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Oración Cena del Señor
Oración Cena del Señor
Amado Padre gracias Señor por tu amor mostrado en Cristo y su obra perfecta en la cruz. Gracias Señor porque sabemos que por medio de este hermoso y perfecto sacrificio tenemos entrada a tu reino de gloria por la eternidad. Padre reconocemos que no había nada atractivo en nosotros como para merecer el regalo precioso de la salvación. Sabemos que Cristo fue obediente y amoroso y fue entregado por el previo consejo y anticipado conocimiento del único Dios verdadero con el fin de rescatarnos de nuestra manera de vivir para darnos vida y vida en abundancia. Gracias por Cristo y su amor, gracias por el Espíritu Santo que nos convenció de pecado y nos trajo al arrepentimiento y gracias a ti eterno Padre por tu amor tan incomparable.
Padre ahora que vamos a participar del pan y la copa que son símbolos que nos recuerdan que Cristo tu Hijo, quien siendo perfecto fue entregado en manos de pecadores para ser azotado, cargar el peso del pecado sobre él, experimentar la separación contigo Padre Santo, y ser crucificado hasta la muerte en esa cruz para redención nuestra, ayudanos a participar con humildad, con reverencia pero sobretodo con gratitud por la Salvación que nos diste en Jesucrito Señor Nuestro y en su bendito nombre oramos agradeciendo esto. Amén.
We know through the Scripture that Christ was obedient and loving and was given by the previous counsel and anticipated knowledge of the only true God in order to rescue us from our way of life to give us life and life in abundance.
Heavenly Father, thank you for your love shown in Christ and his perfect work on the cross. Thank you Lord, because we know that through this beautiful and perfect sacrifice, we have an entrance to your kingdom of glory for eternity. Father, we recognize that there was nothing in us to merit the precious gift of salvation.
Thank you for Christ and his love, thank you for the Holy Spirit who convinced us of sin and brought us to repentance and thanks to you eternal Father for your love so incomparable. Father now that we are going to partake of the bread and the cup which are symbols that remind us that Christ your Son, being perfect was delivered into the hands of sinners to be whipped, to bear the weight of sin upon him, to experience separation with you Holy Father, and To be crucified to death on that cross for our redemption, help us to participate humbly, with reverence but above all with gratitude for the Salvation you gave us in Jesus our Lord and in his blessed name we pray. Amen.
We know through the Scripture that Christ was obedient and loving, and was given by the definite plan and foreknowledge of the only true God in order to rescue us from our way of life, to give us life and life in abundance.
Thank you for Christ and his love, thank you for the Holy Spirit who convicted us of sin and brought us to repentance. Thank you eternal Father for your love so incomparable. Father, we come now to partake of the bread and the cup, which remind us that Christ, your perfect Son, was delivered into the hands of sinners to be whipped, to bear the weight of all sin, to experience separation from you Holy Father, and to be crucified for our redemption. Help us to approach the table with reverence, but above all with gratitude for the Salvation you gave us in Jesus our Lord. In his blessed name we pray. Amen.