Easter 2017 PM: Why a Physical Resurrection Is Not Enough for Some
Sermon Tone Analysis
Jesus is speaking to disciples at the beginning of the passage
Jesus is addressing the Pharisees
- The Pharisees are people who justify themselves before men but are not just before God.
Account: There is apparent injustice for Lazarus when contrasted with the rich man
The original tension breaks by presenting (NOW) something common to both of these men: death.
The resolution seems to point to a reversal of roles
A new subplot begins to emerge.
New Setting:
New Setting:
Lazarus is comforted and the rich man is tormented
is the reason Jesus uses this story:
The Pharisees have Moses and the prophets to call them to worship of the Lord. ()
The Pharisees have justified themselves before men in their blatant rebellion against God and his word.
The Pharisees are not the true children of Abraham because they have not believed like Abraham - as evidenced by their worshipping of wealth. - , ,
The Pharisees, having rejected what God has previously spoken will also reject God's present kingdom message: JESUS - a resurrection is futile in both cases (note the couplet or parallel) - consider Jesus' reference to Jonah [INTERESTING: if they will not hear Moses & the prophets, they would not hear from a resurrected one ---- consider the couplet here; if they will not hear the preaching of the kingdom of God, they will not believe though the King of the Kingdom were to rise from the dead!]
General Introduction:
General Introduction:
Understanding how the story of the prodigal son prepares for this account in
The prodigal had lived by wealth and found it to be wanting Understand the emphatic purpose given by Christ -
The prodigal had lived by wealth and found it to be wanting
Understanding how the parable of the unjust steward prepares for this account:
The contrast drawn by Christ with these accounts is that the children of this world prepare better for what’s ahead...
Understand the emphatic purpose given by Christ -
- Rich Young Ruler
There is a certain type of person to whom the resurrection is of little or no consequence to. For this person, the Sunday morning gathering and the once per year emphasis have to be either
forced sentimentally
or they have to be distracted by all of the other hoop-laugh.
Proposition: if this is what you find to be true in your life, please admit, repent, and follow Jesus Christ as your Lord, without reservation!
Proposition: if this is what you find to be true in your life, please admit, repent, and follow Jesus Christ as your Lord, without reservation!
When is the resurrection not enough for someone?
When is the resurrection not enough for someone?
(1) It is not enough when we are blinded by covetousness (v. 13 - 14)
(1) It is not enough when we are blinded by covetousness (v. 13 - 14)
Note the "hate" language is used again - See also
There is no middle ground for following Christ.
Those whose sins are exposed are the ones who mock and dismiss this
How should believers feel about their riches - ;
Characterized by hospitality
Characterized by a giving spirit
(2) It is not enough when we have shallow insecurities (v. 15 - 18)
(2) It is not enough when we have shallow insecurities (v. 15 - 18)
Shallow insecurities are based on the thoughts of men -
Easily angered due to embarrassment
Extremely self-conscious
Shallow insecure people are blinded to their abominable heart condition before the Lord
Shallow insecure people are insubordinate to the authority of the scriptures (v. 16 - 18)
How should believers understand their security?
Today, this insecurity is seen in those who impugn others to make themselves look better.
Believers should be characterized as those who:
Seek first the kingdom of God & his righteousness...
Not being distracted by the worship of wealth
Sharing your security in Christ with others (including loved ones)
Set their affections on things above...
Not staking your identity in what you do for a living or what you have.
Showing an understanding of what really matters most.
(3) It is not enough when we have already dismissed the testimony of the scriptures. (v. 19 - 31)
(3) It is not enough when we have already dismissed the testimony of the scriptures. (v. 19 - 31)
Dismissing the testimony of the scriptures means:
you're distracted by the temporary materialism of this life (v. 19)
you're distracted from the common end that we all have (v. 22)
you're distracted from your eternal destiny (v. 23)
you're distracted to the detriment of your loved ones (v. 27)
you're distracted from the current, existing testimony of the scripture
This was the purpose for - See
Look beyond the vanity of temporary wealth to that which matters most.
Believe the message of Moses & the prophets: Jesus Christ
Allow the resurrection of Christ to change your belief before it’s eternally too late
Ill: Distracted by entertainment at a restaurant.
Ill: Distracted by entertainment at a restaurant.