Introduction To 1 Corinthians
An official representative charged with a commission. The designation connotes more the form (the authorization of the sender) than the specific content of the commission. Gk. apóstolos can be considered the New Testament counterpart to Heb. s̆ālîaḥ, which distinguished such Old Testament emissaries as Moses (sent to Pharaoh; Exod. 6:10) and Elijah (sent to Ahab; 1 Kgs. 18:1).
safe in strength, the chief ruler of the synagogue at Corinth, who was seized and beaten by the mob in the presence of Gallio, the Roman governor, when he refused to proceed against Paul at the instigation of the Jews (Acts 18:12–17). The motives of this assault against Sosthenes are not recorded, nor is it mentioned whether it was made by Greeks or Romans. Some identify him, but without sufficient grounds, with one whom Paul calls “Sosthenes our brother,” a convert to the faith (1 Cor. 1:1).