Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Distance was approximately seven miles from Jerusalem.
Sabbath was over and they started their journey.
Mary and the others had been to the tomb as soon it started to break dawn thus ending the Sabbath.
Mary had seen the angel who told her He is not here He is risen and then saw Jesus in the garden.
At first she did not recognize Him until He said her name.
Peter and John had run to the tomb and confirmed what Mary and others had seen - an empty tomb.
They heard it from those who were had also gone to the tomb.
It was verified to them although at this time there wasn’t an explanation.
Luke 24:
We had hoped.
It wasn’t a full trust - there was hope but the assurance and when Jesus was captured and crucified their hope vanished somewhat.
There is still room for doubt in their minds and lack of understanding.
There is a disappointment because of the events that occurred happened.
God keeps us from recognizing so He can reveal later through our own understanding.
Through Jesus teaching them personally.
Through inductive reasoning to come to the right conclusion.
On the road:
· Two disciple – among the disciples of Jesus but not the inner disciples
o Cleopas named – means he had importance – maybe a group leader…
o Hopes appear to be dashed – maybe disillusioned.
o Expectation of what Jesus was suppose to do
o Questions Jesus – It was known throughout Jerusalem at least among the Jews what had happen – “Are you the only stranger who does not know what happened.
o Identified Jesus as a prophet who spoke the word of God as a prophet would
§ who was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people
o Disbelief – The woman, the disciples – who is craze
o Resurrection at the last day but the dead coming to life… Come on get real.
· Being a disciple of Jesus however – how much did he doubt – just as we have labeled Thomas – he was a doubter.
Jesus Revealing through Scriptures
· Didn’t say you knuckleheads – rather He revealed himself to the disciples through scriptures
How often is it that we do not understand and God reveals it to us later?
It is only later that He reveals to us why and the reason.
It is in these times when we recognize this our faith is strengthened.
How often is it that we do not understand and God reveals it to us later?
It is only later that HE reveals to us why and the reason.
It is in these times when we recognize this our faith is strengthened.
Example - God called me to mission.
Not sure what to except or what would happen.
I knew what what I thought would happen but God uses us in different ways and it was only after that I could look back and see what God had planned.
Last week we planned to have the picnic in the park - we were all set to go.
Everything looked good at first then the chance of rain increased.
On the radar there was huge storm headed toward us and it looked like we were going to be a heavy rain.
What happened was God’s plan.
It was His purpose to bring us to celebrate at the church.
Those who doubt that Jesus could really have been resurrected.
· Resurrection is about faith – our faith in God and His power.
· How do we meet Christ in our lives.
Do we invite Him into our lives.
· Scripture reveals to us God’s power of the resurrection and salvation that comes only through Jesus.
The Holy Spirit opens our eyes to scripture.
It’s not about what the world thinks Jesus should be – It about who Jesus is that we deepen our faith – for what He foretold he fulfilled.
· Disciples heard the word unfolded as Jesus told them and as we say unpacked scripture revealing who He was.
· It is when we open our hearts that He can commune with us.
Opening our hearts allows Jesus into our lives.
Not just partially but wholly.
It is here that communes with us.
It is here that He invites us to partake the Eucharist…
· Eucharist - Took, Blessed, Broke, Gave.
· We draw on the resurrection to believe and proclaim – it is the evidence and the foundation of our faith and belief.
Sharing the Good News about God and Jesus with others is a work to which some believers has a special calling.
But in which all believers are to take part.
We are given the responsibility of proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ to the world at all times and in all places
· We can only do this if we really and truly believe in who He is and what He has done.
It is not a mix of ideologies but the truth of God’s wondrous works.
· Our witness is important… Cleopas and the other ran back to the 11 to share what they saw and experienced.
The evidence points to a risen Lord.
– and so is our testimony.
o My testimony to my folks when I returned from Germany.
– Mom and Pop, Dad and my step-mother, to those I knew in Germany… It is a testimony that we all share when we allow the Holy Spirit to work in us.
The two on the road to Emmaus were disciples of Jesus.
They had figured Jesus to be the natural (human) Messiah to restore Israel.
It wasn’t until the Holy Spirit quicken their hearts to inviting Jesus to have supper with them – that Jesus became truly their Messiah and realized His divinity.
Jesus waits on our invitation to be LORD over all things in our lives.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
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> .9