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One Another ( Forgive one Another)  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Illustration: the boy who was sitting on the bumble bee. In a fallen world, forgiveness is neccessary in order to maintain close relationships. We all need forgiveness and all of us need to to grant forgivness, because we all sin and we all have been sinned against. But asking for and granting forgivness are not easy tasks!! It's not an easy subject to understand, as seen by the fact that differnet writers say conflicting things about forgivness. It's not an easy subject to practice, especially on the emotional level. The deeper you have been hurt, the more difficult it is truly to forgive. some of you were abused emotionally, physically, or sexually as children by your parents for by trusted family members. some of you have childrent who were abused by your mate or by a family member. some have been betrayed by an unfaithful spouse whome you loved and cared for deeply. These kinds of wrongs are not easy to forgive. But if you're a christian, seeking and granting forgiveness are not optional. Jesus said that if you do not forgive others, the heavenly Father will not Forgive you (Matt. 6:15)

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What is Forgiveness? “forgive as i have forgiven you.

In order to forgive others we must understand the nature of forgiveness.
There is a lot of misunderstanding here. apologizing is the world’s substitute for forgiving. There is not a single reference in the Bible that points to apologizing. All apologizing is one person telling you how he feels without acknowledging his sin and it does not ask the one sinned against to grant forgiveness.
Biblical forgiveness does not mean accepting the other person in his sin, which often amounts to condoning sin. See the world brushes aside the concept of sin by saying, “ Hey, no problem! Don’t worry about it, we all make mistakes! but there is no acknowledgement or confession of sin.
Illustration: Guys in Jail are sorry of the outcome of their actions but rarely take on admission of being wrong. Illustrate Godly sorrow Versus worldly sorrow.
Biblical forgiveness , the wrongdoer admits, “ i sinned against you,” and Asks, “will you forgive me?” The one wronged must respond by promising, “ I forgive you.” This is very different than just saying you’re sorry or saying to the one who wronged you, “Hey, Don’t worry about it.” Paul says that we are to forgive each other “ just as God in Christ also has forgiven you”. God didn’t say “ Hey, Don’t worry about it, we all make mistakes!” He didn’t just brush our sin aside. Rather, our sin renders us truly guilty before God’s holy justice. We have violated His holy law. He requires that the penalty be paid. But in love, He sent his own son to bear the penalty that we deserved. When the guilty sinner repents of his sin and lays hold of Christ by faith, God graciously and totally forgives the debt of sin. He releases the sinner from the guilt of His sin. He promises not to remember those sins against him, in the sense of not bringing them up again for judgement. and, he is reconciled to the sinner through the blood of Christ.
A. Biblical forgiveness is the decision to not remember ( to let it Go)
Forgiveness is the decision to drop the offense and involves 5 aspects.
To release the offender from the guilt of his sin.
When God says that he will not remember our sins anymore (; ), he does not forget them in the sense of amnesia. Rather , he means that he will not bring up any of our offenses against us in the future. We do not have to fear standing before God someday, because there is no condemnation for us in Christ (). To forgive someone is to promise not to bring the matter up again to use against him. Sometimes it is proper to impose consequences to teach the seriousness of sin, as God did with David after his sin with Bathsheba ( ). It may be proper for a forgiven offender to be required to make restitution. If he Committed a crime, he may need to be prosecuted and spend time in prison. But when we forgive him, we should not bring up his sin to accuse or condemn him or to win an argument.
To refuse to think about the offense
Thankfully, God is not in heaven replaying all of our forgiven sins. We need to not think and dwell on how we have been wronged. Also we do not need to continually bring up our own sins and condemn ourselves. If God has forgiven us we can for others and ourselves. We must distinctly remember to forget past wrongs that we have chosen to forgive. You must deliberately direct your thoughts to other things, such as how much God has forgiven you. To dwell on an offense that you have forgiven is to break your promise to forgive. God looks at our sin through the lens of the Cross. we must always look at others sins against us through that same lens.
To Refuse to talk to others about the offense.
If you say that you forgive someone and then tell others about the offense, you are trying to make the offender pay, which is not forgiveness. Or, You’re trying to evoe sympathy or admiration from others at the offender’s expense. When you forgive, you choose to drop the matter. The only exception would be if you fear that the offender may be trying to repeat his sin toward another person, who needs to be warned of the danger. For example, if someone has molested your child and you see him hanging out with another family with young children, it is appropriate to warn them to be on guard.
To be reconciled with the offender
God forgives us so that we may be reconciled to him and enjoy a close relationship with him. When we forgive others, we should also seek to restore the broken relationship. This does not always mean becoming best of friends, but it should at least mean that we are cordial and friendly towards the person. To say “I forgive you, but i never want to see your ugly Face again,” is not to forgive as God forgives! Of course, if the offender does not truly repent of his sin, we cannot be truly reconciled or in a close relationship. But even then, we are still commanded to love our enemies, do good to those who hate us, bless those who curse us, and pray for those who mistreat us ( )
So biblical forgiveness is a decision to release the offender from the guilt of his sin, to refuse to bring up the offese to use against him, to refust to think about the offense, to refuse to talk to others about the offense, and to be reconciled to the offender if possible. Also
B. Biblical forgiveness is costly
It cost God the death of his beloved son. it will not usually cost us that much, but it still may be very costly. I have read stories of parents who have forgiven the murdere or molester of their child. That is Costly! At the very least, it costs us the time and effort to go to the offender and try to work on reconciliation. it does not happen automatically or when you are passive.
C. Biblical forgiveness is undeserved
How Many of us desereved God to forgive us? God forgives us by Grace alone, which is undeserved favor. if someone has to earn it, it’s not forgiveness. if you make him pay , it’s not forgiveness.
D. Biblical Forgiveness total.
God doesnt forgive just some of our sins, saving some othersto bring up later when he needs some leverage against us! He forgives them all ( ). So we can’t say, “ i forgive you for this, but i’m not going to forgive you for that!”
E. Biblical Forgiveness is Final
E. Biblical forgiveness is final
God doesn’t Say, “If you do that again, I’m Revoking your previous forgiveness!” He says “their sins i will remember no more.” To forgive someone is to dismiss the case against him, you can’t bring it up again.
The question arises is how to do we put This into practice?

How to Forgive… “ For Christ’s Sake”

Many Christian Authors emphasize the benefits that forgiving others will bring to you and it’s true you will benefit by forgiving. You will get rid of your bitterness, which eats at you day and night. You will enjoy restored relationships with others, along with many other blessings. But the benefits for you are really the by-products of forgiveness. Your focus should be not what’s in it for me but rather on glorifying God and loving others.
A. The motive of Forgiving others should be to Glorify God, who has forgiven you.
The bible says in ephesians 1:12 That the “forgivness of our sins is according to the riches of his grace , so that we will be to the praise of his Glory.” God Forgives for His Glory and so should we. If someone sees how much you have forgiven someone else and praises you for it, be quick to divert the praise to God, who has forgiven you so much.
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