Jesus Appears to His Disciples

Luke  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Jesus is mindful of his people, instructs and opens their minds, and commissions them to go.

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2 Questions we should ask ourselves when studying scripture

Jesus meets his disciples where they are and is Mindful of His People

Jesus shows up; they did not ask
He greats them, Peace
The personification of Peace is now before them
What is the disciples reaction?
They are frightened! Greek word Emphobos
it is the same word used to describe the 2 angels in the tomb
They have felt this emotion before (Jesus walking on water)
What can we learn from this?
What is unanimous reaction to interacting with the divine? A holy, primal, fear!
If you felt like you can play with God, or have him “figured out” that is not the God of the Bible, that is a God made in your own image.
Walking on water, Mary, Shepherds, Tomb,
There is nothing natural about these interactions, and the people know it! Thats why it is called Supernatural.
Notice that Jesus does not condem them, but rather he comforts.
It is
See that it is me!
He gets them to touch and see, He takes their doubts out in the open and addresses them head on!
Luke 24:38 ESV
And he said to them, “Why are you troubled, and why do doubts arise in your hearts?
Luke 24:38 ESV
And he said to them, “Why are you troubled, and why do doubts arise in your hearts?
Your Heart?
Your heart is not just what pumps blood, what do we mean by heart?
What does he do with this doubt?
He deals with it, but let us be careful
Atheist person in my class in highschool

Jesus Instructs his Disciples and interprets the word

Jesus Instructs his Disciples and interprets the word
Then, he explains to them
Notice that he did not start with that, what did he start with?
What can we learn from this in our own interactions with people?
Studying scripture helps us understand our God!
do you want to hear God speak to you? Then read your Bible out loud.
Lets read about what Jesus said while he was walking this earth
that is how we can recognize him, and when it is not him
Friend (God doesn’t care about that)
The Bible is God’s Love Letter
Art of Marriage letter

He opens the minds of his disciples and offers them understanding of fulfillment

Mind=the psychological facility of understanding, reasoning and deciding

He opens the minds of his disciples and offers them understanding of fulfillment

He looks into our Heart and opens Mind and he is still doing it today
why did he have to do it?
Because they couldn’t do it one their own!
Luke 24:46–47 ESV
and said to them, “Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, and that repentance for the forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem.
Jesus is sharing the Gospel
Everything written about me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled
Must be fulfilled
Can God do anything?
Ever wonder why we have the old testament? Here is one reason why?

He Commissions his Disciples and commands them to trust in His provision

You are witnesses of these things. What about us?
Have you heard him? Have you felt him? Have you tasted and seen that he is good? Have you seen him transform people?
Luke 24:49 ESV
And behold, I am sending the promise of my Father upon you. But stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high.”
I am sending the promise of my Father upon you. What is this promise?
Because you aren’t going to have to do it on your of own power and you are not going to have to do it alone
Imagine how these Disciples have been feeling?
You are not alone!
Now the Disciples were told to wait, Luke picks up the rest in Acts
We don’t have too
Go tell all the nation, the Gospel is for everyone
Go tel them about this Peace, just like we read in the beggining
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