ‘You go into the vineyard too, and whatever is right I will give you.’ 5 So they went. Going out again about the sixth hour and the ninth hour, he did the same. 6 And about the eleventh hour he went out and found others standing. And he said to them, ‘Why do you stand here idle all day?’
Matthew 21:4–6 ESV
4 This took place to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet, saying, 5 “Say to the daughter of Zion, ‘Behold, your king is coming to you, humble, and mounted on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a beast of burden.’ ” 6 The disciples went and did as Jesus had directed them.

23 and exchanged the >>glory<< of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things

The prophet Zechariah who was prophesying to God’s people after they had come back from the exile. A remnant of Israelites had come back to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple and re-establish the city. It was a time of joy but also struggle. They had endured and experienced failed king after failed king after failed king. And so Zechariah holds out this hope before God’s people, promising them a day when God will send His King to them.
Matthew 21:5–6 ESV
5 “Say to the daughter of Zion, ‘Behold, your king is coming to you, humble, and mounted on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a beast of burden.’ ” 6 The disciples went and did as Jesus had directed them.
Mt 204-6
Mt. 21
Paul tells us in the book of Roman 1:20 the problem of Idolatry - In claiming to be wise people became unwise by..."Exchanging the glory of the immortal god images resembling mortal man
The triumph entry is an NT fulfillment of OT prophecy given Zechariah - Jews would have viewed this as a reference to the coming Messiah. But they most of them missed a small detail in this prophecy… That this King would not be the typical kind of King.
That this King would not be the typical kind of King.
The problem is that if we think God ought to or should do something… we will end up disillusioned — God never claimed that he would fix every problem that we have… He is working all this in this world for our good and his glory… but it not look the way we might expect..
What kind of Savor was the Messiah


The triumph entry is a fulfillment of prophecy in
The triumph entry is an NT fulfillment of OT prophecy given Zechariah - Jews would have viewed this as a reference to the coming Messiah. But they most of them missed a small detail in this prophecy… That this King would not be the typical kind of King.
Zechariah 9:9 ESV
Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your king is coming to you; righteous and having salvation is he, humble and mounted on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.
Zechariah says behold you King: He is bringing some to you — He will be bringing Righteousness and Salvation… Remember this was a major theme in Romans we now in Christ have been Declared Righteous.. You cant miss the contrast in this verse that the Messiah would be different from secular Kings and Conquers … He would not come with great pomp and Pride riding on a Stallion…Which would be customary of great conquerers… Can you imagine what the Roman soldiers must have smiled when they saw Jesus coming into Jerusalem riding on a donkey… especially when compared to their own “Roman triumph” celebrations in the city of Rome.
… You cant miss the contrast in this verse that the Messiah would be different from secular Kings and Conquers … He would not come with great pomp and Pride riding on a Stallion…Which would be customary of great conquerers…especially when compared to their own “Roman triumph” celebrations in the city of Rome.
Whenever a Roman general was victorious on foreign soil, killing at least 5,000 of the enemy, and gaining new territory, he was given a “Roman triumph” when he returned to the city. The victor would be permitted to display the trophies he had won and the enemy leaders he had captured. The parade ended at the arena where some of the captives entertained the people by fighting wild beasts. Compared to a “Roman triumph,” our Lord’s entry into Jerusalem was nothing.
. The victor would be permitted to display the trophies he had won and the enemy leaders he had captured. The parade ended at the arena where some of the captives entertained the people by fighting wild beasts. Compared to a “Roman triumph,” our Lord’s entry into Jerusalem was nothing.
The Bible Exposition Commentary Chapter Twelve: Christ and the Crisis (John 12)

Whenever a Roman general was victorious on foreign soil, killing at least 5,000 of the enemy, and gaining new territory, he was given a “Roman triumph” when he returned to the city. It was the Roman equivalent of the American “ticker-tape parade,” only with much more splendor. The victor would be permitted to display the trophies he had won and the enemy leaders he had captured. The parade ended at the arena where some of the captives entertained the people by fighting wild beasts. Compared to a “Roman triumph,” our Lord’s entry into Jerusalem was nothing.

In stark Contrast to a Roman Triumphal Entry... Jesus Kingship would come into Jerusalem riding on a colt.. a young Donkey!!
The Bible Exposition Commentary Chapter Twelve: Christ and the Crisis (John 12)

Whenever a Roman general was victorious on foreign soil, killing at least 5,000 of the enemy, and gaining new territory, he was given a “Roman triumph”

The Bible Exposition Commentary Chapter Twelve: Christ and the Crisis (John 12)

Whenever a Roman general was victorious on foreign soil, killing at least 5,000 of the enemy, and gaining new territory, he was given a “Roman triumph” when he returned to the city. It was the Roman equivalent of the American “ticker-tape parade,” only with much more splendor. The victor would be permitted to display the trophies he had won and the enemy leaders he had captured. The parade ended at the arena where some of the captives entertained the people by fighting wild beasts. Compared to a “Roman triumph,” our Lord’s entry into Jerusalem was nothing.

their own “Roman triumph” celebrations in the city of Rome
Five hundred years before Jesus even came, God promises that a donkey and a colt will be available the week before Passover for Jesus to ride into Jerusalem. You don’t write this script unless you are God!Zechariah add the theme of Humility —
What is amazing is that Five hundred years before Jesus even came, Zechariah prophesies that the Messiah would enter Jerusalem riding on a donkey. God promises that a donkey and a colt will be available the week before Passover for Jesus to ride into Jerusalem. You don’t write this script unless you are God!
Zechariah 9:9 ESV
Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your king is coming to you; righteous and having salvation is he, humble and mounted on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.
Rather that the king would come into Jerusalem riding on a colt.. a young Donkey!! Zechariah add the theme of Humility which would be one of the Marks of the messiahs ministry. Humble and mounted on a Colt.
Zechariah add the theme of Humility —
Zechariah 9:9 ESV
9 Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your king is coming to you; righteous and having salvation is he, humble and mounted on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.
which would be one of the Marks of the messiahs ministry. Humble and mounted on a Colt.
Zechariah was prophesying to God’s people after they had come back from the exile. A remnant of Israelites had come back to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple and re-establish the city. It was a time of joy but also struggle. They had endured and experienced failed king after failed king after failed king. And so Zechariah holds out this hope before God’s people, promising them a day when God will send His King to them.
Having Righteousness and Having Salvation.
Rather that the king would come into Jerusalem riding on a colt.. a young Donkey!! Zechariah add the theme of Humility which would be one of the Marks of the messiahs ministry. Humble and mounted on a Colt.
But this king would be different He would bring righteousness and salvation… He would come with gentleness, Humility and bring peace
on a humble and mounted on a colt. Humility would be] the Marks of the messiahs ministry. Humble and mounted on a Colt.
There have been powerful leaders that have come and gone - they have left there mark on History… But none that have impacted lives like quite like Jesus..
There have been powerful leaders that have come and gone - they have left there mark on History… But none that have impacted lives like quite like Jesus..
There have been powerful leaders that have come and gone - they have left there mark on History… But none that have impacted lives like quite like Jesus..
There have been powerful leaders that have come and gone - they have left there mark on History… But none that have impacted lives like quite like Jesus..
The obedient submission of Jesus Christ to his Father, seen in his willingness to become a human being for humanity’s sake, his freedom from self-interest and his willingness to serve others Jesus a compelling leader and I believe it is His attribute of Humility… Jesus mission was one of service.
Jesus is a compelling leader and I believe it is His attribute of Humility… Jesus mission was one of serving others.
Jesus a compelling leader and I believe it is His attribute of Humility… Jesus mission was one of service.
Mark 10:45 ESV
For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
Humble leaders are not self serving they put others and their needs before their own … I read recently that at any gathering you will find two types of people -
The first is those who arrive with the attitude of “here I am” then there are those who posses the attitude “there you are” It doesn’t take long to notice that the people flock to the “there you are” people.
Humility is an attitude of serving others… It is preferring one another… can you imagine what an impact we would have ---
Humility really is an attitude that can be developed… to be honest the more Christ like we become the more humility we will be evidenced in our lives. The Apostle Paul tells us that the same attitude that was in Christ should also be seen in those who follow him.
to be honest the more Christ like we become the more humility we will be evidenced in our lives.
Phil 2:5-
F. B. Meyer once said: "I used to think that God's gifts were on shelves one above the other, and that the taller we grew in Christian character the easier we could reach them. I now find that God's gifts are on shelves one beneath the other. It is not a question of growing taller but of stooping lower; that we have to go down, always down, to get His best gifts."
if whenever we went some where… we had this attitude of service.
The good news is that Humility is an attitude that can be developed… the more Christ like we become the more humility we will be evidenced in our lives. The Apostle Paul tells us that the same attitude that was in Christ should also be seen in those who follow him.
Philippians 2:5–9 ESV
Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name,
Phil 2:
Philippians 2:5–7 ESV
Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.
We see in Jesus the obedient submission to his Fathers will, willing to become become a human being for humanity’s sake, his freedom from self-interest and his willingness to serve others… this verse we talk about this emptying out of Christ… the word emptied - Knosis - (emptying) Being the same as God (equal with God) - Jesus laid aside His Glory for a period of time — the word emptied really means to eliminate status or rank…to put to one side.. or to veil… Jesus did not stop being God during his earthly ministy.
Have you seen that TV series the undercover boss? It is a reality show where CEO of some corporation goes “undercover” and works on the front lines of their organization… I Think that is a good picture what is happening in this verse… They never ceased being the boss .. but rather took on the role of one of the employees… the purpose was to see what is going on the ground of their business.
Jesus never ceased for one moment from being God.... but during his earthly ministry--- He became one of us… He came to the front lines.. He empathizes with every struggle and every emotion we have because he felt everything we felt. Jesus was obedient to the point of death… Amazing that God was willing to experience Death…
How do we develop an an attitude of Humility… develop true empathy for others… through serving one another…

3. Lordship and Worship

Philippians 2:8–9 ESV
And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name,
Phil 2:
There was a large crowd gathered in Jerusalem to celebrate the feast of the Passover - The normal population of Jerusalem would have been around 100 000 but at passover it could swell up to over 2 million people..
Who were those in the crowd? They were visitor from all parts of the region who had come to Jerusalem to celebrate passover.. There were those from Bethany who has just witnessed the raising of Lazarus from the dead — there were the religious leaders… there were the Romans soldiers… The ones who worshipped Christ on Palm Sunday… were those who were close to Him… they were those who had witnessed his teaching, His resurrection… they were the risk takers…
We see in the Triumphal entry Worship and Celebration
What takes place in Jerusalem is spontaneous worship… One of the ways that we acknowledge Christ lordship is through worship....
One of the ways that we acknowledge Christ lordship is through worship....
Matthew 21:6–11 ESV
The disciples went and did as Jesus had directed them. They brought the donkey and the colt and put on them their cloaks, and he sat on them. Most of the crowd spread their cloaks on the road, and others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. And the crowds that went before him and that followed him were shouting, “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!” And when he entered Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred up, saying, “Who is this?” And the crowds said, “This is the prophet Jesus, from Nazareth of Galilee.”
1. The importance of Developing the attribute of Humility
2. The importance of Peace

2. The importance of the exaltation of Christ.

Matt 21:6-
Matthew 21:6–11 ESV
The disciples went and did as Jesus had directed them. They brought the donkey and the colt and put on them their cloaks, and he sat on them. Most of the crowd spread their cloaks on the road, and others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. And the crowds that went before him and that followed him were shouting, “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!” And when he entered Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred up, saying, “Who is this?” And the crowds said, “This is the prophet Jesus, from Nazareth of Galilee.”
John 12:12–15 ESV
The next day the large crowd that had come to the feast heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem. So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him, crying out, “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, even the King of Israel!” And Jesus found a young donkey and sat on it, just as it is written, “Fear not, daughter of Zion; behold, your king is coming, sitting on a donkey’s colt!”
There was a large crowd gathered in Jerusalem to celebrate the feast of the Passover ..
John tells us that there were large crowd in Jerusalem..According to ancient historians like Josephus and Jermias - Jerusalem over the FEAST OF PASSOVER could easily swelled to a crowed of over 100 000 or more people.
John 12:12–19 ESV
The next day the large crowd that had come to the feast heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem. So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him, crying out, “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, even the King of Israel!” And Jesus found a young donkey and sat on it, just as it is written, “Fear not, daughter of Zion; behold, your king is coming, sitting on a donkey’s colt!” His disciples did not understand these things at first, but when Jesus was glorified, then they remembered that these things had been written about him and had been done to him. The crowd that had been with him when he called Lazarus out of the tomb and raised him from the dead continued to bear witness. The reason why the crowd went to meet him was that they heard he had done this sign. So the Pharisees said to one another, “You see that you are gaining nothing. Look, the world has gone after him.”
Who were those in the crowd? They were visitor from all parts of the region who had come to Jerusalem to celebrate passover.. There were those from bethany who has just witnessed the raising of Lazarus fro the dead. Third group would be the religious leaders…
Who were those in the crowd? They were visitor from all parts of the region who had come to Jerusalem to celebrate passover.. There were those from Bethany who has just witnessed the raising of Lazarus from the dead — We see in the Triumphal entry Worship and Celebration…
There were religious leaders… and Roman military.
This was the only “public demonstration” that our Lord allowed while He was ministering on earth. His purpose was to fulfill the Old Testament prophecy (
The Goal of Worship is to put Christ in the proper place… We go through life we get caught up in cares in worries.... we get caught up business… worship --- is resetting our internal compass.... it is remembering who God is and what his truth proclaims… reminding of our need for a Savior…
We establish "true north" in our soul, remembering who God is and what his truth proclaims.
Each time we gather to worship, we are resetting our internal compass. We establish "true north" in our soul, remembering who God is and what his truth proclaims.
I love Songs about the Cross… Chris Thomlin’s - The wonderful Cross...
My sister bought a new car that was loaded with high-tech options. The first time she drove the car in the rain, she turned a knob she thought would start the windshield wipers. Instead a message flashed across the dash: "Drive car in 360 degrees." She had no idea what that meant, and so when she got home she read the car manual.
She learned that while trying to turn on the windshield wipers she had inadvertently turned off the internal compass, and the car had lost its sense of direction. To correct the problem, the car had to be driven in a full circle, pointed north, and then the compass had to be reset.
Each time we gather to worship, we are resetting our internal compass. We establish "true north" in our soul, remembering who God is and what his truth proclaims.
Nancy Cheatham, Olathe, Kansas
Oh the wonderful Cross, oh the wonderful Cross / Bids me come and die and find that I may truly live / Oh the wonderful Cross, oh the wonderful Cross / All who gather here by grace, draw near and bless Your name...
I will never forget going to watch the Passion in a movie theater… And just being impacted by the cruelty of Roman Crucifixion.... What Jesus endured on the cross for six hours is unbelievable....
There is something compelling about the cross… .. Crucifixion is also very graphic… some of you might remember the movie the passion of the Christ… I
Crucifixion was preceded by scourging or whipping, and that’s what happens to Jesus. Pilate has Him scourged or flogged and then crucified. Scourging weakened the victim and sometimes even killed a victim before the crucifixion.
Roman scourging of this kind was horrific. It was generally a leather whip with the end of it [having] bone or glass or metal, and it would be lashed across the victim’s back and then yanked, and the glass or metal would rip across, tearing the skin, tearing even the muscle to the bone. So, horrific, horrific.
Victims died of exposure in crucifixion, exposure to the elements. They died of exhaustion, or they died of asphyxiation. In order to breathe, the victim had to pull themselves up again and again, and sometimes their lungs would just collapse and they would die of asphyxiation. So there’s the basic method of crucifixion.
Easter is so much more than Roman Execution…Hanging people on crosses went back to the Jewish revolts and it was based in the Romans method of maintaining control… Crucifixion was reserved for the most hardened criminals… it was to shame and humiliate and cause terror… it was public shaming above every cross was inscribed their crime… including Jesus… king of the Jews... and served as a warning for anyone who stepped out of line..
Mel Gibson movie the
Easter is about the resolution of the cross and out come of the cross and that is Resurrection.. it was about what was accomplished at the cross..
it was about what was accomplished at the cross..
This was the only “public demonstration” that our Lord allowed while He was ministering on earth. His purpose was to fulfill the Old Testament prophecy (
Easter is about Triumph and victory — Theologians call this Christus Victory.... It is the victory that was accomplished. Christ became the lamb of God who was sacrificed one for all.. He released us from the debt that was against us..
Colossians tells us not only have we been forgiven and have been made alive in Christ… the Cross.... satisfied the legal demands of the Law… Christ Sacrifice was sufficient.
Colossians 2:15 ESV
15 He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in him.
Colossians 2:14–15 ESV
14 by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross. 15 He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in him.
Tim Keller says that Jesus is giving people a choice He is saying, “Crown me or Kill me.”
Zechariah tells Israel to... Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem!
Worship is giving to the Lord the glory that is due in response to what he has revealed to us and done to us in Jesus Christ his Son. Oswald B. Milligan
Zechariah tells Israel to... Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem! Because Jesus came to bring us Righteousness and Salvation.... Romans we talked a lot about being justified --- declared righteous…
Oswald B. Milligan
Zechariah tells Israel to... Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem! Because Jesus came to bring us Righteousness and Salvation....
What Palm Sunday teaches us is that Easter is about Celebration.. Some might argue that those in Jerusalem worshipped Jesus for the wrong reasons… the wrong motives..They were shouting Hosanna.... Lord save us… thinking of a human king/ deliverer… But, this was the right time for them to shout… It was Christs coronation..
Some might argue that those in Jerusalem worshipped Jesus for the wrong reasons… the wrong motives..
They were shouting Hosanna.... Lord save us… thinking of a human king/ deliverer… But, this was the right time for them to shout… It was Christs coronation..
JESUS ACCEPTED THEIR WORSHIP… they waved palm branches.... they worshipped in such a way that it caused the city of Jerusalem to stir...
Palm Sunday is all about being confronted with Christs Lordship...… Tim Keller puts it bluntly he says that Jesus is giving people a choice He is saying, “Crown me or Kill me.” There is no middle ground ---- there is no middle choice… Jesus says either I am Lord or am not Lord at all… We often want a third option… can’t I just follow from behind.... can’t I just be an observer on the sideline… Palms Sunday requires us to respond to His Lordship..
… Those first disciples brought something to the feet of Jesus… maybe there is an issue… maybe some things we are still holding onto and have not fully released to Him…
Matthew 11:28–30 ESV
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
The first place that Jesus Goes too is the temple… because being passover the money changers were using the court of the Gentiles to exchange various currencies to purchase offerings… Jesus said that His house is to be called a house of prayer… Christ no longer dwells in temples made with hands but he dwells in hearts..
Jesus confronts us with his Lordship because he loves us!
Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem!
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