Untitled Sermon (3)
What is peace?
The peace of God denotes “the peace that God himself has.
The peace of God is the opposite of anxiety
The peace of God is the opposite of anxiety
This list of eight virtues presented in the six adjectives and two nouns leads up to the imperative and its direct object: think about these things.
Whatever is true
Whatever noble
Whatever right
Whatever pure
Whatever lovely
Whatever admirable
If any excellence
If any praiseworthy
Think about such things.
whatever is right means fulfilling all that is “obligatory in view of certain requirements of justice.
To think about whatever is pure requires focusing on those things that are morally blameless.
For Paul, purity in all of life begins in the thought life: think about whatever is pure.
translated lovely, appearing only here in the NT, means “causing pleasure or delight, pleasing, agreeable, and lovely.
The command to think requires his readers “to give careful thought to a matter, consider, ponder, and let one’s mind dwell on something.”118 Paul is calling for followers of Christ to be attentive, reflective, meditative thinkers. Developing a Christian mind and character requires a lifetime of discerning and disciplined thought about all the things that are excellent and praiseworthy.
admirable occurs only here in the NT and does not appear in the LXX. The word denotes whatever is “praiseworthy, commendable.