A Mother's Faith

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Even though this passage and sermon title is geared towards mothers and grandmothers, don’t tune out because this really applies to anyone who has any influence over the next generation. We have here the faith of three generations: Lois, Eunice, and Timothy. Paul implies that the faith of Lois and Eunice was instrumental in Timothy coming to faith in Christ. There are three lessons we learn from these verses.

I. There is something about a mother’s faith that brings conviction (1:5)

* A careful study of and -3 makes it plain that these two women enjoyed a deep conviction about their faith in God through our Lord Jesus Christ.

A. It was a faith that was Scripturally Sound (3:15)

* Lois and Eunice could never have taught Timothy the sacred writings if they had not been acquainted with them personally. Such study of the Holy Scriptures had caused in them a God-centered faith.

B. It was a Faith that brought a sure salvation (3:15)

* From it appears that both Timothy’s mother and grandmother were introduced to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ on Paul’s second missionary journey. The background of Scriptural knowledge had wonderfully prepared them for the message of salvation preached by Paul.
There is something about a mother’s faith that brings conviction. Also,

II. There is something about a mother’s faith that is contagious (1:5; 3:14)

There is no one in the home who can communicate the deep things of life like a godly mother. From the text we learn that faith was communicated to young Timothy in two ways.

A. Through personal education (3:14)

* From his earliest days, Timothy was taught the Holy Scriptures. This sense of duty to communicate the Word of God was rooted in God’s instruction to His ancient people.
* In the context of Paul’s words to Timothy, we observe that there is a precise method and motive for communicating the Word of God to our children. We must relate it to all matters of belief and behavior, or doctrine and duty.

B. Through practical demonstration (3:14)

Timothy could see something in the lives of his mother and grandmother that demonstrated the reality of the faith they taught. This is the ultimate secret of bringing up children in the “nurture and admonition of the Lord.” ()
There is something about a mother’s faith that brings conviction, is contagious, and…

III. There is something about a mother’s faith that is commendable (1:5)

* While it was Paul’s privilege to see them come to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior and Master, he could never forgot the faith and holiness which were evident in their lives.

A. The lasting influence of a mother’s faith (1:5)

* The most priceless treasure a man or woman can have is faith. It is foundational. Without faith there is no hope, and without hope there is no love.

B. The living relevance about a mother’s faith (1:5)

* No mother can afford to pretend in the home and with the family. There is a living relevance about her faith and conduct which is transparent to the entire household. If faith is real they know it; if it is unreal it is self-evident. There can be nothing phony or irrelevant about a true mother.
What a tremendous challenge this brings to each of us as we contemplate love, courtship, marriage, and home-building. Let us see to it that the mothers of our generation know a faith in God’s word and in His son Jesus Christ which brings conviction, is contagious, and commendable.
At the age of 16 in the year 371, Augustine sneaked away from his mother in Carthage. During the night he sailed away to Rome, leaving her alone to her tears and her prayers.
How were these prayers answered? Not the way Monica [Augustine's mother] hoped at the time. Only later could she see that praying is the deepest path to joy.
Augustine himself wrote, "And what did she beg of you, my God, with all those tears, if not that you would prevent me from sailing? But you did not do as she asked you. Instead, in the depth of your wisdom, you granted the wish that was closest to her heart.
"For she saw that you had granted her far more than she used to ask in her tearful prayers. You converted me to yourself, so that I no longer placed any hope in this world, but stood firmly upon the rule of faith. And you turned her sadness into rejoicing, into joy far fuller than her dearest wish, far sweeter and more chaste than any she had hoped to find."
Augustine’s mother prayed for him for many years. As a matter of fact, Augustine trusted Jesus as Saviour at the age of 30. According to what he said, it was the prayers and concern of his mother that were instrumental in his conversion. Thank God for godly mothers.
There are two questions I would like to leave with you this morning. These questions apply not just to mothers, but to everyone here with children, grandchildren, and to those who have any influence over children – Do you have a living faith in Christ, and are you communicating that you your children or grandchildren, or those children over whom you have any influence?
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