Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
In January 2012, the luxury cruise ship the Costa Concordia ran aground and sank off the coast of Italy.
According to CNN, the ship's captain, Francesco Schettino was sentenced to 16 years in prison for his part in the accident which killed 32 people.
The court charged Captian Schettino not only with running the ship into the rocks, but they also charged him with abandoning ship.
You don't even have to be a ship's captain to know that the maritime rule that the "captain always goes down with the ship."
You don't even have to be a ship's captain to know that the maritime rule that the "captain always goes down with the ship."
However, Captain Schettino left the ship with over 100 people still on board.
The coast guard contacted him by radio and told him to return to the ship.
When he refused, the coast guard began yelling at him to go back to the ship.
In January 2012, the luxury cruise ship the Costa Concordia ran aground and sank off the coast of Italy.
According to CNN, the ship's captain, Francesco Schettino was sentenced to 16 years in prison for his part in the accident which killed 32 people.
The court charged Captian Schettino not only with running the ship into the rocks, but they also charged him with abandoning ship.
However, Captain Schettino left the ship with over 100 people still on board.
The coast guard contacted him by radio and told him to return to the ship.
When he refused, the coast guard began yelling at him to go back to the ship.
The prosecution charged that Schettino was acting in a cowardly manner.
The captain's lawyer claimed that the captain accidentally fell into a lifeboat, and believed that he could better direct the rescue efforts on land.
Lord Winston, a British professor of science and society at Imperial College, London offered a third explanation.
Because every captain knows that he is required to remain on board the ship until evacuation is complete, Winston proposed that the captain of the Costa Concordia froze in the ensuing panic.
The prosecution charged that Schettino was acting in a cowardly manner.
The captain's lawyer claimed that the captain accidentally fell into a lifeboat, and believed that he could better direct the rescue efforts on land.
You don't even have to be a ship's captain to know that the maritime rule that the "captain always goes down with the ship."
You don't even have to be a ship's captain to know that the maritime rule that the "captain always goes down with the ship."
The response to "freeze" in an emergency is biologic, according to Winston, much like the proverbial deer in the headlight.
Often predatory animals see and react to motion, so sometimes one response to danger might be to remain still.
For example, when attacked by a bear, instead of running, you should play dead.
So according to this psychologist, the captain was essentially "frozen in fear" and could not aid in the rescue of his passengers because the situation was too mentally overwhelming.
Lord Winston, a British professor of science and society at Imperial College, London offered a third explanation.
Because every captain knows that he is required to remain on board the ship until evacuation is complete, Winston proposed that the captain of the Costa Concordia froze in the ensuing panic.
Winston also pointed out that the captain was still in the wrong.
He was just offering a scientific explanation for what happened.
It is not just a ship's captain, but many people need to react and not freeze in an emergency.
It is essential that people in positions of responsibility, like an airline pilot or a doctor or soldier, need to be able to act calmly and carefully in the middle of an emergency to save lives.
They must train specifically for emergencies so that they can overcome this potential to freeze because lives depend on their ability to act swiftly and with authority in an emergency.
However, Captain Schettino left the ship with over 100 people still on board.
The coast guard contacted him by radio and told him to return to the ship.
When he refused, the coast guard began yelling at him to go back to the ship.
However, Captain Schettino left the ship with over 100 people still on board.
The coast guard contacted him by radio and told him to return to the ship.
When he refused, the coast guard began yelling at him to go back to the ship.
The response to "freeze" in an emergency is biologic, according to Winston, much like the proverbial deer in the headlight.
Often predatory animals see and react to motion, so sometimes one response to danger might be to remain still.
For example, when attacked by a bear, instead of running, you should play dead.
So according to this psychologist, the captain was essentially "frozen in fear" and could not aid in the rescue of his passengers because the situation was too mentally overwhelming.
In this morning's Scripture text, Jesus shows the apostles that they have a responsibility that surpasses life and death.
The responsibility entrusted to the disciples is placing people's eternity in their hands, and they do not have an option to paralyzed by fear.
Let me pray, before we go to God's word this morning.
Winston also pointed out that the captain was still in the wrong.
He was just offering a scientific explanation for what happened.
It is not just a ship's captain, but many people need to react and not freeze in an emergency.
It is essential that people in positions of responsibility, like an airline pilot or a doctor or soldier, need to be able to act calmly and carefully in the middle of an emergency to save lives.
They must train specifically for emergencies so that they can overcome this potential to freeze because lives depend on their ability to act swiftly and with authority in an emergency.
The prosecution charged that Schettino was acting in a cowardly manner.
The captain's lawyer claimed that the captain accidentally fell into a lifeboat, and believed that he could better direct the rescue efforts on land.
The prosecution charged that Schettino was acting in a cowardly manner.
The captain's lawyer, claimed that the captain accidentally fell into a lifeboat, and believed that he could better direct the rescue efforts on land.
Heavenly Father we come to in the name of Jesus.
Father, we come to you as people who desire to know more about you.
Father make us willing to learn and be changed.
Father teach us by your Holy Spirit.
In Jesus' name, we pray, amen.
In this morning's Scripture text, Jesus shows the apostles that they have a responsibility that surpasses life and death.
The responsibility entrusted to the disciples is placing people's eternity in their hands, and they do not have an option to paralyzed by fear.
Turn with me to John chapter 20, beginning at verse 19.
Lord Winston, a British professor of science and society at Imperial College, London offered a third explanation.
Winston knew that every captain knows that he is supposed to remain on board until the ship is evacuated.
This is one of the first things you learn as a captain of even a small passanger vessel.
Winston proposed that the captain of the Costa Concordia simply froze in the heat of the moment.
Lord Winston, a British professor of science and society at Imperial College, London offered a third explanation.
Because every captain knows that he is required to remain on board the ship until evacuation is complete, Winston proposed that the captain of the Costa Concordia froze in the ensuing panic.
The Environment
Let me pray, before we go to God's word this morning.
Heavenly Father we come to in the name of Jesus.
Father, we come to you as people who desire to know more about you.
Father make us willing to learn and be changed.
Father teach us by your Holy Spirit.
In Jesus' name, we pray, amen.
It is Easter Sunday night, and the disciples are together.
John does not record exactly which disciples were there, but we do know that Thomas was not there, from verse 24, and Judas was not there.
Most likely there were at least 10, but it could be more, in any case, other than the fact that Thomas is missing it does not appear to be significant other than a group of Jesus's followers were gathered behind locked doors.
The reponse to freeze in emergency is biologic, according to Winston, like the deer in the headlight.
Often predatory animals see and react to motion.
For example, when attacked by a bear, instead of running, play dead.
So accoding to this psycologist, the captain was essentialy "frozen in fear" and could not aide in the rescue of his passengers becasue the situation was too mentally overwhelming.
The response to "freeze" in an emergency is biologic, according to Winston, much like the proverbial deer in the headlight.
Often predatory animals see and react to motion, so sometimes one response to danger might be to remain still.
For example, when attacked by a bear, instead of running, you should play dead.
So according to this psychologist, the captain was essentially "frozen in fear" and could not aid in the rescue of his passengers because the situation was too mentally overwhelming.
Turn with me to John chapter 20, beginning at verse 19.
The group locked themselves in the room.
They were frightened and for a good reason.
They had just witnessed their leader brutally tortured and killed just a few short days ago.
Fear is powerful, and they are experiencing some very intense real fear.
I know I have said this before, but things were going fairly good for the Jesus movement not too long ago.
Even if they were able to tell that things were getting bad, it is doubtful that they would have been prepared for how quickly and brutally things changed.
The Enviroment.
Winston also pointed out that the captain was still in the wrong.
He was merely offering a scientific explanation for what happened.
Winston showed that a ship's captain, an airline pilot, a doctor, a soldier, all need to be able to act calmly and carefully in the middle of a panic situation, in order to save lives.
They must train specifically for emergencies to be able to overcome this potential to freeze, becasue a great many lives depend on thier ability to act swiftly and decidedly in an emergency situation.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9