I Am Not Ashamed: Obeying God by Disobeying Caesar

I Am Not Ashamed  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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The Believer owes his or her highest allegiance to Jesus Christ, and thus there may be times when the believer must disobey the civil authority.

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Theme: The Believer owes his or her highest allegiance to Jesus Christ, and thus there may be times when the believer must disobey the civil authority.
Theme: The Believer owes his or her highest allegiance to Jesus Christ, and thus there may be times when the believer must disobey the civil authority.
Date: 04/30/17 File name: Romans_2016_39.wpd ID Number:
Date: 04/30/17 File name: Romans_2016_39.wpd ID Number:
Several weeks ago I preached from the same text as I’m preaching from this morning. The title of the message was Obeying God by Obeying Caesar. This morning’s message will seem like a contradiction — it’s title is Obeying God by Disobeying Caesar.
Several weeks ago I preached from the same text as I’m preaching from this morning. The title of the message was Obeying God by Obeying Caesar. This morning’s message will seem like a contradiction — it’s title is Obeying God by Disobeying Caesar.
How are Christians to respond to governmental authority when the governing authority is at odds with our faith? When do we refuse obedience to Caesar to maintain loyalty to Christ? Let me begin by reminding you of some the general principles Paul teaches in this passage regarding Christians and government.

I. OUR DILEMMA: Christians Are Citizens of a More Significant Kingdom

1. the early Christians emphasized that their true citizenship was not on earth but in heaven
“Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God's people and members of God's household,” (, NIV)
• “But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ,” (, NIV)
“But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ,” (, NIV)
a. these are not reference to our future state, but our present condition
b. in Hebrews, the apostle Paul tells us that Abraham was a pilgrim of faith who understood that his citizenship in this world was only temporary
understood that his citizenship in this world was only temporary
“By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going. By faith he made his home in the promised land like a stranger in a foreign country; he lived in tents, as did Isaac and Jacob, who were heirs with him of the same promise. For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God.” (, NIV)
inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going. By faith he made his home in the promised land like a stranger in a foreign country; he lived in tents, as did Isaac and Jacob, who were heirs with him of the same promise. For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God.” (, NIV)


1. the question is: How do believers function in a lost and pagan society that is frequently hostile to the believer’s agenda?
frequently hostile to the believer’s agenda?
a. this is a question that Christians have had to wrestle with for two millennium
2. Paul here outlines three basic attitudes believers are to maintain in their relationship to the state
to the state
a. 1st, All Governing Authority Has Been Ordained or Instituted by God vs. 1
1) wherever you find a government in place, God established it
2) that does not necessarily mean that government is ruling righteously — they often do not
often do not
b. 2nd, A Person Who Resists or Opposes Governing Authorities Is Resisting God’s Authority, vs. 2
Authority, vs. 2
1) government exists for the purpose of maintaining order, encouraging well-doing, and punishing wrong-doing
and punishing wrong-doing
2) the state exists for the purpose of human flourishing
3) when a government no longer does these things, it is a failed or failing government
c. 3rd, To Avoid the Wrath of the State, We Are to Be Subject to the Governing Authorities vs. 5
Authorities vs. 5
1) imagine the tidal wave of evil that would break out the world over if there were no civil authorities to restrain it
no civil authorities to restrain it
3. we obey the civil authorities for two fundamental reasons
a. God loathes anarchy, and so should His people
b. God has called us to be ministers of reconciliation, and we cannot accomplish that if we are regularly opposing the government or antagonizing the state
if we are regularly opposing the government or antagonizing the state
4. but what do we do when those governing authorities would command us to deny or hide, or abandon our faith?
or hide, or abandon our faith?
a. as long as authorities punish only what is evil and praise only what is good, submission to God will always conform to submission to the civil authorities
submission to God will always conform to submission to the civil authorities
1) but if the authorities ever begin to punish the good and reward the bad (as has repeatedly happened in church history), then submission to God will bring us into conflict with the authorities
repeatedly happened in church history), then submission to God will bring us into conflict with the authorities
2) this means that the command to be subject to earthly authorities in vs. 1 & 5 is not absolute
not absolute
ILLUS. In 2014 the owners of Hobby Lobby refused to implement part of The Affordable Healthcare Act known as the "contraceptive mandate." Hobby Lobby, a company solely owned and run by the Green family was already providing healthcare that covered contraceptives that prevented pregnancy. They refused to cover contraceptives that ended pregnancy — commonly called abortifacients. The federal government said, "you will" cover abortifacients, and Hobby Lobby said "we will not" and they filed a lawsuit against enforcement of the contraception rule based on the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. It went all the way to the Supreme Court which ultimately ruled in Hobby Lobby’s favor. The dissenting opinion from Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg reveals the massive ideological divide on the Court that mirrors the divide within the nation at large. Ginsberg had the audacity to write that “ ... the Christian convictions of the Green family was too insignificant to be important.”
b. Jesus himself warned us of the world’s hostility toward us and our faith
“If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. 19 If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.” (, NIV)
5. that’s our dilemma


1. the bible gives us a number of examples where the people of God defied the civil authorities in order to maintain their allegiance to God
authorities in order to maintain their allegiance to God
a. Example #1: The Hebrew Midwives — the Israelites had lived in Egypt under the rule of the pharaohs for several centuries. They became very numerous, so the king of Egypt commanded the Hebrew midwives to kill all the baby boys born to the Israelites (). But, in we read, “But the midwives feared God and did not do as the king of Egypt commanded them, but let the male children live.” (, ESV). Because Pharaoh’s command was contrary to God’s command the Hebrew midwives disobeyed the civil authorities for God’s sake
the rule of the pharaohs for several centuries. They became very numerous, so the king of Egypt commanded the Hebrew midwives to kill all the baby boys born to the Israelites (). But, in we read, “But the midwives feared God and did not do as the king of Egypt commanded them, but let the male children live.” (, ESV). Because Pharaoh’s command was contrary to God’s command the Hebrew midwives disobeyed the civil authorities for God’s sake
b. Example #2: Rahab of Jericho — she disobeyed the king of Jericho by lying to him when she hid two spies sent out by Joshua, and the author of Hebrews commends her as a heroine of the faith. Because the king of Jericho’s command was contrary to God’s command Rahab disobeyed the civil authorities for God’s sake
when she hid two spies sent out by Joshua, and the author of Hebrews commends her as a heroine of the faith. Because the king of Jericho’s command was contrary to God’s command Rahab disobeyed the civil authorities for God’s sake
c. Example #3: The Jewish Provincial Leaders — remember the story of Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah? We know them better by their Babylonian names of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. King Nebuchadnezzar had issued a royal decree that at a certain time everyone in his kingdom must fall down and worship the golden image of his God. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refuse to obey the edict (), and so they were thrown into a white-hot furnace, but God miraculously save them. Because Nebuchadnezzar’s command was contrary to God’s command these men disobeyed the civil authorities for God’s sake
Mishael and Azariah? We know them better by their Babylonian names of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. King Nebuchadnezzar had issued a royal decree that at a certain time everyone in his kingdom must fall down and worship the golden image of his God. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refuse to obey the edict (), and so they were thrown into a white-hot furnace, but God miraculously save them. Because Nebuchadnezzar’s command was contrary to God’s command these men disobeyed the civil authorities for God’s sake
d. Example #4: The Jewish Prophet Daniel — King Darius had decreed that for 40 days no one could make a petition to any God or man other than Darius himself (). Daniel was one of Darius’s chief advisers, but Daniel defied the edict. The next day, he did as he had always done, he went to his upper chamber faced Jerusalem, got down on his knees three times that day, and prayed and gave thanks to God. The result was that he was thrown into the den of lions, but God miraculously spared him. Because Darius’s command was contrary to God’s command this man disobeyed the civil authorities for God’s sake
days no one could make a petition to any God or man other than Darius himself (). Daniel was one of Darius’s chief advisers, but Daniel defied the edict. The next day, he did as he had always done, he went to his upper chamber faced Jerusalem, got down on his knees three times that day, and prayed and gave thanks to God. The result was that he was thrown into the den of lions, but God miraculously spared him. Because Darius’s command was contrary to God’s command this man disobeyed the civil authorities for God’s sake
3. Example #5: The Apostles Peter and John — Peter and John had been arrested for a second time by the Jewish authorities, and commanded not to speak or teach in the name of Jesus. We find the climax of the event in Acts chapter 5, “And when they had brought them, they set them before the council. And the high priest questioned them, 28 saying, “We strictly charged you not to teach in this name, yet here you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching, and you intend to bring this man’s blood upon us.” 29 But Peter and the apostles answered, “We must obey God rather than men.” (, ESV). Because the Sanhedrin’s command was contrary to God’s command these apostles disobeyed the religious authorities for God’s sake
for a second time by the Jewish authorities, and commanded not to speak or teach in the name of Jesus. We find the climax of the event in Acts chapter 5, “And when they had brought them, they set them before the council. And the high priest questioned them, 28 saying, “We strictly charged you not to teach in this name, yet here you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching, and you intend to bring this man’s blood upon us.” 29 But Peter and the apostles answered, “We must obey God rather than men.” (, ESV). Because the Sanhedrin’s command was contrary to God’s command these apostles disobeyed the religious authorities for God’s sake
2. from these examples, we understand there are times when civil disobedience by Christians against the governing authorities is the correct action
Christians against the governing authorities is the correct action
a. when those times come we must, by faith, bear the consequences that come with our disobedience to the state
our disobedience to the state
3. Our Dilemma: Christians Are Citizens of a More Significant Kingdom and the Kingdoms of This World Frequently Don’t Understand Our Allegiance to That Other Kingdom
Kingdoms of This World Frequently Don’t Understand Our Allegiance to That Other Kingdom

II. OUR DETERMINATION: To Remain Faithful to Our Lord Even If it Means Opposing Caesar



1. civil disobedience is not something we do on a whim
a. when obedience to the state becomes so onerous, so unjust, perhaps even evil, the question is, “At what point does the individual Christian or the church practice civil disobedience?”
the question is, “At what point does the individual Christian or the church practice civil disobedience?”
b. there is no absolute answer
2. the apostle has already given us some guidance in the previous chapter
“Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. 18 If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.” (, ESV)
a. we are clearly not to render evil for evil
b. we are clearly to act honorably, that includes acting honorably before civil authorities even when we are in disagreement with them
authorities even when we are in disagreement with them
c. we are, so far as it depends on you, to live peaceably with all — including civil authorities
1) whether between nations or individuals, peace is a two-way street
a) our responsibility is to make sure that our side of the relationship is right, that our inner desire is genuinely to be at peace with all men
our inner desire is genuinely to be at peace with all men
b) short of compromising God’s truth and standards, we should be willing to go to great lengths to build peaceful bridges to those who hate us and seek to harm us
to great lengths to build peaceful bridges to those who hate us and seek to harm us
2) simply put, some Christians will have more patience with the state than others
3. there are five determining factors that the Christian should take into consideration when deciding whether or not to practice civil disobedience
when deciding whether or not to practice civil disobedience
a. 1st, Is the Law Commanding the Believer to Do Something They Are Forbidden by The Scriptures to Do?
The Scriptures to Do?
ILLUS. Assume for a moment, that the pork industry lobbies Congress hard enough and long enough to pass a bill stating that every American family must eat pork at least once a week. A Southern Baptist might be fine with that. A law commanding a weekly meal of barbequed pulled-pork might just be fine with us. Millions of Jewish and Muslim Americans, however, would be adversely affected by such a law.
enough and long enough to pass a bill stating that every American family must eat pork at least once a week. A Southern Baptist might be fine with that. A law commanding a weekly meal of barbequed pulled-pork might just be fine with us. Millions of Jewish and Muslim Americans, however, would be adversely affected by such a law.
ILLUS. In the example of the Hobby Lobby case, the Green family — who are pro-life Christians — believed that the Federal Government’s Affordable Care Act was mandating their complicity in the murder of unborn babies by forcing them to cover abortifacients. They told Caesar “no” and spent millions of dollars in legal fees opposing the mandate.
life Christians — believed that the Federal Government’s Affordable Care Act was mandating their complicity in the murder of unborn babies by forcing them to cover abortifacients. They told Caesar “no” and spent millions of dollars in legal fees opposing the mandate.
b. 2nd, Is the Law Forbidding the Believer to Do Something They Are Commanded by The Scriptures to Do?
The Scriptures to Do?
ILLUS. In the late first century, the Roman government forbade members of The Way to gather for worship — something the Lord commanded we do. In response the Christians met secretly in the Catacombs. Around the world, primarily in Muslim-majority countries, Christians are still forbidden to worship, but they do so anyway, and meet in secret.
to gather for worship — something the Lord commanded we do. In response the Christians met secretly in the Catacombs. Around the world, primarily in Muslim-majority countries, Christians are still forbidden to worship, but they do so anyway, and meet in secret.
c. 3rd, Will My Civil Disobedience Manifest a Clear and Effective Witness to the Truth?
ILLUS. In Acts, chapter 21 the Apostle Paul has come to Jerusalem to preach Christ crucified. The Jewish authorities are incensed and want to shut him up. They stir the crowds up against him, and the Apostle is arrested by Roman authorities. As Paul attempts to share his testimony, the crowd cries out, “Rid the earth of him! He’s not fit to live!” He’s taken into protective custody and ultimately moved to Caesarea up the coast for safe-keeping. The Jewish leadership just want Paul to shut up. He refuses. He will not submit to their request. He languishes in prison for two years before a new governor arrives and reviews his case. Ultimately the Apostle — who was a Roman citizen — asserted his ultimate right. He appealed his case to Caesar. The last two chapters of Acts are all about his journey and house arrest in Rome. While he is under arrest in Rome he writes a letter to the Christians in the City of Philippi, and this is what he says ...
crucified. The Jewish authorities are incensed and want to shut him up. They stir the crowds up against him, and the Apostle is arrested by Roman authorities. As Paul attempts to share his testimony, the crowd cries out, “Rid the earth of him! He’s not fit to live!” He’s taken into protective custody and ultimately moved to Caesarea up the coast for safe-keeping. The Jewish leadership just want Paul to shut up. He refuses. He will not submit to their request. He languishes in prison for two years before a new governor arrives and reviews his case. Ultimately the Apostle — who was a Roman citizen — asserted his ultimate right. He appealed his case to Caesar. The last two chapters of Acts are all about his journey and house arrest in Rome. While he is under arrest in Rome he writes a letter to the Christians in the City of Philippi, and this is what he says ...
“I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel, 13 so that it has become known throughout the whole imperial [Praetorian] guard and to all the rest that my imprisonment is for Christ. 14 And most of the brothers, having become confident in the Lord by my imprisonment, are much more bold to speak the word without fear.” (, ESV)
1) Paul’s defiance of the Jewish religious authorities, two governors, and a king gave him an opportunity to proclaim the gospel to a broader audience
gave him an opportunity to proclaim the gospel to a broader audience
d. 4th, Am I Ready to Accept the Consequences of My Civil Disobedience?
ILLUS. A few minutes ago I referred to Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. King Nebuchadnezzar made an image of gold, ninety feet high and nine feet wide. He commands that everyone in his kingdom must fall down and worship the image. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, as God-fearing Jews cannot do so in good conscience, and this infuriates the King. He gives them an ultimatum. Worship the image, or be burned alive. Their answer is astounding.
Nebuchadnezzar made an image of gold, ninety feet high and nine feet wide. He commands that everyone in his kingdom must fall down and worship the image. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, as God-fearing Jews cannot do so in good conscience, and this infuriates the King. He gives them an ultimatum. Worship the image, or be burned alive. Their answer is astounding.
“Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego answered and said to the king, “O Nebuchadnezzar, we have no need to answer you in this matter. 17 If this be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of your hand, O king. 18 But if not, be it known to you, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up.” (, ESV)
1) they were ready to accept the consequences of their civil disobedience
ILLUS. What does a florist do when the state tells her she absolutely must supply floral arrangement for a homosexual wedding when her biblical faith tells her that doing so is a sin? In 2013, Barronelle Stutzman, owner of Arlene’s Flowers, refused to provide flower arrangements for a gay wedding citing her Christian faith. For twenty years she has served everyone in her community, regardless of their race, sex, religion, or sexual orientation. But even though she serves all people, as a Christian, she will not use her artistic skills to celebrate all events. In particular, because of her beliefs about marriage, she refused to design custom floral arrangements for a same-sex wedding. The state of Washington told her “you will”. She said “I won’t” and the ACLU sued her. They easy thing to do would have been to simply make the arrangements. She told the state “no,” and she’s been fighting it in the courts ever since. In February of this year, Washington state’s high court ruled against her, claiming that “ ... providing flowers to a same-sex wedding would not serve as an endorsement of same-sex marriage.” In essence, the state is forcing Ms. Stutzmen to adopt their secular view marriage, over her biblical view of marriage. The court’s decision requires Barronelle to pay the attorneys’ fees that the ACLU racked up in suing her which will be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Her lawyers are appealing the State ruling to the Supreme Court.
In February of this year, Washington state’s high court ruled against her, claiming that “ ... providing flowers to a same-sex wedding would not serve as an endorsement of same-sex marriage.”
In essence, the state is forcing Ms. Stutzmen to adopt their secular view marriage, over her biblical view of marriage. The court’s decision requires Barronelle to pay the attorneys’ fees that the ACLU racked up in suing her which will be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Her lawyers are appealing the State ruling to the Supreme Court.
2) Barronelle Stutzman does not know if her religious liberty rights will be upheld or not, but she has been willing to pay the price for her faith
not, but she has been willing to pay the price for her faith
e. 5th, When Opposing a Civil Authority Hostile to Our Faith Jesus Must be Our Guide in Responding
Guide in Responding
“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. 46 For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? 47 And if you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? 48 You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” (, ESV)
1) promoting anarchy and violence is not the way Christians are to respond to civil authorities who would forbid us to do what our Scriptures command or command us to do what our Scriptures forbid
authorities who would forbid us to do what our Scriptures command or command us to do what our Scriptures forbid
2) the words of Jesus rule out all vindictiveness
3) the tone and demeanor of the Christian’s civil disobedience must not imitate the strident, belligerent, rock-throwing, screaming, cursing, violent demonstrations of the culture
strident, belligerent, rock-throwing, screaming, cursing, violent demonstrations of the culture

III. OUR DENIAL: Under No Circumstances Will We Render to Caesar What Is God's

1. that includes our conscience, our faith, our worship, and our primary allegiance
2. Christians are to be model citizens within whatever culture God has placed them
a. that will be easier for some, harder for others
b. even in traditionally “Christian nations” confessing believers and their values are becoming an unpopular minority view
becoming an unpopular minority view
1) consequently, government on every level will increasingly regulate, hinder, and even oppose Christian activity in the public square
even oppose Christian activity in the public square
2) Anti-free speech college fascists, or Black-lives-matter toughs, or Occupy Wall Street anarchists are NOT the Church’s examples of civil disobedience
Street anarchists are NOT the Church’s examples of civil disobedience
3) Jesus is, and Paul is, as were the thousands who went into Roman Arenas, and the millions of others throughout history who obeyed their conscience, and peacefully disobeyed both religious and civil magistrates
and the millions of others throughout history who obeyed their conscience, and peacefully disobeyed both religious and civil magistrates
3. when our conscience — under the Lordship of Christ, and guided by the Scriptures — calls for us to disobey, our civil disobedience should be undertaken in the spirit of the Savior, and the guidance of the Scriptures
— calls for us to disobey, our civil disobedience should be undertaken in the spirit of the Savior, and the guidance of the Scriptures
We are people of the cross. Our Lord submitted to crucifixion willingly to save his enemies. We owe our eternal life to him. We are forgiven sinners. This takes the swagger out of our protest. It takes the arrogance out of our resistance.
We are people of the cross. Our Lord submitted to crucifixion willingly to save his enemies. We owe our eternal life to him. We are forgiven sinners. This takes the swagger out of our protest. It takes the arrogance out of our resistance.
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