This Life and the Life to Come
Sermon Tone Analysis
Christ the Lord is Risen today, Christ the Lord is Risen today,
Christ raised from the dead Easter is a feast to celebrate the risen Christ. All four gospels has an resurrection story. Mark’s gospel is the oldest and John’s gospel includes Peter at the empty tomb. Our passage comes from the gospel of Matthew. In our narrative Mary Magdalene and Mary had come to the tomb an earthquake rolled away the stone as Jesus descended from heaven. Dr. Dale Turner says this about Easter. “Eternal life is not a postponed affair that comes after death. It is a way of living in this world which has nothing to do with death. Immortallity is not some destiny conferred from without, but the flower of fruitage which must be develooped from within.
Resurrection the central doctrine of Christianity
Resurrection the central doctrine of Christianity ayhn AA stah sees which means resurrection in ancient Greek. The resurrection is the main doctrine in Christian faith. It is the linchpin which ties our believe in God’s intervention into our human history saving us from dead and giving you and I the ability to have eternal life. Our believe as Christians is that one day our deads will be renewed into spiritual lives that are eternal. When I think of this I often hear Luther singing, “To Dance With My Father.” This promise made by God, and sealed with the blood of Jesus is why we call ourselves Christian. What the resurrection teaches us is that we must prepare for eternal life while we are living. “So deathless was Christ’s living that there was no stone heavy enough, no grave deep enough, no seal strong enough, no soldier powerful enough, to kill that kind of life. Therefore as those who testify to this unblemished life in Christ Jesus the Easter message is that a life in God is endless and unconquerable.
Resurrection the central doctrine of Christianity ayhn AA stah sees which means resurrection in ancient Greek. The resurrection is the main doctrine in Christian faith. It is the linchpin which ties our believe in God’s intervention into our human history saving us from dead and giving you and I the ability to have eternal life. Our believe as Christians is that one day our deads will be renewed into spiritual lives that are eternal. When I think of this I often hear Luther singing, “To Dance With My Father.” This promise made by God, and sealed with the blood of Jesus is why we call ourselves Christian.
Resurrection the central doctrine of Christianity
Resurrection the central doctrine of Christianity
The barber shop I was in the barber shop the other day and said to my barber that he must be getting ready for the big surge of men and women coming to get their hair done for Easter. He said no that doesn’t happen much any more. He said its not like it was when he was a child. Getting dressed up for Easter in many places is a thing of the past. If you ask in a retail story what are the biggest holidays Americans celebrate they don’t rank Easter very high. I decided to google Easter and found out it was the 8 ranked holiday in this country. Thanksgiving, Christmas and Halloween round out the top three. So even though we claim to be a Christian nation the resurrection of Jesus and the promise of eternal life is not central to everyones crisis management plan. Death plan in other words.
The barber shop
God’s Intervention People come to know and trust God in a variety of different ways. Some might come to an Easter service and God’s spirits touches them in a unique way. Others may have been raised up in the church as some of our old time believers would say. Some have heard of a different path. I haven’t seen the movie but I did read the book many years ago. It is called the Shack. It is the sotry of a man who came to know the promise of God through tragic lost of a daughter. I am not going to give away the story this morning but just wanted to say that the story is about finding God and trusting in God’s promise.
New beginnings/New Creation Maybe because our nation has slipped in the worship of God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit things so strange and out of sorts. We as a nation came up under “in God we Trust.” Our early settlers came here so that they could have freedom of religion and no God is on the back burner. Maybe this is a chance for those who have been on the outside looking in to get one up. What do I mean is that if everyone is moving away from God this might be your opportunity to get closer to God. Some of us need a new beginning. Some of us could us a fresh start in life. The resurrection is God’s saying I am in the love business and if you trust in me I will reward your trust. There maybe somebody here today who is lonely. Ask God to provide you with companionship. There could be someone here today that just recieved bad news from their doctor, ask God for healing in your life. There is someone here that just buried a love one, ask God to give you the strength to keep on keeping on. Someone might need that new job ask God. In this time God is close we call this a thin place something like the shack in the movie. Take advantage of God’s presences and call on His name. Jesus did and God didn’t fail Him God will not fail you