Justification through Christ
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The nature of God is such that he cannot behold sin for he is holy. As well as his holiness, the Lord is righteous and in his righteousness he brings about justice. His justice and judgement ensures that the offender receives the just reward for his sin.
Now we are all condemned under sin and nothing about our righteousness could justify us before God. There is nothing we can do to exonerate ourselves. We could sacrifice animals but it wouldn’t do much and only for a while for as soon as this is over, another sacrifice would be required. Works cannot cover the stench that exudes from our lives . We are in a dire straight we can’t help ourselves
What is Justification?
What is Justification?
Justification is the act of God in which God declares sinful people as righteous in Christ. It is not changing a sinful person into righteous person, It is God saying someone who is guilty is now no longer guilty. This is an act of God. It is God imputing the righteousness of Christ unto sinful persons and placing our sins and transgressions on Christ.
How can we come to God?
How can we come to God?
We can't come to him in our own strength or righteousness because they are like filthy rags to him , We can only come to God if he allows us to come to him and that can only be done according to his own terms. asks who brings charges against God's elect? It is God that justifies. We all trespassed because the 1st man trespassed and through that trespassing death reigned in man. The law could not take away the trespass rather, it increased the trespass. To bring about our justification, Christ was on the account of our transgressions crucified and raised.
Our transgression is one that we inherited from Adam, when he violated the boundary of trust and obedience to the word of God. By his action, we all became a part of his sin as our head. It subject all people under sin, it brought about death and separation from God. For judgement from this one sin led to condemnation but the gift led to justification. It is by the righteous deed for by the works of the law is no one justified ()
How do we come to God?
How do we come to God?
speaks of the blessing of the one to whom God does not impute sin. We see the solution in . By the death on the cross, Christ made
We come to God by faith in Jesus Christ. It is against God that we have sinned and against him we have trespassed. It starts by believing in Christ Jesus, repenting of sin, and confessing him as Lord.
In we see God’s work come to life. Paul started the defense of how everyone is equal before God whether Jew or Gentile and that equality is in sin. He spoke about Abraham and how God declared him as righteous on the basis of his faith because he believed God and as says to the one who does not work but believes in him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted as righteousness. If it was by obedience to the law then faith is void and the promise is void (). It is depends on faith which is by grace and that is what brings us to God
For those of us who have come to God by faith and belief in the work of Christ, we are justified because God has imputed to us the righteousness of Christ.
Justification before God is both charisma and dorea. These both point to ideas of something acquired or given without compensation or return.
Shows Abraham as the perfect illustration
builds on the previous text
shows this message again
The message is shown concisely
This is the only way we can be justified before God. There are people who say it is wrong that we need to add our work and effort in conjunction with God but as we have seen from the biblical texts above, it is merely adding works to grace.
It is God alone that justifies and for that we are thankful.