Staked by the Son
Hebrews: Staked by the Son
Hebrews 1:1-4
Preached at Pathway 4/16/2017
- Illustration: When I lived in New Orleans I recall many occasions where I would hear an unusual, at least to me, steady noise ringing out across the city. Thwhack…. thwhack… thawhack would echo across the landscape. I later learned that the noise was the sound of pile driving, which growing up on the solid ground of Southern Illinois I had never experienced. If you are not familiar with the practice in areas where the ground is not real solid such as sandy or marshy soil they will take massive stakes called “piles” and with the use of a really big sliding hammer on a crane type of system they hammer these stakes into the ground. The piles are what keep the structure that is built upon them from crumbling when the ground shifts.
- Purpose of Hebrews for the Hebrews: So Hebrews is a very unique book in the NT for many reasons, but one of the reasons is that we have no real idea what human author God used to write the book. Every other NT book is either self-attested within the book itself (i.e the letters of Paul or Peter), or there is a pretty solid tradition of authorship ascribed to the book (i.e. Luke, 1 John, etc). But we are unsure about who wrote Hebrews though if you want to look into it there are at least a dozen conjectures. We are also unsure of who the writer of Hebrews was writing to. What we do know from the book itself is that the church being written to had a significant if not majority Jewish population and that because of persecution they seem to be tempted to return to the traditions of the Jewish Law. Most likely they are not outright denying the gospel of Jesus, they simply want to return to the traditions that they are familiar with and help them to fit into their Jewish society. So the primary purpose of Hebrews is a warning: Don’t turn back from the sure foundation of Jesus Christ to the faulty foundation of the Law.
- Purpose of Hebrews for Us: So the church envisioned in Hebrews is not much different from us today except that we are tempted to turn back to other faulty foundations in the very squishy world around us. We run to foundations of family, finance, freedom and more to find security the quaking world around us, but all of the foundations are cracking! So the point of the book of Hebrews for us, and really all biblical preaching is to drive or hammer piles in the squishy ground of your faith. Gospel Piles driven deep into you life and worldview will keep you steady when everything about your world seems out of control. Don’t turn back from the sure foundation of Jesus Christ to a faulty foundation previously trusted.
- Main Point: Who Jesus is and what Jesus does are the gospel stakes that hold us fast!
- Outline: 10 Stakes about Jesus to ground us and keep our foundation from sliding.
- Stake #1: Jesus is the Supreme Word (1-2a)
- “Long ago, at many time and in many ways, God spoke” (1) Clearly the writer of Hebrews is out of the gate connecting Hebrews which is basically sermonic in the way it is written to the Old Covenant revelation of God. The 39 books of the OT were written “long ago” probably as much as 1500 years prior to this writing. They were also written progressively meaning that God’s Word from Genesis to Malachi was building. God was revealing more and more of himself throughout the writings over the years. He revealed himself to Moses, Joshua, Samuel, David, and many others throughout the years. He revealed himself via stories, commandments, poetry, music, prophetic command and more.
- Most importantly; God Spoke (1) The truth that God has chosen to reveal himself at all is of tremendous significance and a quite generous mercy. If God remained silent, there was no hope for your salvation or true joy. But God revealed himself.
- God speaks singularly through Son (2) The writer makes a clear implication between the “many times and many ways” of the Old Covenant and in the end revelation or “last days” revelation is only in Jesus the Son. Previously the speech of God was revealed in words only, but now in Jesus(cf Jn 1) the Word of God was present with creation physically tabernacling among us.
- As I mentioned last week, Jesus is the mic drop of God’s revelation, once Jesus is revealed the fullness of God has been revealed.
- Application: Since Jesus is the supreme word; no other word this world has to offer speaks truer! Listen to Him!
- Stake#2: Jesus is the Supreme Heir (2b)
- “appointed the heir of all things” : So after telling the readers Jesus was the supreme Word he then describes in rapid fire several aspects of Jesus person and work beginning with Jesus inheritance. Because of the supremacy of Jesus and the eternal choice of God, Jesus is given everything. Pluto, Grand Canyon, members of Pathway church, Illinois all belong to Jesus.
- When I was a younger man my Pa took me out for a drive on the farm that we often worked together and asked me “which 40” I wanted. Because I was his grandson he was appointing me an heir of 40 acres of his ground.
- Application: Since Jesus is the Heir of the universe you already belong to him and so your identity is found in Christ alone not the trinkets you gather or the beauty you hold or even the character you form.
- Stake #3: Jesus is the Supreme Creator (2c)
- “through him also he created the world”: Not only does the world belong to Jesus as his inheritance, it actually depends upon him as Creator. Jesus who walked on the dusty roads of Galilee was the agent of creation. In other words when God said, “let there be light” Jesus made light to happen! He was the agent God used to create everything including you.
- As a Dad I have felt angst, frustration and even anger at times when my children are being bullied or hurt by others. These are “my children and you won’t treat them that way!”
- Application: Since Jesus created you; Jesus takes ownership of you. Not in some kind of domineering way, but instead he wants what is best for you. He wants to protect you from those who hurt you. Stake your life to this kind of person!
- Stake #4: Jesus is the Supreme Radiance (3a)
- “radiance of the glory of God”: The word translated radiance here could alternately be reflection, but the point of either brings us to much the same place. Jesus is what is visible of the eternal God and he reflects or radiates from God the Father as a perfect representation of him.
- All the time people tell me my son looks like me, in many ways his physical characteristics and other characteristics of my children reflect me. God is perfect in all of his character and Jesus radiates that perfection of holiness, love, justice, mercy, etc to humanity.
- Application: Since Jesus is the perfect representation of the perfect love and justice of God we should hold fast to him if we wish to experience love and justice in our lives now and for eternity.
- Stake #5: Jesus is the Supreme Imprint (3b)
- “the exact imprint of his nature”: The language stirs up the imagery of sculpting. If I had a big wad of sculpting clay in front of me and I pressed my face hard into the clay, when I pulled out my face in the clay an “imprint” of my face would be left behind. Jesus is the “exact imprint” of God made visible to us. All that is true about the Father is true of the Son. The Greek word is literally the word “character”, Jesus shares the character of God.
- Application: Since Jesus perfectly represents the character of mercy and grace found in God, you should hold fast to him if you wish to receive mercy and grace.
- Stake #6: Jesus is the Supreme Holder (3c)
- “He upholds the universe”: EPIC 212803289 is a star located some 1,970 light years away from us where last year they discovered a planet orbiting that star that is about the size of Jupiter. We just discovered it existed, Jesus has been upholding it since he put in place and called it by name. Jesus is upholding all those amazing phenomenal things, galaxies we have not even discovered! The world literally means sustaining them.
- Application: If Jesus upholds “Epic 212803289” which seems to be a decoration for the night sky of the people he came to save, then how much more will he uphold you! He will hold you fast!
- Stake #7: Jesus is the Supreme Purifier (3d)
- “After making purification for sins”: After speaking of such epic realities the writer comes to the pinnacle work of Jesus described as making purification for sins. The writer of Hebrews will speak much to this subject throughout his exhortation, because no one can hold fast to God unless something is done about the guilt they bear before God. We oft forget that apart from the purifying work of Jesus at the cross on our behalf, we were enemies of God. We had cast our lot with the armies of resistance that stand against the God of love and justice. All these stakes that I am encouraging you to drive deep into your thinking and feeling about Jesus are not encouraging and helpful if there is no forgiveness of sins. Gospel Celebration: But the glorious good news today in this passage and throughout the story of the Bible is that Jesus has come and died in our place as the purification for sins. No work is necessary on your part to acquire this gift of purification, reconciliation, justification only faith.
- Application: If Jesus is what removes our guilt before a holy God then why would we stand before God and claim assurance through anything except Christ alone! Hold fast (which by the way is just a synonym for faith) to Jesus who purifies you from sin and guilt!
- Stake #8: Jesus is the Supreme Victor (3e)
- “he sat down”: I am not really a big fan of mowing, but there is one aspect of mowing that I really enjoy. It is one of those jobs in life that when you are done, you can look over your yard and see the fruits of your labor. You can sit and enjoy in a lawn chair because you have exercised dominion over your yard! LOL
Jesus concludes his pinnacle work of “making purification for sins” by being judged on the cross for our sins, dying the death we deserve, and then resurrecting from the grave victorious over sin and death. And because his work was finished he ascended to the Father and had a seat resting at the completion of his six days of work. The sitting of Jesus proclaims to the cosmos that King has won. Even though the consummation of all things has not yet come to pass, Jesus is not anxious about the continuing work of the Satan and his horde. Instead he sits comfortably on his throne awaiting the consummation where what is made visible in the church now, will be made visible to the universe!
- Application: Since Jesus is already resting in victory we can hold fast to him and stop be anxious about every thing that happens in our lives. If we are holding on to Jesus we will conquer with him.
- Stake #9: Jesus is the Supreme Advocate (3e)
- “at the right hand of the Majesty on high”: Jesus is not simply resting somewhere on a beach. No Jesus rest happens in the throne room of God. Hebrews will teach us much about Christ’s advocacy for us in the eternal throne room of God. When we look around and the world or our world seems to be spinning out of control, we can know that our Redeemer, the One whom we hold onto is advocating for us in the heavenly places. Satan no longer has an accusation to level against followers of Christ because they have been made pure by the work of Jesus!
- Application: Since our Defender/Advocate has accomplished our purification himself and sits at God’s right hand, we must not allow the opinions of the world, or our own sinful hearts be the declaration of who we are. We hold fast to Jesus and he declares us to be “Sinless, Child of the King!”
- Stake #10: Jesus is the Supreme Mediator (4)
- “having become as much superior”: You may question why the writer brings up Jesus superiority to the angels here, but he is actually bracketing all the stakes he has given us about Jesus back to the first one. You see in the Old Covenant (OT) the Word of God was often mediated by Angels. They would be the ones who would bring God’s Word to the prophets. But Jesus did not need the mediation of angels to receive his revelation, he was the final revelation and has thus taken his place above not equal with the Old Covenant. Jesus is the fulfillment of all these things. So we end where we began, Jesus is the Word of God revealed listen to him!
- If tomorrow I am diagnosed with a brain tumor that the doctors say is going to kill me. And I get an appointment with the most well-known and successful brain cancer oncologist in the world. I am going to listen to him, and cling to his words and do everything I can to follow his instructions.
- Application: Listen church you have a heart issue in your life caused by sin and without intervention it will lead to eternal death. The great news is that you know the Creator of the heart that upholds your heart by the word of his power, and is victorious over heart issues and advocates for your heart issues. Cling to Christ alone!
Lord’s Supper Celebration (He Will Hold Me Fast, Ada Habershon/Matt Merker)
When I fear my faith will fail, Christ will hold me fast; When the tempter would prevail, He will hold me fast. I could never keep my hold, Through life’s fearful path; For my love is often cold; He must hold me fast. Those He saves are His delight, Christ will hold me fast; Precious in His holy sight, He will hold me fast. He’ll not let my soul be lost; His promises shall last; Bought by Him at such a cost, He will hold me fast. For my life He bled and died, Christ will hold me fast; Justice has been satisfied; He will hold me fast. Raised with Him to endless life, He will hold me fast ‘Till our faith is turned to sight When He comes at last!
Benediction (Chorus of He Will Hold Me Fast)
He will hold me fast, He will hold me fast; For my Savior loves me so, He will hold me fast.