The Reason for the Open Door (1 Cor. 15:1-4)

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Rejoicing Through Revelation  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  36:54
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There is a door that Jesus has opened for us so that we might be able to have a home in Heaven with him! Will you walk through the door Jesus has opened for you?

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And then a desire to be obedient to the holy spirit of God this morning. I'll see how far I make it in my actual notes. You may have to come back next time to get much of what we prepared for our study through the Book of Revelation but a Revelation chapter number three, I do want to look here at the church at Philadelphia with you one more time Revelation chapter number 3 beginning and verse number seven the Bible read into the angel of the church in Philadelphia, right? These things say is he that is Holy he that is true. He that had the Key of David that openness and no man shut up and shut it and no man open it. I know that works behold. I have set before thee an open door and no man can shut it for thou Hast a little strength and has kept my word and it's not denied my name behold. I will make them of the synagogue of Satan would say they are Jews and are not but dual. I behold I will make them to come and worship before that and to know that I have loved. Because thou has kept the word of my patience. I also will keep thee from the hour of Temptation which shall come upon all the world to try them that dwell upon the Earth behold. I come quickly hold that fast which thou Hast that no man. Take that crown him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God and he shall go no more out and I will write upon him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, which is the New Jerusalem, which cometh down out of Heaven from my God and I will ride upon him my new name. He that has an ear let him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches. Now heavenly father I ask for your Divine unction upon the preaching of your word help me Lord to say only that which you would have said this morning under the Divine guidance of the Holy Spirit. There is no new thing under the Sun but that what you have revealed to us is worthy of our most serious consideration today and Lord. I do skin pray that if there is one here with a spiritual need that they are yet in their sins that they have not found the balm of forgiveness through Jesus Christ.

That thou my God should die for me and can it be that I should gain? Oh Lord, may we not leave here the way we came make Christians leave for Joy sing in the resurrection of Our Savior Jesus Christ and may those who are without Christ come to a knowledge of him for all eternity that they may be spared from the Wrath having ported Foundation now, thank you Lord for what you accomplished in our midst in Jesus name we pray. Amen. We determine is God's Church to just keep on keeping on around here until Jesus comes to take us away. Hopefully you have that kind of resolving your own life. No life is full of difficulties. Unfortunately, we faced these because we are falling creatures and we bear and marred image fall an image and we all go our own way. We like sheep. We're gone astray every man to his own way. But we has a church in Phase have gathered together this morning and assembled and said yet despite our condition despite our our weakness despite our falling short of that Mark that God originally created us with we are going to believe that Christ is the second Adam. We are going to believe that he has made all things right for us with God. We are going to buy Faith trust him to fix what we can't fix. She God knows that none of us are perfect. And I'm thankful for that if you think you're perfect then Well, just talk to the person next to you. They'll help you find some kind of imperfection about you. I'm sure it won't take very long. We like to strive to be as good as we can. But none of us can measure up to the statue that Christ did in his sinless life. And so as Christ came, he died as a ransom for our sins. He was buried according to the scripture and he rose again according to the scripture. And so that's really the thought I want to look at look at with you here this morning and in that comes from my thoughts about these These verses that discuss having an open door with it being Resurrection Sunday, you know God is the one who is Sovereign over all and he plans what I can and I could have never put together a plan that is unfolded the way that it has the past few weeks here at the church as far as the preaching schedule. I just have to leave some things in his hand. Now, I'm studied up. I'm studied and prepared for you know weeks in advance here sometimes months in advance, but I want to give the Holy Spirit Liberty and if I do not communicate the message that God is burning my heart to you today. Then I will stand accountable to him for that as his messenger. And so this morning I want you to consider that thought with me that Jesus Christ told this pastor in Philadelphia that he had set before him and open door that no man can shut is that open door. I want you to think about that open door is only because there is an empty tomb. Had that tune still been sealed with the body of Christ in it. Then he would not have been the Son of God. He would not have been the one that could come to John after his resurrection. That one that John describe so wonderfully in chapter one with his raiment in his garments and his his girdle in the truth that he displays in his his hair white like wool resembling much of what Daniel described concerning the Ancient of Days in the sun of man. This is Jesus of Nazareth who was crucified by Wicked hands, but God delivered him as Peter said on Pentecost because he could not beholden by the chains of death and he is risen because of his resurrection because he lives and he ever liveth Hebrew says Hebrews 7:25, he ever liveth to make intercession for them that coming to him having a great high priest. I want you to understand a little better this morning what you have in Jesus Christ in this Open Door Church, you have a commission before you and this Great Commission is part of that open door. He has open this door for us here particularly in Broomfield the surrounding areas to hold forth the Word of Life amidst the crooked and perverse Nation there many people that do not believe the way that we do and we understand that and is good Baptist Living in America. We don't shove our beliefs down other people's throats a man. But we do try to reason with them out of the scriptures when that door is open in their heart is tender and sincerely seeking the truth of God that is timeless that transcends all wages. And so when someone it is a person that perhaps the Lord has left the ninety and nine and gone after in that Holy Spirit has been working on their heart. They need a resource. They need a guide to come alongside them in the scriptures and skillfully use the Bible to help them understand what it is they have in Jesus Christ. He sets this open door before them at Open Door. Would not be for us had it not been for the empty tomb. It's so that empty tomb. Let's go back to 1st Corinthians chapter number 15, and let's look at some simple truths about the resurrection of Jesus Christ and what that entails what is the gospel? The gospel is Define force in a nutshell in 1st Corinthians chapter 15 for those are in my sewing class. This might sound familiar to you might sound familiar 1st Corinthians chapter number 15 beginning and verse number one. I'll just begin at the beginning were pulled us in the chapter moreover brother and I declare unto you what is he declaring the gospel, which I preached unto you which also you have received and wherein you stand see the progression the gospel is preached and the gospel is received and we stand in the gospel. Have you heard the gospel? What is the gospel you and Kelly and it is the good news that Jesus Christ Danse Messiah has paid for sin once for all. On Calvary, that's the good news. That's the greatest news that you could ever hear friend that speaks to the most important question that would ever be asked of you and your entire life your entire existence. That's a bold claim and I make it with boldness because there's no greater question other than what's your destiny in your Eternal Destiny hinges on I used to love to listen to my papa. I'll pray he would always pray when we would gather around the dinner table and he said Lord if there's somebody that doesn't know Jesus I pray that they would come to know him as Savior before and these are the words that gripped me before it is everlastingly too late. The day of God's grace is upon you friend. And this is the grace of the Gospel that says Jesus died for you. He died in your place as though he were you he died for you and because he has been buried and risen again. He says I set this open door before the church at Philadelphia as God's Messengers. They are to proclaim the gospel to all those around them and they are in this in this place in Philadelphia of a great Commerce and traveling and people coming through the city. And so they have a great opportunity to reach many people for the gospel. The gospel is Preach it is received and we stand in it by which also you are saved. If you keep in memory what I preached unto you unless you have believed in vain and notice verse 3 for I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received. So simple question, you don't have to answer it out loud, but just think it through with me. first of all that which I also receive so did Paul make this up

he received it from somewhere. He received it from Jesus Christ. He didn't make this up. He's just passing on the good news and friend the things that I share with you this morning. I'm not smart enough to make these things up. I know that I'm not in these things. I have received just like Paul received and I communicate them under you and we keep passing this baton of the Gospel on to the next person that will give us an ear under the spirits power and moving that they might be saved. And so he says this is what I received that I delivered unto you how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures. Look at the wording very carefully there in 1st Corinthians 15 verse number one. Christ died, who is Christ

Jesus is his name that was given at his birth and means Jehovah saves. It is the New Testament name for the Old Testament name Joshua Joshua and Jesus Hebrew and Greek. And so Jesus is the Greek name for Joshua. Jesus means god save Jehovah saves his name means salvation, but here it doesn't say Jesus. It says Christ died. And this is the word that we get in in our English. Maybe you've heard someone say at the Messiah. We get that from the Hebrew all the way over into the New Testament into the Greek Christ is the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew Messiah. So it is Yeshua hamashiach? Have you heard that phrase before? They issue a the Joshua the Jesus Messiah Messiah Jesus Joshua the Messiah Jesus the Messiah the Christ. He is the anointed one. There is no one else that can do for you what Jesus has done friend and I know that to be a fact because all of us are born under the curse. We are all sinners each one of us has come short of the glory of God Romans 3:10. There is no hope even if I were such a person and I would do this if I could but even if I if I were such a person that would come and say, you know, I really don't want this person to suffer an eternal punishment. I'll die in their place take my life as a ransom instead of their friend. I have to tell you that that would not stand up in the courts of Heaven.

Anyone would think that would has a very wrong idea about me. And you for that matter because I'm just a sinner saved by grace in that regard. There's nothing that I can do to throw a Lifeline for anyone else when I'm going down to No, we need a savior. We need someone outside of our sinful condition who can take us to safety. That is what Jesus does that no one else can do for you because of his sinlessness. You see the doctrine of the sinlessness of the Life of Christ is so vitally important. He has to be as a lamb slain without spot and without blemish if he were sinful then his sacrifice would not be accepted by God the Father any more than anyone else's would know he has to be the lamb slain. And the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world and so as it says here he died for our sins. Hey, if we never miss the mark Jesus wouldn't have to come he wouldn't have to leave have any wouldn't have to dwell among men. He wouldn't have to be born in a manger. He wouldn't have you no going back to the Christmas story you hurted, you know, a few months ago back in December. He would have had to go through all of that. He could have just remain there we could be with him. We could be in sweet harmony and fellowship. If you go back to the Garden of Eden before the fall, it says that Adam the first man that was created walked with with the Lord God. That's Jehovah Elohim walked with him in the cool of the day. So every day every day. He had sweet communion sweet Fellowship. We got after the fall, you know, it's a big break between Genesis 2 in Genesis 3 after the fall. It was no longer him walking with the Lord God in the cool of the day. It was him hiding super fear because if he should be in God's presence now, they're sitting on his account and a shame the shame that Adam felt is the same guilt and shame that each of us are going to Have to deal with when it comes to God's holiness. He is he is Holy he is perfect and if we're going to be in his presence, we have to have a remedy for sin. Why no Adam messed up befriend you did too. And so did I we all have thoughts that go. Awry. We all have thoughts that fall short will have actions or deeds that we do that do not measure up and if we really start getting a introspective and we pull out the microscope into our lives we find pretty soon that we have violated the First Command loving God with all of our heart soul mind and strength. There's been times in our lives that something has come in front of God. And if you're honest, you'll probably agree with me. You really look back. Yeah. There was a time when something was more important to me than seeking after God and seeking after his word this took precedent. Well friend and you're an idolater. What at that juncture and you need a remedy, what about loving our neighbor as ourselves? That's the second one right? I'm not even going down to 10 by the way. I'm only getting the two from the New Testament. And if we still fall short there just look around us today. How many people don't know how to treat others around them the way they should how many times do I personally fail in that and in that I would want somebody to do for me this and then I don't do it or whatever the case maybe now, you know, I'm a good boy scout. Like anybody else do a good turn daily. I believe in that but you know how I did my good turn and that's it. That's all the good turns you get for today. That's not that's not that the sentiment we have. No we try to help as much as we can but there's always going to be that one that slipped through the cracks. There's always going to be that one that we have looming over his friend. There will always be a black blood upon your life because of your sin. You see Christ the anointed one of God. What was the anointed to do? He was anointed to die for our sins? No, sin became sin for us that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. So you see it's a transaction that takes place. He takes our sin. We take his righteousness. It's imputed. It's put to our account. How would you like it? If your friend next to you said? Hey, I've got a million bucks. I want to give you let's just head over here to the nearest bank and and we'll fill out the paperwork and I'll do a transfer and and I'll take your debt of you know, whatever credit cards you have their I'll take all those debts from you and then we'll talk to the teller there and I'll sign it over to you and I'll put them a million dollars in your bank account. That's a funny story. Isn't it? Farcical mean who would really do that? I would hope that somebody would I don't know. Somebody probably has the means to but I just use that as a silly illustration, but that is exactly what Jesus did for us. His mind-blowing is it is to think that someone would come and do this? Who am I? That Christ would die for me. I am a sinner. I'm a worm. In fact, I am his enemy and he leaves heaven and comes and gives his life for me and takes my sin and then gives me his righteous life to stand before God. Who am I? Who am I that's humbling but Christ died for our sins. It's in that three letter word. I shared with our students that you get the whole doctrine of the vicarious substitutionary atonement of Christ in the three letter word for it's loaded. He died for our sins in our place. So we continue on it says.

That he died Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures. I won't belabor the point, but I'll try to make it as quickly as I can here with you according to the scriptures when Jesus had risen. He is risen indeed. When Jesus had risen. He is risen indeed. He walked with two of his disciples on the road to Emmaus. And the account there is that they didn't recognize him for who he was in the beginning. It was until after he departed from the present that they put two and two together that this is Cheese's that was walking with his right here beside us and it says the most profound thing there is a journey Christ talked with them in the way Jesus did and it says that beginning at Moses and all the prophets he expounded. I love that word. You know, that's what I try to do each week and I'm sure Jesus is much better Expositor of his own more than I am his but he expounded under them all the things in the scriptures concerning himself just be hovering over that conversation for the day and it just have an ear into what Jesus would think as he would go back perhaps to Genesis and show them that he is the Honest-1 Genesis 315 that promised seed of the woman that's going to crush the Serpent's head and then he goes over maybe I'm just guessing here, but maybe he'll take them over to Exodus chapter number 12 and show him that he's the Passover the lamp the Passover the length of Passover the lamb that's good isn't Passover Lamb of God as that blood was put on the doorposts and the angel of death passed over and death was stayed from Israel to continue on in and show them in Leviticus 16 how the great high priest would apply the blood to the mercy seat and and how Jesus is the picture of that maybe he would continue on and numbers and go to the story about the water coming from The Rockin That Rock did follow them in the wilderness all these wonderful things Deuteronomy. The word of God man should not live by bread alone. But by every word of God that preceded every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God Jesus quoted Deuteronomy. When he was in his temptation against Satan there in the wilderness, but in Deuteronomy, he's the Fulfillment of the law. He's the Covenant God and you go through each book of the Bible captain of the Lord's number five had to go to the Book of Judges in you and you see that you see the account of Jesus Christ there with people who live in that time. I love Boaz & Ruth in our kinsman redeemer. And so I'm sure that there are plenty of resources you go find that'll show you Jesus Christ in every book of the Old Testament, but do you know it in your heart Jesus Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures? What was the Bible that those Jewish people would have had in hand that they 1 Peter said they had crucified Jesus and that God had raised him from the dead. What was their Bible? Who's the Old Testament You & I Cary today the same ones the same pages of scripture. And it's in those pages of scripture that we find wonderful passage is like a Psalm 22 that clearly show us Jesus Christ pierced as our Messiah detailed description of a Roman crucifixion before Rome was even in existence hundreds of Prosser prophecies. 300-plus Prophecies of Jesus Christ that were given in the Old Testament book after book profit after Propet truth after truth. Just go search him. You'll find them prophecies about Jesus Promised. He's the promised one that should come and die for a scent. No one else can fit that bill. He's Jesus Christ of the seed of David. He died for our sins. According to the scriptures. He's the one who was pierced all we like sheep have gone astray. We've turned everyone to his own way and the lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all so he died Christ did he's the one anointed for it. He died for our sins. That was our need and he died according to the scriptures God prophesied these things long ago and Jesus Christ crossed every T and he got it every eye when he came he didn't miss a single prophecy concerning himself. In fact as he walked this Earth. He even gave his own disciples that followed him some prophecies that kind of went like a lot of things to do with me.

I was threatened what time is a child to get a ball cap with a glove on the top of it? So that the next time something went over my head. I can catch it. You'll catch that in a minute. So he's walking with his disciples and he tells them in 3 days. I'm going to be crucified. I'm going to be crucified in in 3 days. I'm going to rise he told them that multiple times. There was one that that picked up on it. Do you remember the story about Mary when she came and anointed the Lord and he let us in on a little bit of it when he he told everybody around him there that this anointing was for his death. And she with her tears dried his feet that beautiful story. She got it. Why because well she was close enough to Jesus sitting at his feet to glean. Those truths that the disciples even missed what an intimate walk she had with him Desiring the things at Christ's feet. And so she had a privileged they're too annoying him for his death, but he had prophesied that before it happened and then after all these things, you know hindsight is always 20/20, isn't you look back and you say oh now it makes sense. The disciples have the Holy Spirit in them. They become the Apostles of the Lord and Jesus had told them and John 14 15 and 16 in that passage about the Holy Spirit the comforter that would come that the Holy Spirit would bring all these things to their remembrance and he sure did, you know afterward we have 27 books of the New Testament that are given by divine inspiration of the holy spirit of God as these things were brought to the apostles remembrance and the things that are pending these 27 books were not written down until the apostles were much older in life and had preached for a few decades some of them. And don't you know Jesus hadn't come back. And so they they needed to write these things down back in Revelation in the in the letter to the Church of the Philadelphia. It says you kept my word. You see these letters were written down by the followers of Jesus eyewitnesses to his crucifixion eyewitnesses to his resurrection many infallible proofs. These things are solid these things are secure and if you have it, if you have a mind that we'll see them then you can you can see that the Bible is true from cover-to-cover man have set out to try to disprove this book and have come to know Christ because they found no air in it and it just has a unified theme through and through for the church at Philadelphia was given this task of keeping God's word keeping keeping the Bible. They had copies of the New Testament that were in their possession and their day and and these would be passed around and read in the Church of laodicea. They will be reading the book of Colossians will be right over here in this church. And and so We have faithful copies ever handed down to us. We have the word of God. No question about it. We can lay our head on a pillow at night and peace and know that the scriptures are in Tire. They're intact their whole right here in our in our Bible and we can take that truth to Eternity and rest our souls in God Christ died for our sins. He is the anointed one. He died in our place because of our need because of our sinful condition. He died according to the scriptures, but it doesn't stop there. Aren't you glad for that? It doesn't stop with him dying for us for our sins. According to the scriptures verse board says that he was buried what of what an account that was. You know, you have Joseph of Arimathea. He's a secret disciple. You have Nicodemus. He's a secret disciple and Andy's to come when all those other disciples have abandoned him there at the Crossing and left him for dead. For fear Joseph of Arimathea and he goes and pleads with pilot for Jesus's body and they take Jesus's body down off the cross. Remember, he was fully dead because the Roman soldiers had a charge over them in any execution and that's not going to follow through with his given order is going to be dealt with by the authority over him. And so this Roman soldier brought that Spear and pierced his side forthwith came blood and water were told and doctors tell us the pericardium around the heart that holds the water. And so that was a that was an indicator of his death. He was physically dead because he gave up the ghost. No man, took his life. He laid it down of his own accord. He could have called ten thousand twelve Legions of Angels at any time and yet he lay down his life. And he invoked Psalm 22 there on the cross my God my God, why hast Thou forsaken me? It is finished that encapsulate Psalm 22 fulfillment of God's word. And this is what we Faithfully transmitted to you today that these things are true. That word is true from the beginning. And this word is what you can base your Eternal Destiny upon friend. If you are still in your sins, don't die that way like Jesus warned those Jewish leaders in John chapter 8 because they had rejected him when he came as God's messiah's got to know anyone who said you will die in your sins because you believe not that I am he see Jesus was sent by the father to save you. He was sent to do that. He died. He was buried they did a fast burial Joseph and Nicodemus there and then the ladies are going to come the next morning and an attempt to address the tune there and take care of the things that weren't covered in their haste and getting him down from the cross because of Passover. So that third day and let me tell you how I figured it out in my mind as best as I can without confusing you too much if he rose on Sunday morning being the first day of the week and if we are Reckoning our days like a Jewish person would reckon their days the evening in the morning being constituting the day for them to read Genesis 2 says the evening in the morning or the first day they even in the morning or the second day, so they begin their day at 6 p.m. Roughly around there on the day before we count it. So what does that mean? That means Friday night at 6 p.m. The Jewish Nation even today over in Israel. They will celebrate the Sabbath beginning at Friday night at 6 p.m. And that'll carry them all the way through Saturday late afternoon for us Sunday begins around 6 p.m. Ish on Saturday night. So if he rose that morning three days and three nights in the in the Tomb then you count back Sunday night for our Saturday night for us would be night. Number one Friday night for us would be night number to Thursday night for us would be night number three and I if Jesus was crucified it had to be sometime before 6 p.m. On Thursday, I would guess so I don't mean to to get you all confused there but it happened that way because Jesus told us it would as Jonah was in the heart of the well three days and three nights. So shall the son of man be in the heart of the Earth. Three days and three nights. He laid down his own life. And in various places in the New Testament doctrinally we are taught that he was raised by the power of the Holy Spirit. He was raised by the power of the heavenly father and this is the real kicker. He was raised by his own power Father Son and Holy Spirit the Triune godhead all working harmoniously together in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. He died and was buried and thank God Paul goes on to say he rose again which day the third day according to the scriptures. It's according to the Bible. And so as we look at this open door that stands before us that stood before the church at Philadelphia. It is an Open Door to share the good news of Jesus Christ and friend. I trust that you will think about your need for an atoning sacrifice for your sins. Don't die in your sins. We read in our scripture reading I didn't plan that on purpose but we did read Revelation 21 where it says these things and you read through that list. It's not very far before we find out. Yeah. I told a lie liars and all these they shall not have part in in the blessings of Heaven. They're going to be dealt with and they're going to be sentenced to the second death and that chapter closed with those words who was written in the Lamb's Book of Life will enter in that's the great. Hope we set before you that as a sinner fallen and separated from God. He has provided a remedy. For your sin that you can be made hold in Jesus Christ through faith in him. Okay, that sounds wonderful. But how do I do that? Trust him rely on him repent of your sins that has separated you from God turn away from those because they are wickedness in God will have to judge those. He judge them in Jesus Christ you repent from your sins and you lean trusting fully on Jesus Christ to do what you cannot do. Who died for your sins according to the scriptures believe on him and it will be counted to you for righteousness. His righteous life will be put to your account. And you perhaps you want to make an altar where you are and you want to have prayer later on today. I would I would encourage you to if you're in in the state of concerned about your Eternal Soul. You need to settle that as quickly as you can. Don't let time settle on it. Don't don't let things pull you away from this truth because busyness of life will set in and the devil will come in and he'll try to undo all that God has done here in our midst this morning and he'll steal away that seed that good seed of God's word lest it bring forth fruit in your life. But Jesus loves you friend and he died for you if you'll believe in him and trust him and turn from your sin and put your faith in him and call upon the name of the Lord. If you're in a Lifeboat, and it's got a hole in it and it's going down and you're struggling and you know that you're not going to make it and here comes somebody along your path that has the means to rescue you. What are you prone to do in that kind of situation? You going to call on their name or the or whatever you can get to try to Signal them somehow? How do you signal Heaven that you have a need for this? It's calling on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. And Jesus is going to pass by your way. I don't know how many times I will be in your life. But I'm thankful. He passed by my way as a 14 year old young man. And I knew that I was going to die in my sins and I trusted Christ and I called on him he washed my sin away and I've not looked back since it's been Glory all the way new life. That's what the resurrection signifies. That's what we celebrate today. New life. You want a new start. You want a new slate. I'm not talking about turning over a new Leaf. I'm talking about being born again and having a quality of life. Like you could never know that can be yours through Jesus Christ and his righteous sacrifice. Would you believe would you trust him as about eyes are closed when I give you a moment to respond perhaps or someone here that needs to rely on Jesus Christ that needs to trust in him. To wash away their sins. It's only by the blood of Jesus friend as heads about and eyes are closed. I just be polite to your neighbor round, you know one looking around not even Christians at this time. I just want to tell you to speak with you for a moment on behalf of God and and on behalf of his word if you're here today and you are concerned that you would die in your sins and Heaven would not be your home. If it's even your hearing your same will I hope I'm good enough. I hope I'll make it friend. You're still going to fall short. I want you to leave today with the eternal security. I want you to leave today with Assurance from God's word that Jesus has washed away your sin and I can't pray for you. I'm not you but if you're struggling to find words, I can help you find maybe some words if you mean them from your heart, but again, I can't pray it for you. You have to mean this but if you would approach God even right now in the quiet of this moment with no one else looking around just you and him if you would approach him to his throne and just acknowledge your sin. Lord I know that I've sinned and I've come short of that which you have for me. I also know that you're holy that Santa has to be paid for And if I died right now, I would have to pay for send you would be Justin and whatever sentence you would put upon me for my wrong thoughts. My wrong Deeds my wrong actions. I have violated your word. And I acknowledge that I agree with you Lord I have sinned. But your word also tells me that Jesus Christ came to die my place that he who knew no, sin became sin for me that I might be made righteousness. And right now the best I know how I want that righteousness. I don't want to die in my sins. I want the righteousness that Christ can give me I don't deserve it. I know that. But the best I know how I call upon the name of Jesus Christ. I repent for my sins that have separated me from you and I call Upon Jesus Christ right now to save my soul lord. Take me to heaven with you Lord wash away my sin. I believe I trust in your vicarious death. And I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. If that was you and you pray that prayer God's word. Usher's you friend that heaven is your home.

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