Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Destroy this Temple if you want.
Tear down this temple,
Destroy this temple, Just flatten it.
Dosent matter to me.
I will just build it back up again.
In 3 days!!!!
Are you crazy, it took hundreds of men over 46 years to build this temple.
Jesus was speaking of the Temple of His body.
Today we celebrate this as we do on every sunday.
But today we celebrate the victory over death.
The Resurrection.
In we read of a account of a man who had died, a close friend to Jesus had died.
In fact he had been dead for a few days and had begun to stink.
In this story we see the shortest verse in the Bible.
Whenever we encounter death it always brings about sadness and grieving.
Jesus was no exception.
Look at Jesus response to Martha here in the next verse.
The next verse is one of the most critical important verses of all of scripture for everyone hearing this.
Mary has a few words for Jesus, in verse 32,
Lord if you had only been here,
How many times have we said the same statement?
Lordd if you had only been here?
This would not have happened, or that would not have happened.
Lord if you had been here, my brother would not have died!
In verse 35 we see the shortest verse, Jesus wept.
in verse 36 some of the Jews said, see how he loved him.
Now we see other people begin to question Jesus in verse 37
These people were upset, Why wasnt Jesus here when we needed Him?
Now in the following verses we the Power of Jesus,
Though Lazarus had died, Jesus said in verse 25
Though we will all face a physical death, we will all also face a resurrection.
A Resurrection of eternal life
A resurrection of judgement.
The Bible is very clear on this.
The disciples went back to their homes, but Mary, what did she do?
They were frightened
they bowed their faces toward the ground
then, the men said to them,
Why do you seek the living among the dead?
The women were seeking to honor a dead savior,
Their thoughts, feelings and behavior were all centered around a dead savior,
They were living just as the world lives,
without promise, without hope and without God.
Jesue was not found among the dead, just as he is not found among the dead of today either.
If a person is living in the world just as the world lives, Christ will not be found their.
Christ will not be found among dead sinners.
But He will be found among living saints.
He will be found among the churches of the living God.
Nor will life be found among the dead works of the law or of the letter of the law.
Yest so many people seek hope from the world,
So many seek joy from the world,
Yet on this day, Easter we celebrate how many will make it to church for this day of celebration of the resurrection and yet leave the church to return right home and live as thought Christ is dead!
Why do so many seek the living among the dead?
For if one is a believer, Christ is alive and living in them,
If a person is placing their assurance of salvation on any thing they may do, I question their salvation at all.
Ones assurance of ones salvation can only be due to the death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ!
In verse 6 we see two important facts.
He is not here.
He has risen!
He’s alive!!!!
Remember how He told you,
Peace to you,
This was a customary greeting in those days,
But here it was of special meaning now at this time,
Only true peace can come from the Risen Lord.
The world dosent have this peace available to give to anyone!
in verse 38, why are you troubled?
why do doubts arise in your heaarts?
To this very day, doubts arise in the hearts of so many,
This is why people will come to church and celebrate Resurrection day, Hes alive and then leave and live as thought He was dead.
Jesus loves to eat!
But this verse shows us something here,
A spirit can not eat!
different cults will tell you he arose spirtually.
A Spirit cant eat.
verse 45 is one of those verses to memorise.
He opened their minds
To understand the scriptures.
He can do this you know, how?
He’s alive!
We are to be a wittnes to these things, but we are to have power, not a power we can get from a energy drink, but rather power from the Father, the same power that raised Jesus from the grave is the same power that the Father will send upon you.
In fact, Jesus tells us to stay put until you are clothed from on high!
No matter where you are right now, no matter what a person may have done, no matter the sin that one may be entangled in, know this.
Jesus isn't judging you, He didn't come into this world to judge you, He came to save you from the Father wrath.
Maybe you are tired of working so hard to do this or that.
Maybe you are tired of doing this or that,
all the while trying to get to Jesus, dont be trapped in the do’s and don’ts.
Come to Jesus and let Him take caree of the do’s and don’ts.
Know this, Jesus died on the cross, he took your place of dying for your sins, He went to the grave and defeated death by rising on the third day.
All of this He did for you!
Do you believe this?
< .5
.5 - .6
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> .9