Talking Along The Way
Sermon Tone Analysis
Looking for the Living Among the Dead
Looking for the Living Among the Dead
The women went to the tomb, looking for Jesus’ body. So great was their love for Jesus that they wanted to go, after the Passover, to anoint his body with spices. They were utterly unable to process what they saw.
The tomb was empty! Someone stole Jesus’ body! But then the angels appeared to them and said bluntly, “Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen!” Then then angels reminded them of all the Jesus had said to them.
Jesus had to be crucified, so that he could offer his life for others. We see this played out in movies all the time. “No, don’t take her, take me.”
That’s what Jesus did. He took the wages of sin, death, upon himself. He paid for it. But do you know what the empty tomb means? It means that Jesus’ payment was accepted. Dead is dead! Jesus conquered it. Those wages no longer have to be paid out on us. By trusting that Jesus paid your penalty, by trusting Jesus paid my penalty, we’re spared the penalty of sin.
The women were amazed. They were starting to understand, what had really happened, and what it all means.
Have you ever had a similar experience? Maybe you didn’t prepare for an exam as much as you thought you should have. But when you got your marks, they were far higher than you’d expected. Or maybe you needed to talk to someone about a difficult subject. You were dreading going, because you saw that there was a great potential for disaster—the person you were meeting wouldn’t receive you well, or they wouldn’t react the way you hoped they would. But then, when you get there, they’re kind and welcoming, they readily agreed with what you had to say, they humbly received your rebuke or correction and they honestly showed appreciation for your visit.
This gives us a tiny insight into how it goes with us when we meet with our Lord in humility. Every meeting with the Lord turns out far better than we can ever imagine. God loves you, he’s forgiven your sins on account of Jesus. He’s given you new life, and he’s working to transform you to be more like Jesus. God uses everything in your life, people, events, circumstances, emotions, thoughts, everything to bring about this beautifully good work within you.
The women told the apostles everything they saw and heard. They were just as amazed, and could hardly believe it. Peter had to see for himself! And seeing the empty tomb, he wandered away in wonder, working to put things all together.
Talking Along the Way
Talking Along the Way
Two of the disciples who heard what the women reported, decided to head home to Emmaus, about 11 kms away, or roughly from here to Sobey’s in Bradford. As they walked, they were talking along the way, discussing all the events of the past week. “Remember when Jesus came into Jerusalem on the donkey, and everyone put their cloaks on the road, and some even cut off palm branches and put them on the road?
“Remember when he went into the temple area and drove out all the sellers and money changers? Remember how he healed all those people, or when he spoke and taught, it was with such authority! I was just coming to terms with his death, I can’t believe he’s alive.”
They, as they were walking and talking, Jesus joined them in their journey. “What are you talking about?”
“Seriously? Did you just come here from Rome or something? Don’t you know what just happened?”
“What happened?” Jesus asked, keeping his identity hidden from them.
So they told him everything that had just happened.
But Jesus wasn’t surprised. Instead, he called them foolish and slow of heart to believe everything the prophets said.
Now, we must put ourselves in their shoes. It was a whirlwind of a weekend. They experienced a whole gamut of emotions. But in many respects, even with our perspective, we can be foolish and slow to believe everything written in the scriptures.
Jesus walked with them and taught them how all the scriptures speak about him, and what it meant. Maybe he used the example from Passover. Maybe he talked about how Abraham offered Isaac, but God stopped him at the last minute, showing that God would offer his Son, Jesus in Isaac’s place, in our place. That’s what happened this weekend. My Father offered up me to pay the ransom, the wages of death, to set you free. Do you understand?”
That’s what happened with the two disciples with Jesus. Their hearts were burning with enthusiasm as Jesus was talking to them. They were finally starting to understand. It was a special moment. Rather like chatting with someone who’s just come home from a big trip, or a cool experience, you look up, and you can’t believe how fast the time has passed by.
Or, “Some days, when I’m feeling really down, I like to read , or . It’s reassuring to know that I belong to God, and that he loves me as a Father.”
You can tell stories about your experiences on a missions trip, or how the congregation prayed for you and your family through a difficult time. You can share how even in difficult times, it’s good to know that there are people who care about you.
You can share stories about God from the Bible. Many people know the stories of David and Goliath, or Sampson. But do they understand how those stories point to Jesus?
When you talk to people, you need to sense when the time is right. It doesn’t work when people are busy, but when they are receptive, the Holy Spirit will let you know. Sometimes these opportunities happen, not only with strangers, or neighbours, even with our family and friends.
That’s what happened with the two disciples with Jesus. Their hearts were burning with enthusiasm as Jesus was talking to them. They were finally starting to understand. It was a special moment. Rather like chatting with someone who’s just come home from a big trip, or a cool experience, you look up, and you can’t believe how fast the time has passed by.
When Jesus broke bread with them, he revealed who he was. Even though he was standing right there before, them, even though they made the connection between what he said and taught, and how it all fit with everything they’d learned before his death, they could hardly believe their eyes!
As soon as they realised it was Jesus, and after he disappeared from them, they rushed back to tell the disciples what had happened.
As soon as they realised it was Jesus, and after he disappeared from them, they rushed back to tell the disciples what had happened.
While they were there, Jesus appeared again, this time to all the disciples, except for Thomas. Jesus gave them peace.
He confronted their doubts and disbelief by showing his hands and his feet. He even ate some food, proving he was real.
Don’t we all have doubts and disbelief? The disciples did. And Jesus answered them. Ask Jesus to help you with your doubts. Ask him to demonstrate to you that he’s real.
Just as Jesus opened their minds to the scriptures, he will open your mind to them too.
Now, what are we to do?
We are to tell people. We also are witnesses of these things. We are to invite people so that they can hear repentance and forgiveness of sins preached in Jesus’ name.
When you talk to your friends about Jesus, do you wonder what to say? Why not begin with your experience. “Some days, I read the news and everything looks bad, nothing good seems to happen. But then I remember that the world is in God’s hands, no matter what, He’s got this.”
Or, “I like to read , or . It’s reassuring to know that I belong to God, and that he loves me as a Father.”
You can tell stories about your experiences on a missions trip, or how the congregation prayed for you and your family through a difficult time. You can share how even in difficult times, it’s good to know that there are people who care about you.
You can share stories about God from the Bible. Many people know the stories of David and Goliath, or Sampson. Show them how those stories point to Jesus. Jesus slays our giants foes, Jesus is strong enough to defeat any army. Jesus is the answer!
Jesus Is Alive! Let’s let the whole world know!
Or, “Some days, when I’m feeling really down, I like to read , or . It’s reassuring to know that I belong to God, and that he loves me as a Father.”
You can tell stories about your experiences on a missions trip, or how the congregation prayed for you and your family through a difficult time. You can share how even in difficult times, it’s good to know that there are people who care about you.
You can share stories about God from the Bible. Many people know the stories of David and Goliath, or Sampson. But do they understand how those stories point to Jesus?
When you talk to people, you need to sense when the time is right. It doesn’t work when people are busy, but when they are receptive, the Holy Spirit will let you know. Sometimes these opportunities happen, not only with strangers, or neighbours, even with our family and friends.