Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
A Philadelphia-Brother & Sisterhood!
We found him lying on the pavement in the heart of downtown Philadelphia.
We found him lying on the pavement in the heart of downtown Philadelphia.
Philadelphia – the city of what?
Literally, Brotherly-Love.
Philadelphia – the city of what?
Literally, Brotherly-Love.
And feeling both brotherly and loving, my friend James and I, began speaking to this street person.
“My name is Carl,” he said.
“How long have you lived in Philadelphia?”
And feeling both brotherly and loving, my friend James and I, began speaking to this street person.
“My name is Carl,” he said.
“How long have you lived in Philadelphia?”
“I am Mr. Philadelphia,” he said again and again.
“I am Mr. Philadelphia,” he said again and again.
As we walked the inner-city with him, bits and pieces of his story came out.
As we walked the inner-city with him, bits and pieces of his story came out.
“Can we buy you some lunch, Carl?”
He didn’t seem to care, one way or the other.
“Can we buy you some lunch, Carl?”
He didn’t seem to care, one way or the other.
So he kept on walking with us –right into the restaurant.
So he kept on walking with us –right into the restaurant.
He took a seat across from us.
I can still see his tattered clothes.
Smell his awful stench!
He took a seat across from us.
I can still see his tattered clothes.
Smell his awful stench!
Carl and I were worlds apart .
Carl and I were worlds apart .
Judging from all those staring at him, Carl and most of Philadelphia, were worlds apart.
Judging from all those staring at him, Carl and most of Philadelphia, were worlds apart.
The waitress came.
Carl hadn’t a clue as to what we wanted.
We ordered for him.
The waitress came.
Carl hadn’t a clue as to what we wanted.
We ordered for him.
The food came.
He stared at it, strangely.
He tried a bite.
He ran out to an alley and was sick.
Probably more hung over, than drunk, he slid back into his seat.
The food came.
He stared at it, strangely.
He tried a bite.
He ran out to an alley and was sick.
Probably more hung over, than drunk, he slid back into his seat.
Though we spent the rest of that afternoon with Carl, it ended very sadly.
Though we spent the rest of that afternoon with Carl, it ended very sadly.
He told us to drive him to a park.
When he realized weren’t going to use him.
We parted ways.
Caring for a street person was way more complex, than I ever could have imagined.
He told us to drive him to a park.
When he realized weren’t going to use him.
We parted ways.
Caring for a street person was way more complex, than I ever could have imagined.
Philadelphia – brotherly love?
Yah right.
It’s not that easy, is it?
Philadelphia – brotherly love?
Yah right.
It’s not that easy, is it?
Sure with those people we already like, with the occasional needy person, sure we’ll help!
Sure with those people we already like, with the occasional needy person, sure we’ll help!
But in this fallen world, we’ve largely made life into a “do-it-yourself” project.
But in this fallen world, we’ve largely made life into a “do-it-yourself” project.
Real brotherly love is a rarity.
Real brotherly love is a rarity.
B Graham is right: “Our world has become a neighborhood WITHOUT BECOMING a brotherhood.”
Billy Graham is right: “Our world has become a neighborhood without becoming a brotherhood.”
Its easy to go on rubbing shoulders with those around us
Its easy to go on rubbing shoulders with those around us
- without really loving one another, isn’t it?
- without really loving one another, isn’t it?
That day almost 10 y ago, I saw how Philadelphia didn’t live up to its name!
That day almost 10 y ago, I saw how Philadelphia didn’t live up to its name!
But I wondered: Do I live up to my name?
Have we as Christian’s lived up to our name?
But I wondered: Do I live up to my name?
Have we as Christian’s lived up to our name?
Do we really enter into the world of the person two pews ahead of us?
Do we really enter into the world of the person two pews ahead of us?
Have we lived out the love of Christ, with others in our congregation, in say the past month?
Have we lived out the love of Christ, with others in our congregation, in say the past month?
When the NT talks about the community of believers, more than any other term, the word it uses is brotherhood, brethren.
When Jesus’ mother and his brothers were standing outside, Jesus asks “Who are my brothers?
Jesus stretches out his hand toward his disciples answer: For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.”
His point is simple:
When the NT talks about the community of believers, more than any other term, the word it uses is brotherhood, brethren.
When Jesus’ mother and his brothers were standing outside, Jesus asks “Who are my brothers?
Jesus stretches out his hand toward his disciples answer: For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.”
Matthew 12:50 His point is simple:
When you get the new life from God in you,
When you get the new life from God in you,
those who share that life with you, become the truest family you’ve got.
< .5
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