Break the Curse 2
17-04-30 Break the Curse 2
Has anyone here ever felt like you inherited a problem? You seem to be doing it all right, yet, it seems that things are going all wrong. We just can’t seem to shake off a certain cloud out of our life. I don’t buy that “God is trying to teach me something” theory as a way of explaining what we don’t understand. There are spiritual things that we need to learn how to deal with. Spiritual laws trump natural laws.
- Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree
- Cross of Christ satisfied every legal requirement for us (justice was served)
- We need to move from legal to vital or experiential in our life
2 Samuel 21:1–3 (NASB95)
1 Now there was a famine in the days of David for three years, year after year; and David sought the presence of the Lord. And the Lord said, “It is for Saul and his bloody house, because he put the Gibeonites to death.” 2 So the king called the Gibeonites and spoke to them (now the Gibeonites were not of the sons of Israel but of the remnant of the Amorites, and the sons of Israel made a covenant with them, but Saul had sought to kill them in his zeal for the sons of Israel and Judah). 3 Thus David said to the Gibeonites, “What should I do for you? And how can I make atonement that you may bless the inheritance of the Lord?”
- Curse of Saul
- Joshua had cut covenant with Gibeonites
- 400 yrs. Before the time of David
- Saul broke covenant by killing some of them
- Saul had been killed in battle – physically out of picture
- Saul had opened doors in his own life
- Lost kingdom due to disobedience with Amalekites
- Lost life for consulting a medium (hypocrite, had previously kicked them out)
- These actions removed God’s protection and brought about his death
- Curse of Gibeonites did not stop with his death
- Three-year famine (severe curse)
- Tough on a people who depend on agriculture to survive
- Remedy was as follows
- David sought the Lord – nothing logical about what was happening
- David owned it vs 3 (even though not his fault) “How can I make atonement”
- Gibeonites didn’t want silver or gold
- 7 men in Saul’s lineage had to be hanged to break curse
- Our action can affect future generations
- Inherited Problems
- David wasn’t perfect, but this time it wasn’t his fault
- Spiritual law trumps natural law
- If we are doing right and it is always going all wrong
- Need to think outside the box (or flesh)
- I don’t think we need to over evaluate and dig up stuff
- Sometimes we do stupid stuff
- Sometimes it is just the fact the devil doesn’t like what we are doing for God
- But sometimes there is an open door we need to close
- But before we close the door, we need to toss the devil out
- If the boogie man is hiding in your closet and you lock the door, you just locked the boogie man in with you
- Hiding in the closet of our mind- strongholds - Stop giving him permission to operate in our life by what we say and what we do
- We don’t ever need to be afraid of the boogie man
- As a matter of fact, the boogie man is afraid of us
- Other places in scripture where people inherited problem
- Mankind was cursed because of Adam
- Children of Israel wandered in the wilderness 40 yrs.
- Canaan was cursed because of Ham (situation with Noah)
- This just names a few
- Familiar Spirits
- Want to shift gears here and see how familiar spirits enter in to this conversation
- Familiar spirits are referenced 38 times in scripture
- Acts 16 spirit of Python example – fortune teller
- Gather information over years on subjects
- Looks like they are all knowing but are not
- Only God is omniscient
- Familiar – the word family is in there
- We inherit physical tendencies from family
- Couldn’t spiritual tendencies be possible
- Story of pastor who adopted child
- Spirits like to manifest through us
- Spirit of fear
- Spirit of lust
- Spirit of greed
- Certain families can have familiar spirits attacking them
- Generational curse or family tendencies
- Financial lack even with sufficient income
- Emotional issues including depression
- Constant sickness that can’t be explained with rational medical reason
- addictions
- What doors do we open (here are a few)
- Witchcraft = pharmekia = drugs
- Cults
- Ouija boards, role playing games with spirits, astrology, etc.
- False religions
- Transcendental meditation
- My story of satan not wanting to let go
- Get Free
- Recognize – bad patterns
- Repent
- Renounce
- Resist
There is more to this life than meets the natural eye. Spiritual things can override natural things. We need to be aware of this. To be fore warned is to be fore warned.
Next week read Deut. 28